Entries by Simona Pipko

Soviet Fascism and Russia’s Terrorist State—The Killing

Yossi Landau is a Zaka Commander. ZAKA is a series of volunteer community emergency response teams in Israel. ZAKA is the only organization in Israel responsible for dealing with incidents of unnatural death. They work closely with all the emergency services and security forces.  Yossi Landau is a man helping humanity across the world dealing […]

The Killing of Western Civilization

The Hamas terrorist attack on Israel was just a recent atrocious assault against Western civilization, a war that started a hundred years ago. In fact, I have been writing about that global cabal, which was waging WWIII against Western civilization for forty-two years.  “This global cabal is capable of anything. They are already responsible for […]

Russia and Failed American Intelligence: The North Korea, Syria and Putin-Obama Connection

The tension rises overseas, Syria and North Korea dominate the world media with a wide variety of discussions, stories, and predictions in April 2017. Yet, nobody connects these two countries ideologically. Alas, as usual, the media has forgotten the Stalinist era of building Socialism. As a matter of fact, Stalin’s long-range strategy included building Socialism […]

VIDEO: Russia and Failed American Intelligence

Vice President Cheney’s comment that “Russian Meddling Perhaps An act of war” is right. It signals and echoes my writings about the ongoing WW III and Soviet/Russian “active measures” apparatus. At the same time, a leftist representative of the social media, Ted Koppel accused Sean Hannity of preferring ideology over the facts. Ted Koppel doesn’t […]

Putin’s Socialist Revolution in America: The Stalinist Mexican Cartels

“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: it’s patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual Life. If you can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” — Joseph Stalin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Under this title I planned to publish my fourth book in […]

Slavery has no Color: Karl Marx, Slavery and Stalinist/Socialist Charlatans

Senator Tim Kaine gave a speech on the Senate floor on June 16. He said “The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it.” Read the transcript here: Tim Kaine Speech Transcript: Says US Created Slavery, Didn’t Inherit It, June 16, 2020. I watch his speech and when I heard those words, my […]

What the Republicans Don’t Know They Need for the 2024 Election

Mexican Cartels are a fiction or Socialist plot. Those Cartels are Russian Cartels consisting of criminal gangs like MS—13. Those Russian Cartels had been established in 1950-1960 of the 20th century. Do you know the name of a “famous murderer of the 20th century?” No, you don’t. His name is Joseph Stalin. He created the […]

The Global Spy Ring of Stalinism’s Diabolic Show Trial in America

“You bring me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” –  Lavrentiy Beria, Chairman of the KGB in Soviet Russia  The term Show Trial came from Russia, from Soviet Russia under the Dictatorship of Joseph Stalin. The official definition of Show Trial is as followers: “a judicial trial held in public with the intention of influencing or satisfying […]

Putin and his KGB’s Mafia/Army—A Global Evil Doer

The American people are very kind and generous and their wonderful human qualities have been abused for a hundred years. If the name of the agency in the title is not known to you, I understand why. It is the name of the Soviet/Russian counterintelligence agency I have been writing about for forty years. My preceding column has […]

The Democrat Party: A Party of Disinformation and Fraud

When this column was already completed, the House Hearing on the Weaponization of the FBI had started. Three whistleblowers, the former FBI members testified about illegal abuses of the FBI against them. I knew all three were truthful and sincere, because I am a former Soviet defense attorney, who has been writing for forty years […]