Entries by Tabitha Korol

Ingratitude of the Immigrants

President Trump has been unarguably the most pro-Jewish, pro-Israel President we’ve ever had, surpassing George Washington, John Adams, Abraham Lincoln and Harry Truman.  His stand against Iran (vociferous enemy of Israel), finally moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, cutting funds to the PA and closing the PLO office in Washington, his donations to Jewish causes, […]

More bad news from the home front . . . the betrayal by the National Education Association

We saw  the changes coming.  We heard all the historic revisionism about Israel and the boycott/divestment/sanctions of the only democratic state in the Middle East; the anti-Zionist textbooks and programs that took root in colleges and universities across the country; and the assault upon the vulnerable K-12 students.  We learned that schools were discouraging little […]

“If we don’t speak now”

“Speak now or forever hold your peace” is based upon the marriage liturgy of the Christians’ Book of Common Prayer.  Today it may refer to our self-monitoring for the irrational fear of not being politically correct After reading my essay, “An Assumption of Dignity,” on the Internet, a reader commented, “I circulated it to our […]

Z is for Zionism

Dictionary.com defines itself as “the world’s leading online source for English definitions, synonyms, word origins, audio pronunciations, example sentences, slang phrases, idioms, word games, legal and medical terms, Word of the Day and more. For over 20 years, Dictionary.com has been helping millions of people improve their use of the English language with its free digital services.”  […]

A Breached Benediction

Dan Freemyer, minister at Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, recited a Benediction prayer at the Baylor University commencement on May 18, 2019.  Toward the end, he prayed, “God, give them the moral imagination to reject the old keys that we are trying to give them, the planet that we are poisoning by running it on […]

An Assumption of Dignity

Rashida Tlaib, the Muslim congresswoman who proclaimed that she feels more Palestinian than American in Congress, and wrapped herself in a Palestinian terrorist flag at her victory party on Friday, May 10, proudly declared, “There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust.”  We were deeply offended but not surprised […]

When the clocks strike 13

“It was a cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”  Thus began George Orwell’s prophetic novel, 1984, written forty years earlier, preparing the reader for a dystopian future under socialism – a society of great suffering and injustice, and bereft of reason.  This symbol of the thirteenth stroke brings into question what […]

I Take This Woman . . .

The internet provides everything you’d want to know about courtships, weddings, married life, but few of them include the instructions on wife-beating.  There is a brief but enlightening film, produced by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) and posted on Jihad Watch, of a Muslim sociologist who demonstrates the “proper” wife-beating technique.  Of course, the […]

If Our House Be On Fire — The Somali Invasion of North America

The Somalian pirates have once again sailed into North American waters.  But instead of kidnapping coastal dwellers for slavery or taking bounty to enhance their wealth, from the 16th century onward (and again in the 2000s), they are here to continue the process of taking land, America from Americans for Islam and Israel from the Jews for the […]

The Deceiver’s Disciple

Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and if our politicians do not understand this, thousands could die. – Don Boys, Ph.D. The mission of the jihadi/jihada (one who engages in holy “war with non-Muslims to establish the religion”) is to bring Islamic law, […]

Behold, A Green Horse

“Behold, a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” – Revelation 6:8 The original New Deal (1933-’36) was a series of programs, public works projects, financial reforms and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, designed to rescue the U.S. from the Great Depression.  The artfully-name Green New […]

A Bridge Too Far*

It was brought to my attention that Westmount Temple Emanuel Beth Shalom in Montreal hosted a Muslim-Awareness Interfaith Shabbat Dinner on January 25, 2019, to pay homage to the six dead and nineteen wounded from a lone attack on a Montreal mosque two years previously.  Such well-meaning, but naïve, efforts were hijacked by Muslim apologists […]