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THEOLOGICAL BUTCHERS: Constantine, the Church and the Jews

“You can’t love God without loving the Jewish people.” —  Corrie Ten Boom

“For the Lord will not cast off his people, neither will He forsake his inheritance.” — Psalm 94:14

“Behold, I have engraven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.” —  Isaiah 49:16

“Wherever replacement theology has flourished, the Jews have had to run for cover.” —  Biblical scholar, Thomas Ice

The relationship between Gentiles and Jews thrived in the early Church and they viewed one another as brothers and sisters. Gentiles adopted Jewish traditions as Sabbath rest, Biblical feasts, Holy Days, et al.  As Christianity spread and more Gentiles were converted, the Church began to estrange itself from its Jewish Roots. Soon, the Church consisted more of Gentiles than Jews causing the church to deviate from its Biblical roots.

Since those early days, there has been a two-thousand-year Church battle against Judaism.  The dark history is the central tragedy of Western civilization with its fault lines reaching deep into our own culture. The ugly hostility and contempt of God’s people has slithered out from under rocks and is raising its poisonous fangs once again.

These imperial measures were the fruits of replacement theology from the early church fathers, and their allegorical translations of the Word.  As noted in this series, replacement theology increasingly became mainstream within the Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant communions.  The germination of this repugnant and false doctrine commenced during the early second century, followed by budding during the third century and then coming to full bloom in the fourth century and onward.  It was Augustine who formally established the noxious strain that has become the accepted norm for eschatology within the Christian church in general.

None of this had to be, as there were men of God who loved the Word and knew that Jacob was destined for glory by the Lord Himself.  Heroes were forgotten, truth was buried, words were changed via a symbolic fictional narrative that conveys a meaning not explicitly set forth in the narrative, and the liars were promoted as church fathers.

Prior to Chrysostom and Jerome and Ambrose and Augustine, the cancer of anti-Judaism was already metastasizing.  Constantine and the leading theologians and scholars of the Nicaean Council, in their formulations on behalf of the state church, provided the impetus that gathered steam and rolled on through the centuries.

Augustine appears to ignore Paul when, in Romans 11:17-20, Paul explicitly admonishes the Gentile Christians to treat the Jews, both believing and unbelieving, with respect and fear.

Following the consolidation of vigorous supersessionism (the name used by the promoters) via Ambrose and Augustine during the close of the fourth century, the growing authority of the Roman Catholic church ensured that no other eschatology would be tolerated.  From then on, albeit there was some relief injected during the mid-seventeenth century in England, and even on to recent time, still, the global humiliation of the Jewish people was assured and perpetuated.  The Reformation also provided some relief, yet it continued to perpetuate the Augustinian eschatology that ultimately led to the horrific slaughter of the Jews during the twentieth century.

The Illegitimate Hybrid

As Leonard Verduin has put it, “In a word, the sons of God (the church) and the daughters of men (the state) had given birth to an illegitimate hybrid, an ungainly and ugly creature but, as is often the case with hybrids, a rugged one.  It promised to be on the scene for a long time to come.”

“The advance of the politicizing and secularizing of biblical Christianity, especially its manifestation during the Constantinian revolution, resulted in church and state being welded together with the church becoming dominant along with supporting military development and the employment of coercion.” (Leonard Verduin, The Anatomy of a Hybrid, 1976, 103-104, 107).

This evil hybrid is with us today with all its superficiality, carnality, tyranny, and perpetuated anti-Judaic heritage.  We need an eschatological revival beginning with heartfelt repentance concerning a shameful and evil anti-Judaic past.  Then we need the truth of the Lord’s Word spread throughout the nation and world and a kindly rapport with the Jewish people.  We need to plead for forgiveness from both the Lord and His people.  And we need to do what the Lord said, To the Jew First, and also to the Greek.

The transformation of Constantine’s cross into a sword, the rise of blood libels, scapegoating, and outright Jew hatred, has the church not only in conflict with the Jewish people, but also with itself.


Constantine was born 272 AD and died 337 AD.  Christianity was illegal in the Roman Empire until the fourth century.  Replacement Theology had already overtaken the church and metastasized into Jewish hatred.  They had no authority to do anything other than speak against the Jewish people, but that changed in AD 313 with a ruler named Constantine.

As a member of Emperor Diocletian’s court, Constantine was preparing to lead his troops at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in AD 312 when he claimed to have a vision of a cross in the sun.  He prayed to the Christian God, put Christian symbols on his banners and then won a victory over an older and more experienced general.

In AD 313, Constantine became emperor of the Roman Empire and legalized Christianity and brought the church under the authority of Rome.  Clergy were on the empire’s payroll, and the church became part of the state.  Eight years later, Christianity became the official religion and 60 years later it was the exclusive religion of the Roman Empire.

Eusebius, who was an influential scholar and the bishop of Caesarea by the Sea, was born around 265 and died around 340.  He is widely known for his Ecclesiastical History, but penned a broad range of useful literature.  His theological proclivities fell on the side of amillennialism and the allegorical method, but he had a defense of the pretribulation rapture that was especially significant and was in several of his documents.  Eusebius had baptized Constantine, became his close advisor and wrote the biography of Constantine shortly after his death.

In the early church, premillennialism and the pretribulation rapture held out against the juggernaut of replacement theology for a couple more centuries after a Biblically prophesied literal millennium had been driven into oblivion.

Ephraim the Syrian also believed and wrote about the pretribulation catching away in ten of his documents.  The Eusebius passages do not stand alone; along with numerous citations from other early fathers that are long and well known.  The truth is the pretribulation rapture was taught by many in the early church.  The testimony endured until the late Koine era, when it was finally snuffed out after several centuries of concerted efforts by the juggernaut of replacement theology to crush all opposition.

Proponents of replacement theology will claim that the premillennial belief system did not appear on the scene of church history until J.N. Darby in the 1830s.  Their efforts to destroy the premillennial doctrine is evident in their diatribes against the Jewish people as well as those in the church who fully love and bless Israel.

Irenaeus of Lyon (120-202) was a pre-tribulationist. Irenaeus was a disciple of Polycarp (who was a disciple of the apostle John) and articulated his eschatological views in Against Heresies, Book 5, written to refute gnostic heresies. Link

Premillennial verses are not just in the New Testament.  Daniel 12:1-2, Isaiah 26:19-21, Isaiah 57:1, Zephaniah 2:3 and Micah 7:2a clearly indicate the premillennial view reiterated in the New Testament.  When any denomination of the church claims the Torah and the writings of the major and minor prophets of the Hebrew Bible are unimportant, they are purposely denying the truth of God’s Word as therein lies the core of faith, much of which is reiterated in the New Testament.

Now we take a look at the ecumenical councils.  This is a period in which “for the first time in history the Church’s theological understanding concerning Israel dictated official policy even though it was indirectly.”  (Diprose, Israel and the Church, 126.)

The establishment of an imperially governed church, into which traditional anti-Jewish teachings were incorporated, threatened the Jews far more seriously than the pen of Augustine and the orations of Chrysostom.

This is state legislated hatred of God’s people, Israel.

Constantine’s Nicaea Council

“Through the ecumenical councils, the church was in the position of adopting an officially sanctioned anti-Semitic program, imposing repressive social, religious and economic restrictions on the Jewish people.  The measures aren’t too different in principle from those being adopted by today’s church ‘councils’ with ‘Boycott Israel’ canon law.  Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) is a nonviolent Palestinian-led movement promoting boycotts, divestments, and economic sanctions against Israel.

“The early church believed the stateless Jews had been lawfully dispossessed and the church, under Constantine’s protection, was at liberty to plunder Jewish interests with impunity ‘believing,’ albeit falsely, it was serving God’s best interests.  The Nicaea Council in AD 325 marked the point at which the scales of justice would forever weigh in the favor of the church.” (Israel Betrayed, Volume 1, Andrew D. Robinson.)

The leading theologians and scholars subsequently agreed with the proclamation of the First Council of Nicaea and Constantine.  Anti-Jewish measures had previously been taken as early as AD 306 at the Spanish Council of Elvira.  They had passed 81 canons then and several concerned the separation of Jewish and Christian interests.  Legislation arose outlawing synagogues and giving permission to burn Jews who broke the law. Jewish people were excluded from high office, restricted in other positions, and forced to shut their businesses on Sunday. Since religious Jews also closed on Saturday, the law helped Gentile merchants.

Christians could not share a meal with a Jew, marry a Jew, or observe the Jewish sabbath and this Jew hatred even went so far as defining what blessings could be given, even over agriculture.

Sounds much like Nazi Germany!

The entire Council was anathema to the Old and New Testaments by passing resolutions which were completely incompatible with the Lord’s teachings.  Known as “the synod of the 318 fathers,” although the actual attendance is uncertain, Nicaea was convened at Constantine’s behest.  The last was held at Nicaea in AD 787.

The most significant ruling to change Jewish-Christian relations was Constantine’s desire to separate “Easter” from Passover on the fourteenth of Nissan, which never should have been done.  He wrote a vile letter to the council defaming the Jewish people and their practice of Passover.  His tone was shamefully anti-Judaic, and I include only a small portion:

“We ought not, therefore, to have anything in common with the Jews.  We desire, dearest brethren, to separate ourselves from the detestable company of the Jews.  It is your duty not to tarnish you soul by communications with such wicked people [the Jews]. (Constantine I: “On the Keeping of Easter,” Fordham University Internet Medieval Sourcebook, ed. Paul Halsall, http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/const1-easter.html)

Nicaea set the spiritual tone for future discrimination by kindling the fires of church-and state-sanctioned anti-Semitic dogma and activism.

Successive councils fanned this hatred into flames and Constantine ensured the fires were kept fueled.  He decreed that no one should remain in servitude to a Jewish master, which purposely undermined the economic structure of Jewish agricultural society.  They found it impossible to maintain any fair-sized agriculture unit with employing “slaves” who were rapidly becoming Christianized.  Poverty overtook them and dark days in the history of Christian Jewish relations emanated from the horrible discrimination against the Jews.

In 415 another turning point came, and anti-Semitism went from being merely verbal to being physical when Cyril, head of the church in Alexandria, led a brutal anti-Jewish riot in the city’s Jewish quarter. Christians beat Jews, raped women, murdered men, stole Jewish property, and drove the Jewish people from the city. From that point on, anti-Semitism mushroomed. It is literally impossible to count the number of cruel, violent, and merciless things done to God’s Chosen People.

The First Crusade

The following three paragraphs come in part from Constantine’s Sword, The Church and The Jews, by James Carroll.

The first crusade was a military expedition that set out from northwestern Europe in the spring of 1096, bound for the Holy Land.  But the cross-marked army’s first act of belligerence took place in the Rhineland, not Jerusalem, and its target was not the Muslim infidel, but the Jewish one.  The story of the crusades used to be familiar to all school children, but like so many other historic events, it has been eliminated.  It was rarely told from the view of the first victims and what they saw when the horde came.

“Mainz Anonymous,” wrote one of the surviving Hebrew chronicles recounting the events of 1096 as they were experienced by the Jews:

There first arose the princes and nobles and common folk in France, who took counsel and set plans to ascend, and “to rise up like eagles” and to do battle and “to clear a way” for journeying to Jerusalem, the Holy City, and for reaching the sepulcher of the Crucified, “a trampled corpse” “who cannot profit and cannot save, for he is worthless.”  They said to one another: “Behold we travel to a distant land to do battle with the kings of that land. “We take our souls in our hands’ in order to kill and subjugate all those kingdoms that do not believe in the Crucified.  How much more so (should we kill and subjugate) the Jews, who killed and crucified him.”  They taunted us from every direction.  They took counsel, ordering that either we turn to their abominable faith or they would destroy us “from infant to suckling.”  They, both princes and common folk, placed an evil sign upon their garments, a cross.  (The Hebrew First-Crusade Chronicles: S, cited by Chazan, European Jewry, 225.)

Another Jewish chronicler of the crusaders’ rampage through the Rhineland, Solomon bar Simson, also fixed on the symbol of the cross: “They decorated themselves prominently with their signs, placing a profane symbol, a horizontal line over a vertical one, on the vestments of every man and woman whose heart yearned to go on the stray path to the grave of their Messiah.  Their paths swelled until the number of men, women and children exceeded a locust horde covering the earth.”  (“The Chronicle of Solomon bar Simson,” in Eidelberg, The Jews and the Crusaders, 21.)

These memories were only partly overshadowed by the Holocaust of the twentieth century, the systematic extermination of Jews by the Nazi regime in Germany before and during World War II (1939–45). Referring to this later period of violence, the historian Malcolm Billings noted in his book The Crusades: Five Centuries of Holy Wars, “The road to the Holy Land ran through what Jews later came to describe as the first Holocaust.”  The goal was to rid the Holy Land of Muslims, but their path was littered with the bodies of God’s chosen, men, women and children.

Not all European Christians shared in this blood lust against the Jews. Many members of the Christian clergy tried to excommunicate, or expel from the church, those who were persecuting the Jews.  Some went much further.  Like Yad Vashem, which honors non-Jews who took great risks to save Jews during the Holocaust, a small percentage of the church did the same thing in the Crusades.


I have but skimmed the surface of the Amillennial replacement theologists’ devotion in allegorizing the Word of God to fit their determined desire of replacing the Jews in the Christian Bible.  My heart breaks that so many have been led astray in our churches thinking that our Creator was done with “the apple of His eye.”

What moral turpitude are the words, writings and actions of these men who literally endorsed the hatred and murder of those beloved by God.

James Parkes explains the significance of these developments, “There is no other adequate foundation (for modern anti-Semitism) than the theological conceptions built up in the first three centuries.  But upon these foundations an awful superstructure has been reared, and the first stones of that superstructure were laid, the very moment the church had power to do so, in the legislation of Constantine and his successors.” (Quoted in Diprose, Israel and the Church, 127.)

In R. Kendall Soulen’s, God of Israel, he writes, “Apart from a relationship to the people Israel, no relationship to the God of Israel is possible.  God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe, but God does not draw near as the conclusion of cosmological or ontological proofs for the existence of God.  God draws near as the God of Abraham who took the people Israel out of the land of Egypt and who remains this nation’s God to the end of time.”

As Paul declares, “It is not as though the Word of God has failed” (Romans 9:6).  For this reason, it remains true that the Jewish people “are (and will continue to be) beloved (by God) for the sake of their forefathers” (Romans 11:28).

Hatred of the Jewish people, fomented by the Church, is a demonic apostasy of truth loaded with deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.  Without the Jewish people, there would be no Christian Bible, there would be no Christian Messiah, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of King David, would not exist without God’s Chosen People.

As Corrie Ten Boom said time and again, “You can’t love God without loving the Jewish people.”  And to that I say a Big AMEN!

©2024. Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.


Ariel Magazine, Fall 2023, Volume I / #48, The Eternal Order, Brainard, Lee W., Rapture Discoveries in Eusebius.

Brown, Michael L., 1992, Destiny Image Publishers, Our Hands are Stained with Blood.

Carroll, James, 2001, Houghton Mifflin company, Constantine’s Sword, The Church and the Jews.  My daughter gave me this book over 20 years ago.  Author James Carrol is a former Catholic priest who left the priesthood to write.

Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G., 2003, Ariel Ministries, The Footsteps of the Messiah.

Horner, Barry E., 2007, Broadman and Holman Academic., now Barry E. Horner update of the first edition, Volume I of a Trilogy, Future Israel, Why Christian Anti-Judaism Must Be Challenged. (Horner’s book were suggested by my friend, Sarah.)

Horner, Barry E., 2018, Barry E. Horner, Eternal Israel Biblical, Theological, and Historical Studies That Uphold the Eternal, Distinctive Destiny of Israel.

House, H. Wayne and Ice, Thomas, 1988, Multnomah Press, Dominion Theology: Blessing or Curse? An Analysis of Christian Reconstructionism.

Leventhal, Barry R. 2023, Ariel Ministries, Where Was God?  Theological Perspectives on the Holocaust.

Melnick, Oliver J., 2007, Purple Raiment, an imprint of Joan Prinjinski, They Have Conspired Against You, Responding to the New Anti-Semitism.

Robinson, Andrew D., 2018, Ariel Ministries, Israel Betrayed, Volume I: The History of Replacement Theology.

Robinson, Andrew D., 2020, Ariel Ministries, Israel, The Inheritance of God

Biden Sells Out Israel in UN ‘Ceasefire’ Resolution

A ceasefire doesn’t protect Israeli civilians. It protects Hamas.

Describing a “ceasefire in connection with the release of all remaining hostages” rather than a ceasefire in exchange for is deliberately ambiguous.The draft UN resolution from the Biden administration calls for “an immediate and sustained ceasefire to protect civilians on all sides, allow for the delivery of essential humanitarian assistance, and alleviate humanitarian suffering, and towards that end unequivocally supports ongoing international diplomatic efforts to secure such a ceasefire in connection with the release of all remaining hostages”.

But that makes sense as the Biden administration is following Qatar’s lead in moving away from a straight exchange and toward a ceasefire as a good thing in and of itself.

That means Israel can’t fight Hamas and can’t free its hostages. The same however is not true of Hamas.

The draft UN resolution falsely claims that a ceasefire will “protect civilians on all sides”.

There was a ceasefire on Oct 6. Furthermore, during the so-called humanitarian pause of the previous hostage exchange, Hamas terrorists carried out a terrorist attack in Jerusalem, murdering a pregnant woman and an elderly Rabbi.

So far the death toll from the truce includes Liba Dickman, a 24-year old preschool teacher pregnant with her first child, Chanah Ifergan, a 67-year-old principal and Rabbi Elimelech Wasserman, a 73-year-old rabbi. Who knows what more deaths the bloody truce will bring.

3 dead and at least 11 wounded after only 6 days of truce.

A ceasefire is not about ending attacks on Israel. It does not protect Israeli civilians. Just the opposite. It provides cover for Hamas to plan and launch further attacks like the one on Oct 7.

No such thing ever worked or will work. Hamas has made it clear that it intends to destroy Israel. Period.

What a ceasefire does is stop Israel from taking out Hamas.



America Takes the Side of Hamas

Israel Won Major Victory by Ignoring Biden

Moscow: Death toll over 130, Ukraine denies involvement, jihadi says he was recruited by Muslim cleric’s assistant

In Its Middle East Coverage, the BBC Can Hardly Be Distinguished From Al Jazeera

American Airlines passenger yells anti-Semitic slur and ‘menacingly threatened other passenger’

Ex-CIA, UN Firm Backed by Hamas Sponsor Linked to Gaza Pier Project

The IRS Helps UNRWA Fund Hamas

BBC Keeps Journalists on Staff Who Retweeted Praise of October 7 Attacks


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Democratic Rhetoric Takes A Perilous Turn For The Jews

In an appearance this week on MSNBC, veteran Democratic political strategist James Carville made a stunning statement. Speaking of the uncommitted vote in Michigan, Carville said that it will be Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s fault if Biden loses the election in November.

“There is a problem all across the country [with Democratic voters who will punish Biden if he continues to support Israel] and I hope that the President and [Secretary of State Antony] Blinken can get this thing calmed down, because if it don’t [sic.] get calmed down before the Democratic convention in Chicago it’s going to be a very ugly time in Chicago. I promise you that. They’re gonna have to tell Bibi Netanyahu, ‘Hey dude, we’re not gonna lose our election because you’re scared to go to jail.”

Carville’s bit about jail was part of a larger conspiracy theory that he has been peddling since shortly after the Hamas-led Palestinian invasion of southern Israel on Oct. 7. That theory has it that Netanyahu only decided to wage a war to eradicate Hamas to deflect public attention from his criminal trial. Beyond the obscenity of the contention itself, the fact is that since Netanyahu’s trial opened two years ago, the prosecution’s entire case has fallen apart. But the new wrinkle that Carville incorporated is that it will be Israel’s fault if Biden loses.

Carville is far from alone in making this claim. Pro-Hamas Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) is one of its most outspoken champions. Ahead of the Michigan primary last Tuesday, Tlaib led a campaign of pro-Hamas Muslims and progressives to convince like-minded Michiganders to vote “Uncommitted” to show their opposition to what they perceive as Biden’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas.

Others, including academics, have piled onto the bandwagon. For instance, New York University professor Mohamad Bazzi wrote in The Guardian last week that Biden is risking reelection by not reining in Netanyahu. In his words, “While Biden complains about the petulant Israeli leader who won’t listen, his presidency is now at risk. It’s a self-inflicted wound that Biden would have avoided by standing up to Netanyahu months ago.”

The allegation that Netanyahu is going to cost Biden the election because of his unwillingness to end the war with Hamas without victory is absurd for three reasons. First, the Michigan primary showed the emptiness of the threat. For more than a month, the media provided around-the-clock coverage of calls by Tlaib and her Hamas-supporting partners for Muslims and progressives in Michigan to vote “Uncommitted.” But in the end, Biden won 81.1% of the vote and only 13.2% of Michigan voters voted “uncommitted.”

While 13.2% is being presented as a major achievement, it is anything but significant. It isn’t clear what portion of the 13.2% voted “Uncommitted” out of support for Hamas, for one thing. Around the same percentage of primary voters regularly vote “Uncommitted” in Democratic presidential primaries. For instance, when then-President Barack Obama was running unopposed for re-election in 2012, 11% of Michigan primary voters voted “Uncommitted.”

Beyond that, the Harvard-Harris poll of U.S. opinion on Israel’s war with Hamas, which was published the day of the primary, showed that 82% of Americans support Israel compared to 18% who support Hamas. The implications are clear. Both the election results and the Harvard-Harris poll demonstrated that Tlaib and her pro-Hamas supporters do not have the political weight to throw a presidential election.

The claim that support for Israel will cost Biden the election is also fatuous because Tlaib and her supporters are bluffing. Donald Trump was the most pro-Israel president in history, and they know it. They will not enable him to return by refusing to support Biden. Tlaib admitted this herself at a press conference on Thursday.

“It’s really important for folks to understand: I am incredibly, incredibly scared of a second term for Trump. And I think it’s really important to emphasize this,” she said.

Read more.


Caroline Glick

Caroline B. Glick is a Senior Fellow with the Center for Security Policy. She is a senior columnist at Israel Hayom and the author of The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, (Crown Forum, 2014). From 1994 to 1996, she served as a core member of Israel’s negotiating team with the Palestine Liberation Organization.

RELATED ARTICLE: Viktor Orbán Warns: ‘The Hegemony of the West has Ended, A New World Order is Emerging’

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: What’s Wrong with Censorship?

No one has a monopoly on truth. That’s why we need open, uncensored discussion and debate.

Why, then, are the government and Big Tech platforms suppressing what we can read, see, and hear?

Philip Hamburger, Professor of Law at Columbia University, sheds light on this alarming trend.

RELATED ARTICLE: Viktor Orbán Warns: ‘The Hegemony of the West has Ended, A New World Order is Emerging’

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael column with video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Feminist Gender Theorist Explains Hamas Raping Jewish Women is ‘Resistance’

Feminist gender theorists begin by declaring that women don’t exist and then conclude by justifying their rape and murder.

Judith Butler has always been ahead of her time.

She was ahead of her time in adopting pronouns and in promoting gender theory. And all the way back in 2006, the feminist gender theorist and UC Berkeley academic declared that Hamas was progressive.

“Yes, understanding Hamas, Hezbollah as social movements that are progressive, that are on the Left, that are part of a global Left, is extremely important.”

Like most fanatics, Oct 7 only made Judith Butler double down on her belief in the progressive qualities of Hamas.

“We can have different views about Hamas as a political party, we can have different views about armed resistance. But […] the uprising of October 7th was an act of armed resistance,” Butler recently declared.

Butler’s brand of gender theory had begun the deconstruction of the idea that women exist. A few years ago, Butler was claiming the “trans” brand and arguing that “the category of woman can and does change, and we need it to be that way.”

Feminist gender theorists begin by declaring that women don’t exist and then conclude by justifying their rape and murder.



While Gazans Throw US Aid in Trash, Biden Builds Pier to Bring Them More

How the Hamas Hawks Fluttered the Israeli Dovecotes

In State of the Union Speech, Biden Parrots Hamas Statistics

Spain increases funding to Hamas-linked UNRWA by $21,868,000

Palestinian Authority Commits to Hamas Unity Government to Fight Israel

Biden regime to vote for UN resolution demanding immediate ceasefire in Gaza of at least six weeks’ duration

IDF warning: Iran arming Venezuela with weapons ‘very capable of hitting U.S.’

Biden Uses State of the Union to Threaten Civil War

UK: Pro-Hamas savages spray-paint and slash historic painting of Lord Balfour at University of Cambridge

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

10/7 Testimony: The murder of Inbar Haiman

Inbar Haiman, 27, was murdered after being abducted by Hamas on October 7th from the Supernova music festival where she was volunteering.

When Hamas attacked, Inbar first hid under a stage with friends and then took cover under a bush where she was found by a pair of Hamas gunmen armed with knives, who hauled her out and placed her on a motorbike.

Eventually, her family and boyfriend received a video posted by Hamas on Telegram, showing Inbar bloodied and beaten, surrounded by four men.

She was murdered while in captivity, and Hamas is still holding her body hostage!

We must not forget this beautiful soul, taken far too early by such monsters.

Bring Inbar home so that her family, and all of Israel may mourn her.

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Two-State Solution Would be Israel’s Fatal Final Solution

The Nazis euphemism for their genocide of Europe’s Jews was called The Final Solution.

Here is an article in which I yet again warn of the immense peril to the survival of embattled Israel if it accepts the poisoned chalice which is the so-called Two-State Solution. It is national suicide for Israel and a betrayal of G-d’s eternal gift to the Jewish people of the Promised Land.

In this map you can see the River Jordan which empties out from the Sea of Galilee, also known as Lake Kinor for it is shaped like the Biblical harp (Hebrew word, kinor) played by King David. The Jordan river then proceeds south until it enters the Dead Sea. Just a few short miles west of the river is the Mediterranean Sea.

It is this land between the river and the sea that the fraudulent Arabs, those who call themselves Palestinians, and their brainwashed western supporters wish to steal away from God’s eternal gift of the Promised Land to the Jewish people. So, when you hear the scream, “From the River to the Sea” by mostly Muslim rioters in the streets of America, Britain, Western Europe and beyond, know that this is also akin to the Islamic supremacist call, Allahu Akbar, Allah is Greater.

For eight baleful years, President Barack Hussein Obama made Israel’s life utterly miserable as he relentlessly pursued his warped vision of a dreaded Two-State Solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. But that vision, as envisaged was, and will always be, national suicide for Israel.

This so-called Two-State Solution, still pushed by so many in the U.S. State Department and throughout the international corridors of power, is in reality an appalling euphemism not unlike that other evil euphemism; the German Nazi’s Final Solution which ushered in the Holocaust.

It will spell the destruction of the reconstituted Jewish state and the extermination of its people by a Muslim world that will never accept a non-Muslim nation in territory once conquered in the name of Allah. It will wage eternal war against it – known as the Dar al-Harb or House of War – until it is destroyed. Obama’s earlier and Biden’s current proposed “Two-State-Solution” ushers in the same guaranteed destruction of the Jewish state.

When Israel declares its justified rejection of a Two-State-Solution, it is considered an inflammatory act and assured to provoke Palestinian Arab outbursts of violence and bloodletting, dignified by the Arabic term intifada. During the current war in Gaza by the IDF against the depraved thugs of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, they who massacred 1,200 Israelis in scenes of horror against Jewish victims not seen since the Holocaust, sympathy for Israel lasted a mere two days.

We now witness violent mobs of screaming Muslims and their duped western supporters rampaging through the streets of US, Western European and British cities calling for the extermination of Israel and its Jewish population. But that is what is happening in Judea and Samaria (the so-called West Bank) with almost daily atrocities committed by Arab thugs against Jewish civilians?

The over 3,500-year-old Hebrew and Biblical names, Yehuda and Shomron, (Judea and Samaria), refer to the heartland of the modern reborn Jewish homeland. But a malevolent world prefers to call the territory the West Bank; the mere 19-year-old Jordanian name applied to the territory after it and much of Jerusalem was illegally invaded and occupied by Jordan from 1948 until 1967.

The Jordanian Arab Legion after invading and occupying the territory immediately began desecrating Jewish graves on the Mount of Olives, using the headstones to build latrines for their troops, destroying 57 ancient synagogues and holy sites, and forcibly expelling Jewish residents from their villages in the Jewish heartland and in their ancient homes in Jerusalem’s Old City.

As I once wrote in an open letter to Israelis: “The world must be told that Jordan – a country named after a river, not a people – is the true Palestinian state, with her Palestinian Arab majority. The world must be told that if Arabs insist on living in Judea/Samaria, that is fine, they can do so, but only as loyal citizens under Israeli law and sovereignty. If they prefer to live in a “Palestinian state”…then they can simply move next door.”

In other words, Jordan is Palestine. All who know history know that Jordan sits on four fifths of what was until 1922 the entire Palestine Mandate promised under the League of Nations to the Jewish people as a National Home. The Arabs who call themselves Palestinians already possess, de facto, a state on the east bank of the River Jordan, which in size dwarfs tiny Israel. There already has thus been a Two-State Solution in existence since 1922.

The Arabs continuously smother Judea and Samaria (the so-called West Bank) with illegal buildings paid for by the oil rich Gulf states, Saudi Arabia, the EU, the UN and anti-Israel NGOs and the world remains deathly quiet. Only when Israeli families dare add a room to their tiny homes or some new apartments are built within the ancestral heartland or in Israel’s capital city, Jerusalem, does the same world scream bloody murder!

During Obama’s baleful reign he once suggested giving $4 billion of U.S. taxpayer’s money to the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians in addition to the $400 million U.S. taxpayers annual aid already given to them. But as Yoram Ettinger, retired Israeli ambassador and leading demographer, once wrote:

“The impact of the $400 million in annual US aid, which has fueled an all-time-high Palestinian corruption has also fueled hate education, terrorism, anti-US incitement, oppression, in general, and discrimination against Christians in particular, and the Palestinian affinity toward America’s enemies and adversaries: Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and Iran.”

Some time ago I also wrote an article titled, Joseph Trumpeldor’s Message. In it I recounted the history of one of the towering figures in the Zionist cause; Zionism being the self-determination of the Jewish people and their national liberation movement.

In 1920, Trumpeldor, whose military prowess and heroism during the Russo-Japanese War, in which he lost an arm, had made him a legendary figure, arrived at a tiny, embattled outpost in upper Galilee. The place was called Tel Hai, which translated from the Hebrew means Hill of Life. Tel Hai had been under severe assault for some time by large numbers of attackers from the nearby hostile Arab settlement of Hulsa. Trumpeldor himself arrived under fire and immediately set about organizing Tel Hai’s defense.

Confronted with a relentless barrage of superior firepower and frequent waves of attacks, the defenders fell one by one. And on a Galilean spring day in early March, Trumpeldor himself fell mortally wounded, fighting to the end. His dying words were in Hebrew: Ein davar. Tov lamut be’ad artzenu.

Translated into English: “Never mind. It is good to die for our country.”

Joseph Trumpeldor’s grave lies near Tel Hai, now a commemorative site adjoining Kfar Giladi. Not long after his heroic death a Jewish village was reborn at the foot of Mount Gilboa where 3,000 years earlier other Jewish military heroes, King Saul and his son, Jonathan, so beloved of his friend David, fell fighting an ancient enemy. That village is named in Trumpeldor’s honor: Tel Yosef.

So, what would Trumpeldor’s message be today to the embattled Jewish state? It would probably be this: Fight, fight and fight again. Self-restraint never works in the face of an implacable foe. Build, build and build again throughout the ancestral homeland.

Indulging in self-imposed building freezes to placate enemies, and so-called friends alike, while the Arab enemy constructs thousands of illegal buildings with impunity, is insanity.

Defend Israel, for to lose the precious homeland again and return to the horrors of exile is beyond imagining.

Similarly, Yigal Alon writing in the October 1976 edition of Foreign Affairs titled, Israel: The case for defensible borders, exposed the critical defects in the armistice lines existing on June 4, 1967 – the same lines with minor adjustments that Barack Hussein Obama and John Kerry would have had the Jewish state shrink to.

Such a withdrawal contradicts the very meaning of U.N. Resolution 242. As Alon wrote, …”For Israel, a military defeat would mean the physical extinction of a large part of its population and the elimination of the Jewish state. To lose a single war is to lose everything.”

Without retaining the hill country, that runs like a spine north and south through Judea and Samaria, Israel’s pitifully narrow 9 to 15 mile wide coastal plain, which includes Netanya, Ben Gurion airport and Tel Aviv, will be at the mercy of a Palestinian Arab thugocracy just as southern Israeli towns and villages endure relentless aggression and lethal missiles from the Hamas occupied Gaza Strip.

That is why the Two-State-Solution, as currently envisaged and peddled by President Biden and his lamentable Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, along with the morally bankrupt UN – and was by the earlier Obama regime – will usher in yet another Final Solution.

It is the fraudulent Palestinian narrative that the world has fallen for that is the most pernicious to Israel’s image. It allows an uninformed world to embrace the falsehoods of an Arab people who call themselves Palestinians and creates an atmosphere where the embattled Jewish state is unjustly and grotesquely demonized, allowing such foul anti-Israel and anti-Semitic movements as the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) organization to continue its dirty work.

That the conflict is not territorial but based upon Islam’s unchangeable refusal to accept a Jewish state or any non-Muslim state, whatever its borders – in territory once conquered and occupied under the banner of Islam and in the name of Allah – is lost on the functionaries who inhabit the international corridors of power.

Most diplomats, with few exceptions, still harbor the illusion that territorial compromise will satisfy the Arab and Muslim world. So again, and again the discredited corpse known as the Two-State-Solution is exhumed and presented as the fallback default plan.

It was Albert Einstein who said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writer and contributing editor to several leading conservative websites. He is also a published author of several books including The Blue Hour, a selection of thirteen short stories, and the acclaimed four volume, Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.

©2024. Victor Sharpe. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: The rotten edifice of ‘humanitarianism’

CNN’s Jake Tapper Airs Video Showing Hamas Terrorists Decapitating Israelis

In accordance with Islamic texts and teachings, …”Cast horror into the hearts of the unbelievers. So strike them at their necks…” (Quran 8:12)

CNN runs graphic video showing Hamas terrorists beheading Israelis during October 7th invasion.

By World Israel News Staff, January 19, 2024:

A video containing security camera footage from southwestern Israel during the Hamas invasion on October 7th was aired by CNN recently, showing Gaza terrorists beheading Israelis as they overran towns near the Gaza frontier.

Aired on Jake Tapper’s The Lead, the video compared the tactics used by Hamas terrorists to those of the Islamic State In Syria (ISIS).

Following the revelations of Hamas atrocities on October 7th, the Israeli government – including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – has repeatedly compared the Gaza terror group to ISIS, noting in particular the penchant of both groups for beheading their victims.

Read more.



Senior Hamas Leader, Aided by Iran-Backed Hizbullah, Orchestrates Anti-Israel Events in Turkey

Child Executed and Beheaded: Chilling Evidence of Hamas Crimes

Beheaded On Oct 7 A 19-Year Old’s Head Put Up For Sale In Gaza: Father Finds ‘Missing Part’ Of Son In a Freezer

Former Harvard President: Harvard Not a Place For Jews And Israelis to Flourish

21 Israeli Soldiers Perish in Deadliest Attack of the War

The Moslem Mind

Leftist Jews Feel Abandoned by the Left


Gov. Burgum: Terrorist Leaders Are Watching 2024 Elections

Qatar Paying Ex-CIA Agents to Spy on Opposition to Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood

Biden, Netanyahu Clash On Post-War Plans

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Meet Linda Tigani, NYC’s Anti-Semitic Director of the Commission on Racial Equity

Linda Tigani is the latest bureaucrat to be rising high in the diversity-equity-inclusion racket (NYC Division). She was recently appointed by New York Mayor Eric Adams to direct the city’s Commission on Racial Equity. When it comes to Jews her presumed commitment to “diversity-equity-inclusion” seems to evanesce.  She has quite a history, caught on videos proudly uploaded to social media, of urging, chanting, shouting at rallies “from the river to the sea/Palestine shall be free,” which means, of course, that the one tiny Jewish state must disappear, to be replaced by a 23rd Arab one. More on Linda Tigani can be found in a story from late October; unfortunately, since then nothing has changed.

New head of NYC racial equity commission has spewed antisemitic rhetoric

by Matthew Sedacca and Deirdre Bardolf, New York Post, October 28, 2023

Mayor Eric Adams’ new appointee to lead the city’s Commission on Racial Equity, Linda Tigani, has posted antisemitic messages for years, The Post has found.

Her views on the Israel-Palestine war aren’t so equitable.

Mayor Eric Adams’ new appointee for chair and executive director of the city’s Commission on Racial Equity has a history of spewing antisemitic rhetoric.

Linda Tigani, who raked in $143,938 in fiscal year 2022 as acting chief equity and strategy officer for the city Health Department, has repeatedly shared posts on X that include the phrase “from the river to the sea,” which is call by Hamas terrorists and their anti-Israel backers for the eradication of the Jewish state.

FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA! PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!!” Tigani wrote in a July 1, 2020, post, which also included a clip from the “Day of Rage” rally in Brooklyn, where protesters reportedly chanted “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” in Arabic in response to Israel announcing plans to annex parts of the West Bank.

Tigani shared a video of a Palestinian artist and cook, along with a variant on the antisemitic phrase again in a November 2022 post, writing “Beautiful. From the River to the Sea #PalestineWillBeFree.”

Tigani has also shared a slew of posts highlighting Israeli attacks on Palestinians earlier this year.

The city’s appointed leader of its new Commission on Racial Equity has repeatedly posted antisemitic messages on social media.X @LindaTigan

Tigani has also championed Palestinians in the Middle Eastern conflict on her Facebook page, with her banner image currently reading “Free Gaza!!! Ethiopian for Palestine.”

Read more.

Gaza has been “free” of Israelis since 2005, when every last Israeli, of some 8,500 who had been living in Gaza, left the Strip. Within two years, the Gazans were most unfree, suffering under the barbaric rule imposed by Hamas, the terror group which has ruled Gaza ever since. The people of Gaza owe their impoverishment to two things. First, the leaders of Hamas, most of whom are now living in five-star hotels in Doha, Qatar, watching the fighting from a safe distance, have long been engaged in the massive theft of aid money. Mousa Abu Marzouk has a fortune of $3 billion, Khaled Meshal has $4 billion, and Ismail Haniyeh has $4 billion. Just three Hamas leaders have helped themselves to eleven billion dollars. Second-echelon figures in Hamas have not been idle, either; they have grabbed a few million dollars apiece.

The second explanation for the wretchedness of life in Gaza is that the billions that were not stolen by Hamas leaders were spent, not on the wellbeing of ordinary people, but on buying weapons and constructing more than 1,300 tunnels that are 311 miles in total length, more than half the total length of the New York City subway system.

“Ethiopian for Palestine” writes Linda Tigani. This is Tigani’s quaint way to signal that she is Afro-American. She doesn’t realize, of course, that the only Ethiopians who may right now be in Gaza are not fighting “for Palestine.” They are Ethiopian Jews, Falashas, fighting in the IDF to protect the people and state of Israel.

Tigani has yet to post publicly on her social media accounts in the wake of Hamas slaughtering 1,400 people in Israel on Oct. 7….

Now that her antisemitic posts from the past have been revealed, she is likely to be very careful not to add more incriminating posts. I expect that from now on she will maintain a discreet silence about Israel and the Palestinians. But she’s left ample proof of her deep anti-Israel animus —and some would say, of her antisemitism.

Tigani and City Hall did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

What can she say? More importantly, what will Mayor Adams do now? When he appointed her, he was unaware of Tigani’s bigotry. I think he’ll do the only thing a sensible person can do, and fire her from her new job as Director of the Commission on Racial Equity. Don’t worry about Linda Tigani. Al Jazeera may well snap her up as a commentator on “Racism in America.” Or she could write a column for the Tehran Times. Or she could become an English-language journalist for the Palestinian News Agency Wafa. She’ll land on her feet, this Linda Tigani. Such people always do.



Hamas Supporters Declare War on Christmas

Hamas top dog applauds calls for ceasefire, says this is right step toward ‘global isolation’ of Israel

Italy: Primary school substitutes ‘cuckoo’ for ‘Jesus’ in Christmas carol to avoid offending Muslims

Italy: Pro-Hamas demonstrators disrupt Christmas mass, ‘Christmas is canceled’

Masha Gessen, Or, ври, да знай же меру

Officials Urge Europeans To Go To Church Despite Islamic Terror Threats

Uganda: Muslims enraged when Christian evangelists quote Qur’an, beat them, have them arrested for blasphemy

Gaza City’s mayor laments destruction of magnificent cultural center, contradicting ‘open-air prison’ narrative

Russian-American Journalist Masha Gessen ‘Knows’ It’s Not Antisemitic to Liken Israelis to Nazis

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Israeli Doctor Treating Released Hostages Suffering From ‘Unprecedented Level of Extremely Severe Abuse, We Have to Rewrite the Textbooks of Post-Trauma’

How does one see unimaginable depravity up close and not be forever marred by it?

Pediatrician treating freed hostages: Reports of their good condition are misleading

Dr. Yael Mozer-Glassberg provides new details about physical and psychological states of 19 children and seven women brought to Schneider Children’s Medical Center

By Renee Ghert-Zand, Times of Israel, 4 December 2023:

Dr. Yael Mozer-Glassberg, director of Israel’s pediatric liver transplantation service at Schneider Children’s Medical Center, has seen some difficult things in her 25-year career. However, nothing in her experience prepared her for treating Israeli hostages freed from Gaza after nearly two months in captivity.

“From the medical point of view, this was a terrible event. Reports that everyone is giving that the returnees are in more or less stable condition are not true,” Mozer-Glassberg.

Without breaching privacy about the conditions and experiences of specific hostages, she divulged in an online press conference Monday some new details.

Mozer-Glassberg is part of a team of six female physicians, as well as nutritionists, psychologists, and social workers who have attended to the 19 children, and seven women who were brought to Schneider after being released from Hamas captivity in a deal brokered by Qatar and Egypt with American backing.

On October 7, Hamas breached the border with Israel and attacked more than 20 towns, kibbutzim, and IDF bases. The onslaught resulted in terrorists murdering more than 1,200 people and taking some 240 hostage to Gaza.

Like dedicated teams at several other Israeli hospitals, Mozer-Glassberg and her colleagues began preparing as early as October 8 to provide initial treatment to returnees, using protocols created by the Health Ministry and the Welfare Ministry.

Mozer-Glassberg confirmed that the hostages Schneider received had lost 10-15 percent of their body weight. The statistic was similar to one shared by Prof. Itai Pessach at Lily Safra Children’s Hospital at Sheba Medical Center, where other freed hostages were brought.

“The hostages shared with us stories about how limited the food they were given was. If they were given food at all, it was sometimes only a cup of tea and a biscuit or a single dried date in the morning and rice in the evening,” Mozer-Glassberg recounted.

In cases where siblings were alone without their parents, the older sibling would not eat until the younger one did. For all the hostages, access to drinking water was limited.

“The captors would inflict psychological terrorism on them by forcing them to eat everything given to them after their stomachs had shrunk and hunger pains diminished after having eaten nearly nothing for days,” Mozer-Glassberg said.

As a result of deprivation in Gaza, some hostages exhibited unexpected eating habits when reintroduced to proper nutrition at the hospital. The staff had been primed to prevent the undernourished returnees from overeating and succumbing to the dangerous Refeeding Syndrome. But instead, they ate very little of the wide variety of foods offered, some of them only consuming crumbs they pulled from pieces of bread.

“It wasn’t like what we prepared for,” Mozer-Glassberg said.

The doctor reported that with access to water so limited in captivity, the hostages cleaned themselves only a few times during their 50-plus days in Gaza. Some did not bathe at all.

“They returned with extremely deficient hygiene. I have never seen hygiene this bad,” Mozer-Glassberg said. “Their head lice was the worst I have ever seen. Even with five or six treatments, the lice were not gone.”

Read more.




NY: Muslim Gunman Fires Shots Outside Albany Synagogue on Chanukah, Dozen of Preschoolers Were Inside At The Time

Red Cross Reprimanded Hostage Families: ‘Think about the Palestinians’

Jew hating Costs University of Penn $100 Million Dollars

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

American Jews Never Learned to Fight Leftist Jew-Hatred

And talking about ‘anti-Semitism’ is part of the problem.

After the Holocaust, the American Jewish community, like most liberals, reduced the mass murder of millions of Jews to a problem of intolerance and prejudice. A massive effort was undertaken to educate about what had happened rather than what was happening.

While the first Holocaust museums were being built, the persecution and killing of Jews had mostly shifted over to the Soviet Union and its allies in the Arab Muslim world. American Jews failed to grapple with this shift much as they failed to come to terms with the reality that black nationalist groups were quickly eclipsing the KKK when it came to the domestic hatred of Jews.

These are the key ingredients that led to the current open climate of Jew-hatred in America.

Instead of talking about what the hatred of Jews looked like today, American Jewish liberals insisted on dwelling on what it had looked like decades earlier in America and in Europe. Like the generals who are always refighting yesterday’s war, they were not dealing with the present.

They relied heavily on “antisemitism”: a term invented in the 19th century by a German socialist bigot, Wilhelm Marr, to emphasize the race of the Jews. But post-Holocaust hatred of Jews on the Left was more often cultural than racial. Karl Marx, the progenitor of Marxism, had been of Jewish descent from a Christian family, and had spread poisonous antisemitic venom. Lenin, who had one Jewish grandfather, oversaw the oppression of Jews while denying they were a distinct people. The Soviet expectation was that the Jews would disappear as a people, but, aside from Stalin’s final years, avoided any plans for the racial extermination of the Jews.

The Marxist and the Islamic position, unlike the Nazi racial position, did not require the physical extermination of the Jews at a genetic level, only a cultural genocide. Jews would be allowed to exist under Communism or Islam, as long as they abandoned their religion and national identity. The liberal focus on fighting racial antisemitism left it unprepared to fight such cultural hatred.

Even though the Soviet persecution of the Jews as a people had been underway for generations, American liberal Jews never developed a vocabulary for describing it. Or showed much particular interest in it until a new generation of young activists in the USSR and America finally made it a burning issue that rose to national and international attention in the 1970s.

The Communist persecution of Jews was manifested in many of the same ways as the contemporary leftist hatred of Jews. The party and the regime claimed to oppose ‘antisemitism’, even passed laws banning it, while suppressing Judaism and Zionism as ‘reactionary’ and ‘nationalistic’. The Soviet Union could point to examples of high-ranking Jewish figures who had rejected Zionism and Judaism, and represented the Communist ideal for the Jews.

As Lenin put it, “whoever, directly or indirectly, puts forward the slogan of Jewish national culture is (whatever his good intentions may be) an enemy of the proletariat… he is an accomplice of the rabbis and the bourgeoisie… on the other hand, those Jewish Marxists who mingle with the Russian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and other workers in international Marxist organizations, and make their contribution… towards creating the international culture of the working-class movement… uphold the best traditions of Jewry by fighting the slogan of ‘national culture.’”

Jews had to be culturally, but not racially eradicated. Those Jews who joined with non-Jewish Marxists in the rejection of Judaism and Zionism were praiseworthy Marxists. Those who did not were an “enemy of the proletariat” to be executed like a number of my great-uncles.

Like most Soviet implementations of Communist ideology, this was a ‘Potemkin village’ of lies. Jews, regardless of their religious observance or interest in Israel, had been explicitly targeted for persecution and mass murder, were specially designated as being Jews in government documents, and the government’s formal anti-Zionism and anti-Judaism was just the same old ‘antisemitism’, complete with hook-nosed cartoons, dressed up in progressive clothing.

Much the same is true of contemporary leftist Jew-hatred which is based on Marx’s stereotypes of Jews as capitalists, but draws heavily on the Soviet playbook of substituting anti-Zionism for antisemitism, and trotting out model Jewish socialists to defend the persecution of Jews.

The liberal Jewish failure to meaningfully confront the Soviet hatred of Jews left them unprepared for the leftist movements that mainstreamed the same hatred in America.

There were plenty of warnings. Decade after decade, academics pushing these positions on college campuses, journalists embedding them in magazines, and fringe politicians making these arguments grew in power and influence while the liberal establishment talked of ‘antisemitism’ purely in terms of far-right racial supremacism or small town prejudices.

The rise of black nationalist antisemitism in the seventies, which was often explicitly racialist in nature, produced flailing responses. The American Jewish liberal establishment held up faded pictures of Heschel marching with MLK, failing to grasp that this made black nationalists despise MLK rather than like Jews, and prattled about the Jewish contribution to civil rights. The liberal establishment was so committed to a model of top-down persecution that it was unable to defend Jews against antisemitism that appeared to be coming from a minority on the bottom.

When various forms of critical race theory made the formula official that black people and minorities could not be racist toward anyone with more privilege than them, a position that legitimized a general hatred of white people, Asians and Jews, there was little response. The formal understanding that Jews could now be freely hated was ignored by liberal Jews.

Some outnumbered figures launched a struggle for the soul of liberalism, but they had little and fleeting support from an establishment that was still influential enough to make a difference. The liberal Jewish establishment was more interested in being in the vanguard of civil rights than in protecting Jews from the emergence of an ideology that deprived them of their civil rights.

Only after the Hamas mass murder of over 1,000 Jews and the statements of support for it at major universities, did some donors and community leaders wake up enough to push back. It took the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and the widespread acceptance of it by their friends for them to realize how bad the situation had gotten, but not to realize why.

And that is the crucial issue.

The pro-Hamas Left insists that it is not ‘antisemitic’ and most of it probably believes that’s true because while traditional bigotry and hatred created the Islamic obsession with killing Jews and the conviction in the old Marxist Left that the Jews were not a legitimate people, the final product is cloaked in talk about liberation, decolonization and an end to privilege and oppression.

It may support the mass murder of Jews, but it doesn’t culturally ‘feel’ like ‘antisemitism’.

The Leftist hatred of Jews doesn’t fit the liberal model in which there is a continuity of oppression. A downtrodden minority faces prejudice, which escalates into political repression  and then violence. First there are the jokes, then laws and then bullets. Leftists cheering for Hamas would argue that since they don’t tell ‘antisemitic’ jokes, they can’t be considered antisemitic even while they’re calling for the mass murder of Jews.

This is why the traditional model of talking about antisemitism has failed so badly.

The liberal insistence on teaching tolerance by addressing the roots of bigotry rather than its outcome has been a disastrous failure because where far-right bigotry is a continuity, left-wing bigotry is a discontinuity of ideological abstractions leading indirectly to mass murder. The ideological detachment from reality can be measured in the fact that inmates in Nazi camps did not shout, “Heil Hitler” before dying, but those in Soviet gulags were known to shout, “long live Stalin” before being executed. The Nazis knew what they were doing, Communists often did not. They existed and still exist in an ideological haze of slogans rather than people.

‘Antisemitism’ is an ideological abstraction that leftists reject because it appears to refer to a certain type of person and behavior that their ideological purity tells them that they couldn’t be. They’re not the sorts of people who talk about ‘jewing down’ or believe in the inferiority of races and therefore, even while they’re smashing Jewish store windows and attacking a Holocaust museum, they can’t be ‘antisemites’. They know ‘antisemites’ are ‘right wing’ and when they’re assaulting Jews in the street, they, like the Soviet Communists, are fighting against ‘Zionism’.

The emphasis on antisemitism, on the roots of bigotry rather than their outcomes, makes such moral evasiveness easy for leftists. Focus on the mass murder of Jews, the broken glass and a mob outside the doors of a Holocaust museum, and then you’re talking about hateful outcomes.

Those are much harder to evade than abstractions.

The analysis of ‘antisemitism’ rather than the concrete reality of Jew-hatred has played into the hands of a leftist culture of hate that uses analysis to disguise the reality of its actions.

Confronting the realities of the assaults on Jews will require taking stock of a cultural war, rather than a racial one, and deal with outcomes instead of motives. Talking about ‘antisemitism’ becomes misleading when confronting a form of antisemitism that hides its ethnic hatred behind cultural and political hostility. And that will require discussing cultural, religious and political differences, topics which liberal Jews are uncomfortable with.

The modern liberal consensus, like that of the Soviet Union, is racially diverse but ideologically unified. The illusion of multiculturalism in the Soviet Union or a college town in America is limited to only those cultural differences that don’t clash with the dominant leftist belief system. This is a comfortable echo chamber for those who agree and a repressive cage for those who do not.

Liberal Jews bought into this system in a big way because they were terrified of feeling different. They shed their religious traditions for non-threatening culturally Jewish versions of liberal Protestantism and stayed silent about the mass murder of Jews during the Holocaust. The rebirth of Israel challenged their theology and their politics, but mostly their anonymity.

While American Jewish anti-zionists lashed out at Israel in resentment for creating tension between their politics and their identity, Israel was just the canary in the coal mine. Black nationalists weren’t attacking Jewish teachers because of Israel. And Marxists weren’t targeting Jews because of the Jewish State. To a liberal establishment that was turning leftist, the existence of a traditional Jewish community was unsustainable in either Israel or America.

Oct 7, like the protests for Soviet Jewry and the defenses of Israel, forced American Jews to break with their political community in support of their religious and ethnic community. It’s a painful and alienating experience, but like any escape from a toxic relationship, also liberating.

Among the unexamined truisms that need to be rethought is ‘antisemitism’.

Antisemitism refers to race and when it comes to the hatred of Jews, culture trumps race. Aside from the Nazis and a few ‘Jewish Question’ obsessed racialists, hardly anyone who hates Jews would propose using genetic screening to track down people of Jewish descent who don’t even know that they are Jewish to exterminate them. Most cultural ‘antisemitism’ has a racial component, but it’s triggered by the idea of the Jews as a community and a people.

The term ‘antisemitism’ conflates someone who doesn’t like Jews, but would never engage in violence or support violence, with those who engage in and support violence against Jews. Furthermore some of those who support the mass murder of Jews don’t believe that they’re prejudiced against Jews, but believe that killing Jewish children is the right thing to do.

Talking about ‘antisemitism’ or even ‘hatred’ is wholly inadequate in such situations.

The idea of a continuity of bigotry often breaks down in the madness of contemporary political discourse. The same term used to describe someone who resents Jews moving into his town should not be used to also describe someone massacring Jews. Calling it all ‘antisemitism’ minimizes it and puts the local jerk on the same level as Hitler or Hamas. And that’s a mistake.

The liberal Jewish establishment has spent too much time fighting ‘prejudice’ and not enough time dealing with ‘eliminationist’ sentiments. The existential threat is not prejudice: it’s genocide.

Fighting the leftist and Islamic hatred of Jews will require developing a new terminology and a new approach than the same old tired ‘fight against antisemitism’ establishment rhetoric. Liberal Jews will have to confront their own fears and rethink their assumptions to take on the threat.

During the Hitler-Stalin Pact, Jews had to confront Communists and their sympathizers who were now suddenly insistent on a friendship with the Nazis. That genocidal alliance crystalized a rejection of Communism by American Jews as “Jewish workers assaulted Communists who tried to defend their alliance with the Nazis, calling them, ‘Communazis.’”

The pact between Islam and the Left manifested once again in the response to the Oct 7 atrocities should be met the same way. The Left should be rejected the same way the Communists were. The ‘Communazis’ have been replaced by ‘Commuhamasniks’, but that is the only thing that has changed. American Jews must relearn how to fight this enemy.

After three generations of failing to confront the leftist hatred of Jews, it’s time to fight.



Victory! Defunding Iran’s Terrorist Regime!

Israel-haters inhabit the top levels of Biden’s pro-Iran regime

UK: Hindu families living in perpetual fear of persecution by Muslims, police do nothing

Germany: Knife-wielding Muslim migrants screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ brawl in asylum center

‘Palestinians’ in Gaza display baby doll, claim it’s a real baby killed by the IDF

Committee to Protect Journalists Whitewashes the Murders of Israeli Journalists

Togo reports 30 deaths from jihad terror attacks in 2023

RELATED VIDEO: Robert Spencer on OAN on leftists manufacturing racist incidents to feed their narrative

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Innocent Palestinians’ freed by Israel immediately don Hamas headbands

What are the odds that they will return to the jihad?

Oh, about 100%.

Netherlands: Geert Wilders calls for recognition that Islam is a violent ideology

Will he become prime minister? I expect that the leftist socialist establishment will now move heaven and earth and resort to all its dirtiest maneuvers in order to prevent that from happening.



UK teachers ‘censoring their lessons over fears of offending Muslim pupils’

CNN: Freed ‘Palestinians’ aren’t terrorists, one ‘sentenced for attempted stabbing attack’

USC bans tenured professor from campus for criticizing Hamas

Austria: Islamic ‘moral guardians’ brutally beat non-Muslim teen for relationship with Muslim girl

UK: BBC bans journalists from going to march against antisemitism, yet many BBC employees attended pro-Hamas rallies

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Hamas’ 2019 vows to ‘cut off heads,’ ‘slit throats,’ and ‘slaughter every Jew on the planet’ were ignored

I tried to tell you.

Hamas’ threats to ‘cut off heads,’ ‘slit throats,’ and ‘slaughter every Jew on the planet’ in 2019 were ignored

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, November 19, 2023:

Hamas’ massacre of Israelis on October 7 shocked everyone in Israel and abroad. So did the brutality of the attack, the cruelty of the murders, and the inhumanity of the torture.

But there were warnings, and the slaughter of at least 1,200 Israelis, the wounding of over 4,800, and the kidnapping of at least 238 hostages should not have come as a surprise.

One of those warnings was in 2019, when Hamas Political Bureau member Fathi Hammad explained in detail Hamas’ intentions, goals, and aspirations: To murder “every Jew on the planet”:

Hamas Political Bureau member Fathi Hammad: “We are sharpening the knives… We were created here in Gaza to shatter and get rid of this [Zionist] entity…    If we die it will be when we are killing you [Jews], and we will cut off your heads, Allah willing… There are seven million Palestinians abroad… You have Jews everywhere. We must attack every Jew on the planet – slaughter and kill… And you, the people of the West Bank… We want the knives to come out. Five shekels [for a knife] – isn’t the throat of a Jew worth five shekels to us? … I will die as I blow up and cut – what? The throats of the Jews and their legs. We will tear them to shreds, Allah willing.”

[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), July 12, 2019]

Through the prism of Hamas’ massacre and attack on Israel on Oct. 7, the statement by Hammad in 2019 now looks like a chilling forecast. Hammad’s words also stress that Hamas’ goal – as the terror organization states in its charter – is to destroy Israel and kill all Jews, not only in Israel but in the entire world….

Read more.



Hamas detainee admits jihadis used hospitals as bases for launching attacks while disguised in civilian clothing

Samantha Pearson, Head of Sexual Assault Center, Fired For Denying Hamas Committed Any Rapes

EU nations banning pro-Palestinian protests, Germany criminalizes River to Sea chant

U.S. Pro-Jihad ‘Activist’ We Freed From Egypt Defends Hamas

UK: Muslim migrant rapist delays deportation for three years by faking video of ISIS threatening him

Rep. Nadler Votes Against Ban on Funding College Antisemitism

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: Survivors recount what happened on Oct. 7th at Kibbutz Alumim during Hamas’ attack

Sarit Kurtzman lived with her husband and 14-month-old daughter on Kibbutz Alumim, just four kilometers from the Gaza border. While they’re used to the sounds of rockets, planes, and tanks, the sounds they heard on October 7th were unlike anything they’d heard before.

For 26 hours, they hid in their safe room as terrorists infiltrated their Kibbutz and wreaked havoc on all that they knew. Sarit tells her brave and miraculous story of survival with tremendous strength and faith.

Avida Bachar managed to survive the massacre in Be’eri with his daughter, but lost his wife and son.

In a heart-wrenching interview from the hospital, Bachar spoke about survival and loss, “The terrorists saw my wife moving and shot her. I told my daughter – “Mommy doesn’t hurt anymore, Carmel is now in a better place.”


TERROR TV: NPR Is Supporting Hamas Terrorism @NPRpubliceditor

Middle East Received $21 Billion In U.S. Foreign Aid Under Biden Administration


©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

THE WAR ON X: WW III • The Global War Against Islamic Terrorism — Day 16

Today October 23rd, 2023 we are now seeing the violence that Hamas began 16 days ago is now spreading like wild fire across the Middle East, Europe and in America.

Demonstrations, some violent, are being led by supporters of Hamas. This is the global Islamic jihad we have been predicating for years.

Here are some of the top headlines for today:

These tweet on X say it all.

This interview with Brother Rachid was taped on Friday, October 21st for RAIR Foundation and the story can be read here. Brother Rachid has a wildly popular TV show in the Arabic World where be brings people out of Islam and into Christianity.

WATCH: EXCLUSIVE With Hunted Islamic Expert Brother Rachid: ‘Muslims Will Be the Majority, They Will Govern the West’

WW III • The Global War Against Islamic Terrorism

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.