Trump responds to the Islamic State naming Michael More as its Ambassador to the United States

The Islamic State in a press release announced the appointment of Hollywood producer Michael More as their first Ambassador to the United States. This announcement came shortly after More began the #WeAreAllMuslim movement. Michael More has changed his name to More Mohammed, keeping his Christian last name to further diversity and multiculturalism.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, at Friday prayers stated:

We welcome More Mohammed to the ranks of Muslims fighting climate change. For 1400 years the followers of Mohammed have been reducing the carbon footprint in the Arabian peninsula by eliminating Jews, Christians and non-Muslims.

Because of More Mohammed’s statement that We are all Muslim, we have anointed him with the position of our first ambassador to the Great Satan (the United States). With More Mohammed’s help we can change America for the greater good.

We will continue to assist President Obama and those 120 world leaders at the COP21 Climate Summit to rid the world of Jews, Christians and non-Muslims (infidels) globally. Islam is nature’s answer to save the planet from global warming.

Convert Submit or die

Chief-of-Staff (left) of Ambassador More Mohammed. Photo by J. Mark Campbell, The United West.

Al-Baghdadi also called on the United States to implement stricter gun control laws that could have prevented the police from shooting an innocent Muslim family in San Bernardino, who were simply helping to reduce California’s carbon footprint.

More Mohammed’s new Chief-of-Staff, holding a knife and wearing the headdress of a jihadist holy warrior, issued a short statement, “Convert, submit or die!”

Secretary of State John Kerry quickly accepted More Mohammed’s credentials as the Islamic State ambassador. Kerry noted:

The United States is pleased to recognize More Mohammed, formerly known as Michael More, as the Islamic State’s ambassador. We look forward to dialogue and engagement with More Mohammed on issues impacting the world, such as violence against Muslims by military and police forces, climate change and the need for more Syrian migrants.

More Mohammed will be working on a feature documentary on the oppression of Muslims in the United States. The working title for the documentary is “Bowling for Mohammed.”

President Obama was not available for comment as he was on the golf course at the time of the announcement. The White House issued a press release stating that “Muslim lives matter! Ambassador More Mohammed, and his staff have been invited to the White House Christmas Party.”

Donald Trump responded to the White House press release Tweeting, “#MillionairesLivesMatter, #WeCanAllBeMillionaires and #MoreLooksLikeRosieInDrag.”

Red Square reports:

In related news, Donald Trump came out to join the picket with his own sign, reminding Michael Moore that they both are, in fact, millionaire property owners.

When asked whose message they find more appealing, most passers by sided with Trump, saying that they’d rather be millionaire property owners than Muslims.

A media poll taken five minutes later shows that Trump’s rating has grown to a new record high because of this interaction.

The Peoples Cube reports:

Michael Moore says, “We are all Muslim.”

‘We are all Muslim’: Michael Moore pickets Donald Trump’s New York tower then pens open letter criticizing him for call to ban followers of Islam from the U.S.

What a priggish way to create publicity for his new documentary Where To Invade Next by scoffing at the security for the unwashed – all the while having armed bodyguards for his own protection. That’s what progs do. And he’s a Made Prog.

Now, his detractors might say it’s easy to stand with a sign next to a secure Trump Tower in Manhattan. But we know that Michael Moore is a fearless comrade, so we imagine he can also bring his sign to other, less secure locations. Let’s help him visualize this campaign with a cardboard cutout we affectionately call Flat Fatty.

EDITORS NOTE: Portions of this political satirical column originally appeared on The Peoples Cube. The featured image and embedded photos are courtesy of The Peoples Cube.

81 replies
        • Dr. Rich Swier
          Dr. Rich Swier says:


          Thanks for reading my political satire column.

          I am white. I am not a supremacist. I hold a Doctorate of Education from the University of Southern California.

          I am a 23 year U.S. Army veteran.

          • Chris
            Chris says:

            A bunch of fuck-knuckles are on here asserting the right of the white by selecting obFOXios talking points to rally the base- when all it really does is highlight that human evolution is a myth, because if a relatively small segment of society can behave despicably and their actions become the whole- then we have learned nothing. ‘Murica…smh!

          • Indian
            Indian says:

            From where I’m sitting, which is India, you certainly seem like a white supremacist to me. Plus, don’t forget that white Christian people did the same things like in those pictures. As have Hindus (which I am, btw).

            People like you are the reason people hate America. Fortunately, I have been to your country, and I know Moore (yes, that’s how it’s spelt Mr. Educator) is right: you are in the Minority. The minority of angry white guys haha.

          • Peter Anderson
            Peter Anderson says:

            As I knew thisnwas just written in fun, I continue reading the comments, and still the ignorance of my fellow Americans continues to flow. Pure proof that our country has been dummied down for a very long time. Adults would investigate before writing the ignorance that I am reading. ..

          • Cutter
            Cutter says:

            You decide to write a satire piece about this person, and somehow, shockingly, you consistently failed to even spell Michael Moore’s name properly?

          • Lance D
            Lance D says:

            Dr. Swier,

            You’re a goddamn moron. Stop stealing smart people’s air, sir.


            People Who Are Capable of Rational Thought

          • Dr. Rich Swier
            Dr. Rich Swier says:

            Thanks for all the comments. I suggest those who believe Islam is no better or worse than other faiths read my column “The Five Fingers of Islam”:

            It’s what the followers of Mohammed do today, as they did 1400 years ago, that matters.

            Islam means to submit, shariah means the path. Therefore it is incumbent that all Muslims follow the path to submission to the Utopian state known as the Caliphate. That is the ultimate goal – reestablish the caliphate, which was dismembered in 1918 after WW I.

            History always repeats itself with Islam. To forget Islamic history is at best fool hardy and at the worst deadly.

    • Carlos Lawrence
      Carlos Lawrence says:


      • George
        George says:

        Or go to the endless list of fact checked sites telling and showing what Israel is doing every day to innocent women and children in Palestine using funding and support from the US.
        Or see the atrocities perpetrated by us soldiers in the middle east.
        You’re still the only nation to use nuclear weapons killing tens of thousands of non combatants in Japan.
        But there’s always an excuse or feeble reason why it’s OK for you.
        Face it. You’re the school bully using selected information to try to show you’re right.

    • Matticus
      Matticus says:

      Brilliant? I love satire on the side of conservative views or liberal…but this isn’t satire. This is half-witted writing w a mediocre attempt at making a point or a joke. Perhaps this is why no one finds Bill O’Reilly amusing, or Fox News…sad really, Michael Moore (or More, depending on which line in the poorly edited blog) is an easy target, yet it was missed by such a long shot.

  1. Luis Santini
    Luis Santini says:

    Islam believe in some perverted principles that only aberration human beings can be affiliated, such a marriage with minors, stoned women, no tolerance to other religions and a constant hate and indoctrination against USA, and see this cultural tradition Female Genitalia Mutilation (FGM) is a barbaric tradition still practiced heavily among Muslims. It involves a young girl lying on her back, naked from the waist down. She is held in place by her female relatives, who even after having been through the same horrifying ordeal put another innocent girl through it. Then, her external genitalia is hacked off, sometimes by an Islamic “nurse,” or in the absence of that, anyone who possesses a sharp enough rock ,It is believed this is necessary to make a woman suitable to marry. With the prevalence of child brides in Islamic nations, FGM often takes place when a girl is very young. Without the ability to experience sexual pleasure, she’ll never want to stray from her husband; she’ll live out her days as an obedient, faithful wife. This is the thought process behind FGM, which sheds greater light on the overall oppression of women in Islamic countries. And when they go to their heaven the males get 70 virgins and the women the following stupidity: Look what the Muslims women gets when going to their perverted heaven: The Prophet Muhammad said: ‘The dwellers of Paradise have clothing that never wears out, youth that never wanes, and a penis that never bends”. What a disturbed religion!
    Incredibly, this is a culture which Obama and his progressive cronies seek to bring to the Western world. Muslims have no interest in assimilating to our way of life, and liberals have ensured that they are coddled, therefore, do not have to assimilate. With the thousands of “refugees” currently being imported, FGM will not just be a barbaric practice happening somewhere in the Middle East, it will be a barbaric practice happening in the house next door.
    This is not the first time you savages Muslims has try to impose your ideas, the crusades send you out of Europe and we will do it again.

  2. SaGe
    SaGe says:

    For 1400 years the followers of Mohammed have been reducing the carbon footprint in the Arabian peninsula by eliminating Jews, Christians and non-Muslims.

    “and non-Muslims” should be “and other non-Muslims”.

    For 1400 years the followers of Mohammed have been reducing the carbon footprint in the Arabian peninsula by eliminating Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims.

  3. Tbsl
    Tbsl says:

    Apparently You dont understand the point of michael moore’s statement. We are all with the same blood, etc. Im sure he doesnt Think all the killING, all the extreem agressive thoughts are ok.
    Grow hate, get hate.
    Grow love, get love.

    And uhm.. i keep on getting reminders of Hitler and ww2 in the time we live right nog. Very scary, people like trump

    • Dr. Rich Swier
      Dr. Rich Swier says:


      Thanks for reading this political satire.

      May I point out that Muslim is not a race, it is an ideology. One that requires all those not holding the same beliefs to either convert, submit or die.

      Perhaps it is Michael More who does not understand that or he is a fellow traveler.

      Hitler believed in paganism. Hitler was a Socialist, not unlike Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, not to mention President Obama.

      • Pete
        Pete says:

        Satire perhaps, but your response to the commentor is ill informed, factually incorrect and inflammatory. Never mind that you are outing yourself as a rabid bigot and a pathological racist.

        Have a great day!


        • Dr. Rich Swier
          Dr. Rich Swier says:


          Thanks for reading and commenting.

          Muslim is not a race, rather it is an ideology based upon the Qur’an. The followers of Mohammed have been conquering and slaughtering to further their movement for 1400 years.

          Islam is a totalitarian state where the population must either convert, submit, or die.

          Not sure how that is either racist or bigoted. Please enlighten me.

          Telling the truth is part of our fiber. Telling the truth to infidels is forbidden by the Qur’an.

          • David
            David says:

            Dr. Rich Swier

            And yet, you still out yourself as factually incorrect and a bigot. Yes, in the qu’ran there are sections involving FGM, Jihad, and other such abhorrent things. And in the old and New Testament of the bible there are every similar things, such as suggesting a proper punishment for your enemies being to dash their children on a stone. Or that homosexuals should be stoned… To death. Etc.

            “But Mr. Commenter Person, a Christian would NEVER do something like that, but all Muslims do so obviously you are wrong!”

            False. The concept of Islamic extremists does exist, but they are a minority within Islam. And as for Christians, a member of the Army of God shot up a planned parenthood center not too long ago. And let’s not forget the crusades- a 200 year long period resulting in upwards of a million fatalities.

            What Moore is saying here is that we are truly not so different from those who follow Islam. And all those who love and follow peace recognize that the only things that separate us from one another was the lottery of birth and upbringing.

            So cut the shit. Do some reading. Educate yourself. Reza Aslan has a very well spoken, and well informed, interview about this very topic. I suggest you watch it, then fact check it so that you fully believe it. Challenge everything you see and hear. Make sure that if someone spouts facts at you, that they are actually true. Go look up what I’ve said. And if you find that the majority of people agree, I’m probably right. Don’t just go off and look at two random blogs without sources that agree with you.

            Have a good day
            -someone who at least tries to be informed

      • NachoKingP
        NachoKingP says:

        “Islam is a totalitarian state where the population must either convert, submit, or die.” There was a time when that was said of Christianity, it was called the Crusades. Your statement is patently untrue of Islam and only proves your ignorance on the matter.

        Religious persecution is one of the reasons why this nation was founded. Your rhetoric, hiding behind the term “satire” (very poorly I might add), flies in the face of the Constitution. If you don’t like acceptance of other religions, you don’t belong in the US and are free to leave any time you wish.

      • Gerrit
        Gerrit says:

        I think you all have to go to School again…. hahaha… stop stupid, Hitler killed all These socialists! He was no Socialist… He was a Nationalsozialist, that has nothing to with socialism… stupid your and so much comments are… greetings from Germany! (Trump is a pussy, Moor a big man!)

      • Joe
        Joe says:

        Dear Dr.,
        Thanks for taking the time, but unfortunately your photos do as poor a job of convincing me of your point as do those subsequent posts attempting to second it. Your photos do not accurately depict adherents to the Muslim Faith, but rather isolated extremes of militaristic psychopathy (read: bloodthirst). Statistically, it is more useful (and politically, morally, etc. it is essential) to classify the perpetrators in them as said militaristic psychopaths rather than as Muslims. That, I believe is Mr. Moore’s point. In my own humble attempt to second it, I would ad that the scapegoating of all Muslims (or equally ridiculous, all Syrians) for these atrocious acts is in itself highly suspect; it also smacks of the dubious work of militant psychopaths hoping for the worst, that they might gain from it, either financially, politically, or even just emotionally.

    • Jim
      Jim says:

      blaming non-muslims for islamophobia when it’s radical islamists killing non-muslims is like blaming a rape-victim. It’s not the non-muslims spreading the hate, how about you spread the message of love to these radicals in person. let me know how that goes.

  4. Steve
    Steve says:

    I am not 100%sure but if you are the ambassador for ISIS that makes you a terrorist and if so then we should go ahead and keep him from taking anymore good oxygen so that someone who is a true American can have it….what a pos

  5. Mike Emmet
    Mike Emmet says:

    It’s only satire if you actually understand the message that you’re attempting to satirize, otherwise it’s just a glorified straw man. You clearly do not remotely grasp the message Moore is imparting; if you had, your “satire” would have identified it and turned it on itself, as good satire does.

    You can continue to stubbornly insist on thinking, as Trump does, that the psychopaths in ISIL represent all Muslim people, but if you do, don’t forget to insist that the psychopaths who kill doctors, and bomb clinics in the name of Christ represent all Christians. Otherwise, of course, you would be a blatant hypocrite.

    There is a slaughter occurring on a weekly basis in the US, and it is being perpetrated by angry white males with easy access to guns. If things like facts and statistics interest you at all, you’ll be reassured to know that you have an exponentially greater chance of dying at the hands of an angry white American man with a gun than by a Muslim. In fact, you have an exponentially greater chance of being hit by a car while crossing the street than you do of being killed by a Muslim terrorist.

    I suggest that you look into the concept of the availability heuristic, and how it leads otherwise intellectually competent people to reach utterly irrational conclusions that are not remotely based on the available facts. The availability heuristic in conjunction with one’s ingrained prejudices and bigotry lead to exactly the kind of thinking that this misplaced, uninformed and failed attempt at satire exemplifies.

    • Dr. Rich Swier
      Dr. Rich Swier says:


      Thanks for reading my column and commenting.

      Your facts are wrong.

      The Islamic State is Islam. There is no moderate Islam there is just Islam. So says Erdogan the the Premier of Turkey and Anjem Choudary from the UK.

      Most murders in the U.S., according to the FBI are blacks killing blacks. The most terror attacks in the U.S. are by Muslims.

      The greatest number of deaths are from various diseases with the lowest due to suicides. Read this:

      Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Focus on the person. In most cases of shootings someone knew and did not say something. That is the problem.

      If you see something, say something. People knew about the San Bernardino plans to slaughter innocents, but did not say something.

      Perhaps your need to do a little fact checking before you post a comment???

      • Lee
        Lee says:

        Perhaps you, “Doctor,” need to focus more on the real issues of this country, rather than write “articles” that contain information contrary to the truth and photoshopped pictures that some may believe to be fact. It is not okay to promote slander, nor is it okay to push your opinion as fact. Honestly, with a doctorate in education and as a former Lt. Colonel, is there really nothing better to do with your life?

        • Dr. Rich Swier
          Dr. Rich Swier says:


          The safety of American citizens domestically and abroad is the primary duty of the President, Congress, the DHS, U.S. military and law enforcement. Without a safe and secure nation nothing else matters.

          The greatest existential threat to America is Islam. Please read this to understand the threat:

      • liz
        liz says:

        What kind of dr are you? A proctologist? I am not a doctor but my momma always told me not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

      • Frank
        Frank says:

        Dr. Swier,

        You debuke none of the facts that Mike raises.

        To go over it by point:

        Quoting two individuals who want to promote their version of the islam over moderate versions of the islam does not really make a convincing argument.

        Mike named a small category of ways to get killed which chances are higher than those by the hands of muslim. Stating ethnic groups that kill instead of religious groups (while stating: ‘Muslim is not a race, rather it is an ideology’ in a reply to Pete) says nothing about relative chances. Nor do statistics about death in general, it is about comparing them, hence the the term ‘relative’ or ‘greater chance’. The point about ‘guns don’t kill people, people kill people’ is another topic entirely (That mike was indulged in as well).

        ‘Perhaps your need to do a little fact checking before you post a comment???’ can’t really be asked couse you do not debuke any facts.

        • Dr. Rich Swier
          Dr. Rich Swier says:

          I suggest you use the the search engine on this magazine. Search for Islam, Muslim, Fitna, jihad and shariah law.

          Our team of writers have gone to great lengths to explain what Islam is according to authoritative Muslim scholars.

          Read and understand.

          • David
            David says:

            Dr Rich Swier

            While I’m sure your team of writers work very hard, it is attached to the same ,amazing you write in, and is probably biased. I suggest you search for outside sources- BBC, NYTimes, CNN. Hell, even Fox News is less factually biased than you are.

            -An individual concerned by the legitimacy of your PHD

          • Frank
            Frank says:

            Dr. Swier,

            Given your singular response to my comment I take it you have nothing to say against the other points raised, thus confirming the the points Mike has raised to a degree.

            The single point you raised against my post actually acknowledges that your response to Mike was flawed and insufficiently argumented. Stating I need to do more research to find the arguments for your reply makes no sense at all. When you reply to a point YOU need to be the one to supply information.

            Do feel encouraged to come up with a propperly argumented response to the rest of Mike’s post.

          • Frank
            Frank says:

            Dr. Swier,

            On another note. Beside only responding to one of the points I raise you actually have the audacity to end with ‘Read and understand’. Seeing as my point was not debating the validity of your point, only the lack of arguments you raised for it, you have clearly not understood what you have read. The condescending attitude by wich you can even utter the sentence says a lot about how you approach this forum and your credibility. But hey, you even named the site after yourself.

            Still feel free to reply to all the points, if you can manage.

            Happy Chirstmass.

          • Dr. Rich Swier
            Dr. Rich Swier says:

            Not sure what points you want me to respond to. This is political satire. However, if you read anything about Islam and watch the news, you will see what Islam is.

            Merry Christmas!

        • Frank
          Frank says:

          Dr. Swier,

          Indeed, the article is political satire, I’d say good political satire, as it sparks discussion. However, you mix yourself in the discussion that follows the article, promiting your own political points by reacting to those that raise points opposed to your vision. You do this in a rhetorically and with flawed arguments, as is stated quite clearly in the points raised above (they’re still there, quite easy to find, I don’t know how you have lost them). Hiding behind political satire won’t help that, unless you are willing to acknowledge that every comment you post on this forum is in fact political satire, and thus not meant to be factual or propperly argumented.

          So are your replies to this thread political satire as well, or are they just poorly argumented?

  6. Mrs Lucy Michie
    Mrs Lucy Michie says:

    It’s such a shame to see so many small minded,bigoted racist supporting Trump.He thought he could conquer Scotland but he didn’t and he NEVER will.We do not welcome people with these kind of views.What Mr Trump doesn’t realise is he is making too many bad causes for his life not to reap the consequences…Karma will come and getcha….10 days..10 years …you can run Mr Trump but you can’t hide.

    • Dr. Rich Swier
      Dr. Rich Swier says:


      Please define how and where this column is either ignorant or stupid. It is political satire. As such it speaks what others will not speak of.

      Perhaps you need to laugh a little? Merry Christmas!

      • jennifer
        jennifer says:

        Dr. Rich Swier

        so…do you have any islamic or middle eastern colleagues or students that you either teach or work with? do you express your believes openly or are you one of those closet bigots? or perhaps you are unemployed. I challenge you to not be the scared coward on your computer with your hatred and discrimination towards muslims, but to actually have true courage and say this to a large group of muslims. Tell them in person how their religion is the wrong one. i will never read your article, i only read from accredited source and not from some guy with a phd that he could have earned from a hoax online university

  7. mark major
    mark major says:

    Well I think that’s great! As soon as the obese gasbag formally accepts the office of ambassador, he should be arrested and executed! send a nice Christmas message!

  8. Gri
    Gri says:

    It’s Moore you illiterate cracker fuck tards. If your going to make a fake post at least use a spell check and Google search. Or were your hands to busy stuck in your daughters

  9. WeezaFish
    WeezaFish says:

    Wow. Just wow. I just wasted my time reading this. You can stop insisting that it’s ‘Political Satire’, it’s just narrow minded, ignorant racism.

  10. Paul
    Paul says:

    Of course Trump never said to keep the Muslims out, but only meant to say we should stop letting them in until we can figure out what is going on….it is sad the McDonald’s down the street does a better job of vetting their employers than the federal government does vetting Syrian refuges.,,,At any rate, funny!

  11. El pea
    El pea says:

    Whew! Glad fo learn that you are only 23! We can chock your “satire” attempt up to an immature an unrefined sense of humor. I was an idiot when I was 23 too. You’ll grow out of it, don’t worry!

  12. Reggie
    Reggie says:

    Soldiers are taught to dehumanize people so they can kill them. Otherwise they won’t kill. That’s why they call people “gooks” or “slant-eyes” or “sand monkeys” or “towel heads”.

    Lt. Col (Ret) Swier is still in the dehumanized stage. Hopefully at some point, this PTSD will pass.

    I thank him for his 23 years of service defending America and wish him a speedy and full recovery from the trauma of war. However, I expect it will take a lot of time to undo his 23 years of conditioning to the point he no longer sees all Muslims as evil because guys I know who served in Viet Nam still aren’t fully over that and it’s been 45+ years.

    Please join me in wishing Dr. Swier a speedy and full recovery.

    • Dr. Rich Swier
      Dr. Rich Swier says:

      Actually it is politicians like FDR who dehumanized Germans, Italians and the Japanese.

      U.S. Soldiers are sent to war by the political leaders. They fight the war because of the oath they took to protect and defend the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.

      So too is it with Islam. The Muslim political leaders demonize non-Muslims.

      The followers of Mohammed then go to the streets chanting ‘Death to America’. The soldiers of Allah, also are the soldiers of the Caliphate. Islam is the threat doctrine of our enemy.

      As a former U.S. Army officer I studied the threat doctrine of our enemies. When I was on active duty that included the former Soviet Union and Islam.

      I was in Germany for the attack by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group Black September in 1972. My unit was called in after the attack to provide more security. I learned a harsh lessen then – an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

      While I was stationed in Germany there was the Red Army Faction, commonly known as the Baader-Meinhof Group or Baader-Meinhof Gang. They conducted political assassinations, bombed a U.S. Army barracks, kidnapped German officials and the children of U.S. Army families.

      They were trained in Jordan and Gaza by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

      Birds of a feather flock together.

      • Reggie
        Reggie says:

        Dr. Swier: I agree the Wahabi Jihadi Salafists, their allies and others before them and since use the same dehumanizing technique as you ascribe to FDR, but pointing the finger at others without acknowledging the effects that conditioning has had on all warriors both foreign and domestic isn’t helping to cure anything.

        And speaking of Black September, my father-in-law was one of the wrestling coaches for the ’72 Israeli Olympic team. He and my mother-in-law ate dinner with the team the night before they were butchered. Their deaths was a personal loss for my family. I have no sympathy for the “cause” that “justified” this slaughter. But what undid Black September was co-opting the killers by giving them simple things like refrigerators and wives, so they had something better to live for besides jihad.

        While I agree the only way to stop some portion of these psychopaths is to do it to them before they do it to us, that doesn’t work as a global panacea and isn’t the best or only solution. Demonizing every Muslim only adds fuel to the fire, and in the nuclear age, stoking a “clash of cultures” will not work out well for anyone.

        • Dr. Rich Swier
          Dr. Rich Swier says:

          Muslim is an ideology that leads to slaughter. The more shariah compliant an individual, organization or nation state, the more dangerous.

          Muslims have failed to change in 1400 years. What makes you think they will change for the better now?

  13. barney
    barney says:

    This guy truly doesnt know anything about Islam…..which is a pity for all his education…..his limited scope of and his constant fixation with fitnah are ample proof of someone who just did some short cut research off a few websites and lo behold …consider themselves to be expert opinions…..pretty much like the fox and CNN anchors/analysts shouting weapons of mass destruction…..nobody in the arab world gives a shit toward this so called islamic calipahte….that supposedly hates everything western yet is killing and attacking muslims countries….the israeli pipeline going just above them is still safe and sound…..jee i wonder what fitnah is stopping them there…..i guess it was by shariah law…that ISIS has to use trucks belonging formerly to a texan plumber…..and military equipment left by US forces in Iraq……….Muslims population is in the millions..ISIS has an army of what 30,000 roughly?…who by teh way dont even know how to pray…have already brought about completely unislamic practices of hate towards fellow muslims….one would say ISIS is actually destroying ISlam than trying to makea the ultimate caliphate….puhleeze share ur bed time stories with your own kids rather than inflict them upon this already chaotic world….

  14. barney
    barney says:

    AMErica has been at war for roughly about 222 years out of its 250 something years….i suppose it was some fitnah or shariah law somewhere that has to be blamed for that as well…lol….carry on sir……

    • Dr. Rich Swier
      Dr. Rich Swier says:

      Actually, the first engagement with Islam (Fitna) was under President Thomas Jefferson.

      He sent a naval unit with U.S. Marines to what now is Libya to stop the Barbary pirates from capturing U.S. flagged vessels and taking hostages for ransom.

      It was President Jefferson who said not a penny for tribute but millions for defense.

      Yes, Islam has been at war with America ever since.

  15. Chris
    Chris says:

    I seem to remember this group of Christians that took to the streets rounding up Jews and throwing them in detention camps which then proceeded to gas and them burn them. LETS BE CAREFUL HOW WE GENERALIZE THAT WHICH WE DON’T UNDERSTAND. THERE ARE CRIMINALS IN EVERY RACE, RELIGION, AND NATION.

  16. Agnes
    Agnes says:

    Quotes from Muhammad – “Whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet him.” “You will not enter paradise until you have faith. And you will not complete your faith until you love one another.” “Verily, God is Compassionate and is fond of compassion, and He gives to the compassionate what He does not give to the harsh.” Like Jesus, Muhammad did not teach violence. They both taught us to love one another. The vast majority of Muslims are not violent. If we unite and love one another, extremists will be defeated. If we separate and divide ourselves, we will defeat ourselves.

    • Dr. Rich Swier
      Dr. Rich Swier says:


      Thanks for reading my column and commenting.

      While in Mecca Mohammed did preach against violence. Allah then told Mohammed to migrate from Mecca to Medina. Once Mohammed arrived in Medina, Allah ordered him to pick up the sword, which he did with great vigor and conquered the Arabian peninsula.

      “Murderer, pedophile, rapist, robber, slave owner, thief, thug and warlord. He called for and engaged in mass slaughter of those who refused to convert or submit to Islam.” — Richard Crandall, “Islam: The Enemy”, p. 9

      It is not what he may have said, rather it is what he actually did. Actions speak louder than words.

      Today’s followers of Mohammed understand his intent and the Islamic State is pure Islam.


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