Latest Polls Agree: Clinton ahead of Trump 97%

REUTERS – The 97% number just pops up everywhere because it is a multiple result of everything that is true.

97% of scientists believe in global warming. The other 3% believe in climate change. And 97% of registered Democrats believe anything. 97% of organic gardeners and New Agers believe that Hillary will be the most competent president after Barack Obama who was more competent than George Washington and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It is rumored that Ginsburg was more competent than president Béla Lugosi. And just as sane. 97% of Democrats believe ISIS has been contained and the 3% left believe that Trump has been contained. 100% of Democrats believe that Obamacare is cheaper today than it was in 1955. 97% of #NeverTrumpers believe that Mitt Romney has a great chance of beating Hillary of we let him run. And 3% of Democrats know that Joe Biden can beat Barry Goldwater.

3% of doctors dealing with brain disorders believe the Democratic contender is brain damaged. The other 97% are serving time in California for distributing an anti-brain-damage video about Hillary.

The polls clearly show that Donald Trump needs to explain the deleted emails from his secret server if he wanted the trust of the American people. 97% of all responders agree that Trump ought to stop lying about encountering sniper fire in Bosnia, and explain the money he received from foreign dictators. He also needs to apologize for raising in excess of six million dollars in a half hour for the veterans, with the sole purpose of embarrassing the Clinton Foundation that donated $5,000 for the whole year out of the Clinton’s great love for America. Clearly, Trump is no patriot.

97% of Democrats believe Trump is a cheapskate and Hillary will do everything for the downtrodden. To wit, Trump has in many ways shaped the skylines of such rich cities as New York City, Las Vegas, and Miami, while Hillary’s policies have shaped the skylines of such poor cities as Camden and Detroit. As a result, 97% of Hillary’s voters agree with Barack Obama regarding Trump or anyone else who achieved something in his life without gaming the system: YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT!

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by Kommissar Chernobylski originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

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