VoteStand: America’s first online election fraud reporting smart phone app!

True The Vote has launched a new voter integrity tool called VoteStand. Reports of voter fraud and irregularities blanket news coverage while Americans head to the polls and anticipate final results in the 2014 mid-term elections. You may download the free VoteStand app today on either an Android or iOS (Apple) device.

While numerous attention-grabbing claims are certainly causes for concern, many of them seem to disappear after the winners have been announced. In other cases, claims may lack critical detail or may not be submitted in a timely way. Ultimately, they erode our confidence in elections.

VoteStand is designed to help gather accurate and timely reports from the field, powered by voters like you. Finally, you can help report issues related to your voting or volunteer experience, conveniently from the palm of your hand.

True The Vote is hosting live web training sessions are scheduled this week to help get you up-to-speed. To register, click below on the date of the session that you wish to attend:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014 @ 12:00 p.m. Central

Thursday, October 30, 2014 @ 6:00 p.m. Central