Tag Archive for: Muslim

Sara Tabrizi’s Tragic Death under the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence is a Call for Justice and Solidarity

Sara Tabrizi’s tragic death profoundly underscores the ongoing human rights violations and political repression in Iran, mainly targeting women and political dissidents.

In this heart-wrenching story that has shaken the world, we mourn the loss of Sara Tabrizi, a brave 20-year-old former political prisoner in Iran. Her untimely death, occurring just hours after her interrogation by the Ministry of Intelligence, has ignited a firestorm of outrage and condemnation from human rights activists and organizations worldwide. This tragic incident sheds light on the ongoing human rights violations and political repression in Iran, revealing a regime that operates with impunity, silencing dissent and perpetuating a culture of fear and intimidation.

Sara Tabrizi’s journey began as a courageous young woman who dared to challenge the oppressive regime in Iran. Faced with the brutal crackdown on dissent and political opposition, she found herself imprisoned in the notorious “Evin Prison,” a place where hope fades and dreams wither. Despite her unimaginable hardships, Sara remained resilient, refusing to be silenced.

On March 23, 2024, Sara was summoned to the Ministry of Intelligence, a summons that would mark the beginning of her tragic end. Interrogations in Iran have long been synonymous with torture, a grotesque practice used to extract confessions and intimidate political opponents. Sara’s case was no exception. She was subjected to unimaginable horrors, stripping her of her dignity and humanity. Hours later, she was found dead in her home, leaving behind a grieving family and a world demanding answers.

Sara’s death serves as a chilling reminder of the Iranian regime’s complete disregard for human rights. The international community must rise with a unified voice to condemn these actions and hold the Iranian regime accountable. We cannot turn a blind eye to the continuous violations and political repression that plague the lives of countless Iranians. It is our moral duty to demand justice for Sara and all those who have been unjustly persecuted.

The suspicions surrounding Sara Tabrizi’s death demand a thorough and independent investigation. The Iranian regime cannot be trusted to investigate themselves. The international community must rally behind this cause, applying relentless pressure on the Islamic regime to allow an impartial inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Sara’s death. Only through an independent investigation can truth, justice, and closure be achieved.

Sara’s tragic fate serves as a chilling reminder of the risks faced by those who dare to oppose the oppressive regime in Iran. Countless lives have been lost, disappearances have become commonplace, and arbitrary arrests continue to haunt the nation. We must stand in solidarity with the Iranian people, amplify their voices, and support their quest for freedom and democracy.

The United States and its European Allies must stop dealing and negotiating with the unelected terrorist regime of Iran, which has been holding a nation hostage for over forty-five years.  We must recognize the power of international solidarity. The Iranian people yearn for a future without fear, where their voices are heard and their dreams are realized. By standing united, we can create a powerful force in support of the Iranian s people to dislodge the Mullahs.

Like Mahsa AminiSara  Tabrizi’s tragic death serves as a reminder of the risks and consequences faced by those who dare to challenge the status quo in Iran and the importance of international solidarity in supporting the Iranian people in their quest for freedom.

To honor her memory, the international community must take a stand and condemn the ongoing human rights violations and political repression in Iran. Together, we can strive towards a future where no one lives in fear and where justice prevails for Sara and countless others who have suffered at the hands of an unjust regime.

The brave women of Iran will forever shine as beacons of hope and a source of inspiration to those worldwide who struggle for justice, equality, and liberty.

©2024. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

Afghanistan: Taliban’s Supreme Leader says ‘We will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public’

Stoning adulterers is not “extremist”; it is Islamic law. The caliph Umar, one of Muhammad’s closest companions, supposedly even maintained that it was originally in the Qur’an:

‘Umar said, “I am afraid that after a long time has passed, people may say, “We do not find the Verses of the Rajam (stoning to death) in the Holy Book,” and consequently they may go astray by leaving an obligation that Allah has revealed. Lo! I confirm that the penalty of Rajam be inflicted on him who commits illegal sexual intercourse, if he is already married and the crime is proved by witnesses or pregnancy or confession.” Sufyan added, “I have memorized this narration in this way.” ‘Umar added, “Surely Allah’s Apostle carried out the penalty of Rajam, and so did we after him.” (Bukhari, vol. 8, bk. 82, no. 816)

“Allah’s Apostle” is, of course, Muhammad, who according to canonical ahadith did indeed carry out stonings. Here is the hadith in which he challenges the rabbis about stoning, and in which there is amidst the barbarism and brutality a final act of love and compassion:

The Jews came to Allah’s Apostle and told him that a man and a woman from amongst them had committed illegal sexual intercourse. Allah’s Apostle said to them, “What do you find in the Torah (old Testament) about the legal punishment of Ar-Rajm (stoning)?” They replied, (But) we announce their crime and lash them.” Abdullah bin Salam said, “You are telling a lie; Torah contains the order of Rajm.” They brought and opened the Torah and one of them solaced his hand on the Verse of Rajm and read the verses preceding and following it. Abdullah bin Salam said to him, “Lift your hand.” When he lifted his hand, the Verse of Rajm was written there. They said, “Muhammad has told the truth; the Torah has the Verse of Rajm. The Prophet then gave the order that both of them should be stoned to death. (‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar said, “I saw the man leaning over the woman to shelter her from the stones.” (Bukhari, vol. 4, bk. 56, no. 829)

Even the monkeys practiced stoning, according to another hadith:

During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them. (Bukhari, vol. 5, bk. 58, no. 188)

Muhammad’s example is, of course, normative for Islamic behavior: “Indeed in the messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for him who looks to Allah and the last day, and remembers Allah a great deal.” (Qur’an 33:21)



Terror Group Hamas Takes Victory Lap in Iran

San Francisco-area Islamic scholar says Oct. 7 massacre ‘another big lie,’ Allah is punishing the Jews

West Point Professor John Spencer and Prime Minister Netanyahu Discuss the War in Gaza

Selective Sympathies, Or, Only Palestinian Lives Matter

France transfers migrants to small towns ahead of Olympics 

Texas congressman accuses Biden of ‘pandering to progressive extremists’ by abandoning Israel

Glazov Gang: Biden’s Catastrophe – Training, Arming and Globalizing the Taliban

After Moscow concert hall attack, France raises terror alert to highest level

Glazov Gang: Where are AOC’s Tears at the Border?

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Islam is a Grand Delusion

“We are our beliefs,” it is said. Beliefs steer people in life. Some beliefs are harmless, some are the motive force for good, and yet others are delusional, misguided, and even outright dangerous. Every version of the belief called “Islam” ranges from the delusional to the dangerous.

Islam is a Grand Delusion, birthed by Muhammad’s hallucination, which he relayed to his first wife and employer, Khadija. Greatly frightened, he told Khadija that he had been visited by a jinn (devil) in the Hira cave. Khadija comforted the distraught man by assuring him that the episode was Allah’s way of choosing him as his messenger. Muhammad believed his rich wife-employer, who was 15 years his senior, and the delusion became a belief—Islam.

Remarkably enough, under the early tutelage of Khadija, Muhammad succeeded in attracting a number of influential followers. Before long, the movement gathered more and more power through violent campaigns, and faith was taken in new people and alien lands. This grand delusion, Islam, presently has in its stranglehold over a billion humans, posing an existential threat to all non-Muslims.

Islam is rooted in the primitive tribal mentality of “We against Them,” “We the righteous against the heathens,” and “We the servants submissive of the Great Allah against the rebellious enemies of Allah.” Islam is a polarizer. Islam is an enemy-maker. To Islam, a non-Muslim is a combatant against Allah, and he is fair game to be subjugated and killed.

When some billion and a half adhere to the pathological belief of Islam and use it as their marching order of life, the rest of humanity can ignore the threat only at its own peril.

Once again, a resurgent Islam is on a campaign of conquest throughout the world. Hordes of life-in-hand foot-solider fanatical Muslims are striving to kill and get killed. All they want is the opportunity to discharge their homicidal-suicidal impulse on their way to Allah’s promised glorious paradise. In the background, the foot soldiers’ wishes are granted by their handlers, the puppeteers, who pull the strings and detonate these human bombs. Those who cherish life must recognize these emissaries of death, what makes them, what motivates them, and how best to defend against them.

The campaign of death waged by the Islamist jihadist, be he a puppet or a puppeteer, is energized by the belief in delectable rewards that await the faithful implementer of Allah’s dictates. Through highly effective indoctrination, the jihadist has come to believe firmly in Islam’s grand delusion. He believes that Allah is the one and only supreme creator of earth and heavens, that it is his duty and privilege to abide by Allah’s will and carry out his plans at all costs; he believes firmly in a gloriously wonderful immortal afterlife in paradise, for which a martyr’s death is the surest quickest admission. Although the dominating theme of the delusion is quasi-spiritual, the promised rewards of the afterlife awaiting the martyr are sensual and material. All the things and activities that the jihadist desires and cannot attain or practice and rejects in his earthly life will be purified and proffered to him in the paradise of the next life. Thus goes the delusion.

It is important to understand that the human mind is not a perfect discerner of objective reality. In actuality, reality is in the mind of the beholder. The outside world supplies bits and pieces of raw material that the mind combines to form its reality. Depending on the type and amount of bits and pieces a given mind receives, its reality can be very different from that of another.

The more prescribed and homogeneous a group, the greater its consensual reality, since the members share much in common experiential input and reinforce each other’s mindset. Thus, members of a given religious order, for instance, tend to think much more similarly to one another than to members of other groups with different experiential histories.

Therefore, various approximations of objective reality rule the mind. The degree to which these approximations deviate from the larger group’s consensual reality determines the extent and severity of the delusions.

A cocaine mainliner, for instance, under the influence of the drug, may become convinced that a bug is burrowing under his skin. In his absolute, although false, certitude of the reality of his perception, cocaine users are known to take a knife to their own body to dig the burrowing bug out before it has penetrated too deeply.

A methamphetamine user’s reality is often distorted differently. Under the influence of the drug, an intense paranoia overtakes him. His reality is dominated by the belief that one or more people are lurking about to harm or kill him. He may wield a deadly weapon, going from room to room, from closet to closet, in search of the assailants.

If you believe a bug is camping deeply inside your body, you might try to dig out the non-existent bug. If you believe that people are lurking around the house to harm or kill you, you go after them before they get you. If you believe that all the troubles of the world are due to the evil-doings of the non-Muslims who war against Allah, then you do all you can to fight and kill them, particularly since Allah tells you to do so in the Quran.

The drug-induced delusions are hallucinations. They are dramatic and usually transitory, while religiously-based implantation of ideas program the mind with lasting delusions.

Delusions, even when they are at great variance from the objective reality, can rule the mind without the need for drugs or as a result of neurological dysfunctions or other factors. The young and the less-educated are most vulnerable to believe the claims of charlatans, con artists, and cunning clerics as truth and reality.

A tragic example of the young’s susceptibility to induced delusion is the case of thousands of Iranian children who were used as human minesweepers in the last Iran-Iraq war. The mullahs issued made-in-China plastic keys for paradise to children as an enticement to go forward and clear the minefield with their bodies ahead of the military’s armored vehicles. The children believed the murderers and rushed to their deaths, thinking that they were headed for Islam’s glorious paradise.

The repeated, intense indoctrination of the children even changed the perception of some of the charlatan mullahs so that they, themselves, believed their own lies, took their own keys to Allah’s paradise, and rushed to their deaths, clinging to the plastic trinkets. Hence, some of the puppeteers, in this instance, became puppets themselves. Such are the follies and fallibilities of the human mind.

It is, therefore, understandable that many of the higher-up Islamic puppeteers, who are usually brainwashed from early childhood, devote their fortunes and persons to the implementation of their deeply engrained delusions.

Deluded by the threats and promises of Islam, Muslims, poor or rich, vie with one another to further the violent cause of Allah.

Many non-Muslims are also victims of a different, yet just as deadly, delusion. They believe that Islam is a religion of peace, that only a small minority of Muslims are jihadists, and that Muslims can be reasoned to abandon the Quran-mandated elimination of the non-believers. These well-meaning simpletons are just as deluded as the fanatic jihadists by refusing to acknowledge the fact that one cannot be a Muslim and not abide by the dictates of the Quran.

©2024. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.


Photo Released of Muslim Terrorists Who Attacked Moscow

London Ts The ‘World’s Most Antisemitic City,’ Says Israeli minister

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Islamic Cleric Mastermind Behind Moscow’s Worst Terror Attack Since Beslan

Vicious Jew Hater Nerdeen Kiswani at “Emergency” Anti-Israel Demo: “It’s Not Enough to Hate Israel In Your Hearts! Our Anger and Rage is Not Enough!”

California Synagogue Leases Space to Mosque to ‘Ease Tensions,’ Mosque Then Features Pro-Hamas Speaker


Muslims Understand Compassion Differently Than We Do

The idea that compassion is between man and man, not just God and man, barely exists.

The origins of Islam are twofold. It was a revealed religion, but grew out of pre-Islamic Arabian tribal—that is, Bedouin—culture. When Bedouin cultural values conflicted with Islam, Bedouin culture almost always won out. Over time, Islam and Bedouin culture melded into one. It is this combination that constitutes today’s Islamic culture.

The problem with Islam today is not a problem with Islam as a religion but rather Islamic culture. If Muslims choose to pray five or even 50 times a day, that is no concern of ours. But regarding Islamic culture and its view of non-Muslims, we do have a say.

Hebrew and Arabic share many common words and roots, but their meanings often diverge. For example, in both Arabic and Hebrew, the root R-Ḥ-M refers to the womb and signifies compassion. But the understanding of compassion in Judaism is very different from that of Islam.

The opening line of the Quran is: “In the name of Allah, the merciful and the compassionate.” We know what “merciful” and “compassionate” mean in English. It relates to the relationship between God and man, and between man and man.

In Islamic culture, by contrast, compassion is only between God and man. Compassion between man and man is almost absent. This does not mean that individual Muslims do not share our Western concept of compassion, but if they do, it is not derived from Islamic culture.

When a Jew asks God for compassion and forgiveness during the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, he must first approach people he has wronged and ask for forgiveness. The person asked is required to have compassion and forgive. We believe that only by showing compassion to our fellow human beings will God be compassionate and forgiving towards us on Yom Kippur. Islamic culture is quite different.

On Oct. 7, we witnessed the results of this. Among those slaughtered by Gaza Muslims on that day were Bedouin Muslims who were Israeli citizens. They were killed along with Israeli Jews. Unlike the Nazis, who tried to hide their extermination program, the Muslims who slaughtered their fellow human beings—Muslims and non-Muslims—were proud of what they did, as demonstrated by the recordings of phone calls they made to the victims’ parents and friends as the murderers were terrorizing and murdering the recipients’ loved ones.

Why did the murderers also kill other Muslims? Because Muslims care first and foremost about their family, their clan and tribal associations, in that order. This has been true throughout Islamic history. Compassion towards one’s fellow human beings often barely exists.

There are many examples of this phenomenon:

When Hamas, the Iranian regime and Hezbollah send shahids—martyrs—to kill themselves in the name of Allah, they do not choose them from their own families. If they had compassion for others, why would they send other people’s children to their deaths? As we say, put your money where your mouth is.

In Arab culture, blood feuds continue for years without forgiveness or compassion. Perceived “wrongs” must be “righted” by deadly vengeance even if the original insult or crime might have happened generations ago.

Women suspected of dishonoring their families may be killed by family members. In some cases, the woman’s “transgression” is merely talking to a man who is not from the same family. It is not uncommon for fathers and even mothers to tell one of their sons to erase the blot on the family honor by killing his sister. We know of cases in which the son protested and his father told him that if he refused to kill his sister, he would be cast out of the family—which is the only security the son has.

Co-author Harold Rhode once taught a class in the Islamic world about Islamic culture. A female Muslim student wearing a hijab told him that she had to be very careful about talking to a non-relative. At the end of the day, when classes were over, her father personally escorted her home to her village. This student understood very well that if there were any rumors about her, she could end up dead. Moreover, her sisters pleaded with her not to do anything that might dishonor their family and thereby prevent them from being able to marry.

Before the Syrian civil war began in 2011, the country’s population was as high as 22 million. Since then, millions of Syrians have been killed, expelled or displaced to other countries. We have no idea what the population of Syria is today. It could be as little as 6-10 million. We wonder how Syrian dictator Bashar Assad could do this to his “own” people. But Assad doesn’t see most of them as his “own” people. He is a member of the Alawite sect. He is not a Sunni Muslim like approximately 72% of Syria’s pre-war population. To him, these Sunnis are expendable because their existence threatens his regime. Compassion does not enter into the equation.

When Kurdish citizens of Turkey refuse to call themselves “Turks,” the Turkish government has often labeled them “terrorists” to justify imprisoning or killing them. Not for nothing do the Kurds have a proverb: “No friends but the mountains,” expressing their feelings of loneliness, betrayal and abandonment.

When Islam conquers, it conquers by the sword. That is why there is a sword on the Saudi flag. Saudi Arabia’s ruling creed is an extreme form of Sunni Islam. Its flag symbolizes this creed. Beautiful calligraphy on the flag reads: “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.” This simple statement, called the Shahada, is the central principle of the Islamic creed. The sword symbolizes their prophet’s conquest of pagans. The message: Either convert to Islam or die.

When shahids capture enemies, they do not just kill them. They usually make them suffer. Only then does the shahid kill his victim.

In 1947-1948, when Palestinian Arabs fled then-Palestine, their fellow Arabs responded by putting them into refugee camps, where many of them and their descendants still languish. Their “fellow Arabs” never had compassion on them and assimilated them. By contrast, when Jews fled from the surrounding Arab countries, Israel welcomed them, and the fledgling state helped to establish them as full citizens.

In Persian, the closest equivalent to the English phrase “it doesn’t matter” is “it doesn’t bring shame” (eib na-dareh). This means that what you have done will not shame or humiliate you and your family. We rarely think about shame and humiliation, but Muslims almost always have them in the back of their minds. If someone does something shameful or humiliating, others have no compassion for them.

These are just a few examples of how differently we Westerners and the Muslim world understand compassion. Our concepts of compassion and mercy are very different from those of Islamic culture. This, in short, is why so much of the Muslim world is so violent not only towards others, but towards other Muslims as well.

This article originally appeared in the Jewish News Syndicate.



Harold Rhode received in Ph.D. in Islamic history and later served as the Turkish Desk Officer at the U.S. Department of Defense. He is now a distinguished senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute.


Bennett Ruda is a freelance journalist for The Jewish Press and a contributor to the popular Elder of Ziyon blog.

©2024. . All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Muslim Migrant Chases Couple on way to Synagogue, Screaming Anti-Semitic Slurs & Threatening to Kill Them

Diversity, ya know, is our strength. Borders and immigration controls are racist.

Jordanian man arrested in Florida for antisemitic threats against Orthodox Jews

Jerusalem Post, March 10, 2024:

A man in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, is under investigation for what authorities are calling antisemitic attacks, as reported by Local 10 News.

Mohamed Al Saccal, 39, has been accused of using a sharp object, described by some victims as a dagger, to threaten Orthodox Jews in the community.

According to Sgt. Brain Schnell, this incident is part of a disturbing trend of harassment targeting members of the Jewish community over the past three days.

Al Saccal allegedly chased a couple on their way to a synagogue along Collins Avenue, yelling antisemitic sentiments and threatening their lives.

According to the report, Al Saccal, a resident of Sunny Isles Beach born in Jordan, is currently in custody, facing charges of aggravated assault.

Authorities are considering upgrading these charges to hate crimes in light of the nature of his actions….

Continue reading.



Netanyahu defies Biden, vows to keep fighting: ‘It’s either Israel or Hamas. There’s no middle way.’

Biden, Kamala Send Ramadan Message Empathizing With Hamas Supporters

Austria: Nine Muslim migrant teens sexually abuse two teen girls, film the abuse

Israel Must Make Clear That It Won’t Keep Helping Jordan If Jordan’s Hostile Rhetoric Continues

While Israel Unstintingly Helps Jordan, Jordan Rails About Israel’s Unsurpassed Villainy

The Zone of Interest Was a Bad Movie. No Wonder Jonathan Glazer is a Hamas Apologist.

Montreal: Pro-Hamas protester gives National Socialist salute, screams ‘Death to the Jews’

RELATED VIDEO: Robert Spencer with Stephen Gardner on the true nature of the Israel-Hamas war

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.N.R.W.A. Staff Recordings Prove Hamas Treated Young Women ‘Like Animals’

‘Sabaya’ is a term in Islam that describes women and children as the property of a Muslim man. It also means slave and handmaiden.

The most difficult use of ‘Sabaya’ was by ISIS terrorists, who called the captured Yazidi women this.

The Qur’an allows men to have sexual access to “what their right hands possess,” meaning female captives or slaves (Q. 23.5-6; 70.29-30).

IDF spokesperson: UNRWA staff recordings prove Hamas treated young women ‘like animals’

By Emanuel Fabian, Times of Israel, 4 March 2024:

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari in an evening press conference says that despite the “difficult content,” the military chose to release the audio recordings of UNRWA staff who participated in the October 7 onslaught, to “remind and not forget.”

“The massacre committed by Hamas on October 7 is the most documented massacre in history. Hamas terrorists filmed their own cruelty. As time goes by, more and more testimonies are revealed, more intelligence every day,” he says.

“You can hear how the terrorists entered Israeli territory, participated in the massacre, and terror, and captured ‘sabaya.’”

He explains that in one of the recordings, a Hamas terrorist, who worked as a teacher at a UNRWA school in Deir al-Balah, tells his friend that he captured a sabaya, a term used by Islamic State jihadists that means sex slave.

“Sabaya” is a term in Islam that describes women and children as the property of a Muslim man. It also means slave and handmaiden. The most difficult use of “sabaya” was by ISIS terrorists, who called the captured Yazidi women this, Hagari says.

“In the conversation, the terrorist on the other side of the line describes a woman as a noble mare,” he says.

“On October 7, Hamas treated young women with cruelty and brutality, kidnapped them from their homes, and treated them like animals,” Hagari continues.

“How they refer to the hostages as ‘sabaya’ and a ‘noble mare’ keeps us awake at night, and requires the world to shout, as it did for the Yazidi women,” he says.

Hagari adds that, via the testimonies from hostages who were released from Gaza, “we learn about the dangers the hostages are exposed to, especially the women and children.”

Continue reading.



UN AUDIO: United Nations Employee Brags, Laughs About Kidnapping Female Hostage During the 10/7 Atrocities in Israel

Sex Slavery in Islam

Rape Jihad


How this murderous Hamas terrorist describes with glee October the 7th

What do they mean when they say “by any means necessary”?

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Challenge to All Muslims

Islam can justifiably be condemned as a barbaric ideology that has energized and continues to energize crimes against humanity. Islam belongs to a raft of doctrines such as Nazism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism of various stripes that promotes hate and violence against others. Despicable principles of hatred and violence remain confined to their place under the “shameful” classification in libraries until people adopt them as their program of life. Hence, people are guilty of bringing to life the dogmas of savagery.

In the same way that ignorance of the law does not constitute a valid defense, not bothering to find out about the true nature of Islamic precepts and practices and blindly doing Islam’s bidding constitutes inexcusable wrongdoing. Muslims, therefore, are indictable for subscribing to the Quran and committing themselves to carry out its ruthless instructions at great harm to the non-subscribers.

A vast cadre of Islamic apologists, generally from the ranks of the well-pampered parasitic clergy, labor greatly at defending Islam and keeping the masses in servitude. In practice, these sheepdogs of Islam earn their very livelihood by devouring the sheep they herd.

The apologists cover a wide spectrum. On one extreme are the unrepentant and shameless bigots who adhere to and promote every provision of the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sunna. These robots pride themselves on being diehard, obedient, literal believers of Allah.

Then, those apologists do their best to walk a tightrope. They skillfully straddle a zone with one foot in the Islamic muck and the other out. These illusionists—the smoke and mirror artists—are masters of double-speak and are very difficult to pin down. Yet, they are most effective in their work. They manage, through their clever tactics of half truth-half lies, to keep the faithful in line and fool the gullible non-Muslims.

And then there are the sheep—the rank-and-file Muslims. They are indictable because they are the ones who keep Islam alive by feeding and supporting it. It is this rank that supplies the Islamic foot soldiers—those servants of the All Kind and All-Merciful Allah who do not have a grain of kindness or mercy in their dark hearts. These easily programmable robots detonate explosive vests not just to kill the kafirs, but to kill even other Muslims. They slaughter innocent kidnapped people as cheerily as they slash a lamb’s throat. With exhortation passages from the Quran pasted on the wall of their slaughterhouse, they shamelessly fire their Ketusha rockets, not at the military but directly at the civilian population.

Are all Muslims the leeching clergy or actively involved in terrorism and included in the blanket indictment, you ask?

The fact is that being a Muslim is a clear admission of wrongdoing, the extent of which depends on the degree of a person’s Muslim-ness. If he is only a Muslim who does not practice Islam, then he is, at the very least, guilty of hypocrisy. If he is somewhat of a Muslim by tithing, from time to time, following the ranting of the local mullah or imam, and swallowing whole the pronouncements of the high divines, then he is guilty of significantly contributing to the evildoings of Islam.

Lastly, there are those Muslims who simply lack the courage to leave Islam and exercise their gift of humanness. They are the pathetic crowd guilty of remaining in the fold of tyranny and withholding support from the forces of liberty and human dignity. Also, to use an old cliché, if a person is not part of the solution, he is part of the problem. Islam is indeed a huge problem.

Some Muslims have objected to my taking Islam to task and not addressing the atrocities of others, both in the past and in the present. I do not see myself as an ombudsman for mankind, commissioned by God or self-appointed. I am not egotistical enough to see myself as a universal arbiter of all wrongdoings. I, however, unreservedly condemn all genocides, religiously based or otherwise, and all wrongs visited upon any individual or people irrespective of time, place, and any other considerations.

My focus is Islam because I, my people, and my native country, Iran, have been victimized by a primitive alien ideology for far too long. Having witnessed first-hand the horrors and indignity that Islamofascism visits on people it subjugates, I have taken it upon myself to do my part in defeating this ideology of oppression, hate, and violence.

I enjoy and deeply cherish the liberty that America has generously afforded me, enabling me to raise a cry from the heart regarding the tragic plight of millions of Iranian victims—my compatriots who dare not speak against the wicked mullahs and their mercenaries.

I am the voice of tens of thousands of Iran’s best children, many of them literally children, who have been imprisoned, brutally tortured, shamelessly raped, and viciously slaughtered by Allah’s beasts presently ruling Iran.

The heartless religionists of Allah have plundered and continue to plunder the people’s vast oil income, fill their bottomless pockets with ill-begotten funds, and finance adventurism in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, and anywhere and everywhere they find willing clientele.

In the meantime, over the past three decades of their Islam-authorized dastardly theocracy, they have driven masses of the Iranian people to abject poverty. They have created a culture of nihilism and despair that has spawned one of the world’s most drug-addicted societies and have compelled a great many women to sell their bodies in order to survive.

It is, so I find it both my sacred duty and inalienable right to indict Muslims as either criminals themselves or accessories to the crimes, seek justice for my people, and warn others of the dangers of Islamofascism in all its forms.

I challenge all Muslims to abandon the demonic cult of Muhammad and join forces of liberty and justice for free people with no turbaned masters or masters of any kind.

It is said that it is a crime to remain silent in the face of evil. Thus, I am speaking up and urging other good men and women to raise their resonant voices while they can before they are brutally silenced by the ever-creeping Islamofascism.

©2024. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: UN Report: ‘Reasonable Grounds To Believe’ Hamas Members Sexually-Assaulted, Raped Abductees

UC Berkeley’s Hitler Youth Accost Jewish Speaker & Attack Jewish Students

University of California, Berkeley, administrators have offered no apology to Israeli lawyer Ran Bar-Yoshafat, whose speech to a campus Jewish group was abruptly canceled by the university after violent protesters choked a female student attendee, spit in another attendee’s face, and broke into the auditorium where Bar-Yoshafat waited onstage….more here.

Berkley Schools:  Nazi Youth/Hamas Chapter Running Loose in District


The Berkeley schools have declared themselves a chapter of Hamas.  Teachers and Administrators openly and quietly are going after Jewish teaches and students.  This is reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

“The Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) “knowingly allowed its K-12 campuses to become viciously hostile environments for Jewish and Israeli students,” according to a copy of the complaint, filed with the Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Parents who have signed onto the complaint say anti-Semitic incidents in the schools have “positively surged” since Hamas conducted its unprecedented Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel.

“At BUSD, a virulent wave of anti-Semitism swept through its schools immediately following the massacre,” the complaint alleges. “Jewish and Israeli students have since been subjected to nonstop anti-Semitic bullying and harassment by their teachers and peers, in hallways, in classrooms, and in school yards.”

Reminder;  Like the Nazi’s, Communists, using Karl Marx principles are also Jew haters—so this should be no surprise that the Communist city of Berkeley promotes Jew hating.

Berkeley Public Schools Hit With Federal Complaint Over ‘Severe and Persistent’ Anti-Semitic Bullying

Complaint alleges hallway chants of ‘kill the Jews’ and anti-Semitic teacher rants in support of Hamas

Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon,  2/28/24  https://freebeacon.com/campus/berkeley-public-schools-hit-with-federal-complaint-over-severe-and-persistent-anti-semitic-bullying/

A public school district in Berkeley, California, was hit with a federal complaint on Wednesday alleging it has failed to stem an escalating series of anti-Semitic incidents that include hallway chants of “kill the Jews” and anti-Semitic teacher rants in support of the Hamas terror group.

The Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) “knowingly allowed its K-12 campuses to become viciously hostile environments for Jewish and Israeli students,” according to a copy of the complaint, filed with the Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Parents who have signed onto the complaint say anti-Semitic incidents in the schools have “positively surged” since Hamas conducted its unprecedented Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel.

“At BUSD, a virulent wave of anti-Semitism swept through its schools immediately following the massacre,” the complaint alleges. “Jewish and Israeli students have since been subjected to nonstop anti-Semitic bullying and harassment by their teachers and peers, in hallways, in classrooms, and in school yards.”

The complaint, filed by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, follows a flurry of similar federal filings against many of America’s top universities, including Harvard, MIT, and University of Pennsylvania, among others. Like its college counterparts, the Berkeley school district stands accused of becoming a dangerous place for Jews and Israelis.

“Reported incidents of anti-Semitism include school ‘walkouts’ praising Hamas with students shouting ‘f— the Jews’ and ‘KKK,’” according to the complaint. “Teachers use class time to propagandize that the Hamas massacre was admirable ‘resistance.’ Following their teachers’ lead, students bully their Jewish peers and deride their physical appearance.”

Berkeley Unified did not respond to a request for comment.

Parents have reported this behavior to school administrators, the complaint says, but the district “has done nothing to address, much less curtail, the hostile environment that has plagued BUSD for over four months.”

The ADL and Brandeis Center are asking the federal government to open a formal probe into the school district to determine if the Jewish population’s civil rights are being violated.

Anti-Semitism is allegedly “normalized throughout BUSD. And teachers have responded with threats.”

In one case, a teacher approached a parent who had complained and said, “I know who you are, I know who your f—ing wife is and I know where you live,” according to testimony included in the federal filing.

Perhaps taking a cue from their instructors, students have harassed their Jewish classmates, telling them, “it is excellent what Hamas did to Israel” and “you have a big nose because you are a stupid Jew,” according to incidents relayed in the complaint.

“While Berkeley Unified School District plasters its buildings with ‘United Against Hate’ posters, Jewish hate is ignored,” said Berkeley Unified parent Ilana Pearlman.

In the wake of Hamas’s attack on Israel, Berkeley Unified teachers and administrators have allegedly staged walkouts “denigrating Israelis and calling for the elimination of Jews.”

“Teachers, staff, and administrators,” the complaint states, “have participated in and encouraged students to join walkouts, depriving Jewish and Israeli students of a safe place to learn and all students of instruction.” In some cases, these events have taken place during school hours.

In another case cited in the complaint, an unnamed art teacher “spent significant class time imposing his anti-Semitic views on students by showing them violent pro-Hamas videos, projecting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic images during class.” This includes an image of a fist holding a Palestinian flag punching through a Star of David.

The complaint outlines other similar incidents, including anti-Semitic harassment, that has left Jewish students shaken and scared about going to school each day.

“The Berkeley public school district is just one of many districts in California and other states that are experiencing an extreme wave of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic language and incidents in the classroom and the schoolyard,” said Rachel Lerman, vice chair and general counsel for the Brandeis Center. “Since October 7, there have been continual anti-Israel rallies, taking kids off campus without parent permission, where students are provided with signs and permitted to call for the extermination of Zionists and Jews. Students feel free to engage in anti-Semitic speech and bully their Jewish classmates because a number of their teachers tolerate and even encourage it. Meanwhile the administration does nothing in the face of widespread parent complaints.”



Nothing has prepared me for the anti-Semitism I see on college campuses now

Yes, Marwan Barghouti Could Serve As ‘Palestinian’ President From Prison


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: Operation ‘Swords of Iron’ News Summary: March 1st and March 2nd, 2024

Here are the latest news headlines from this afternoon that reached our news desk. The times given are Jerusalem time (GMT +2)

March 1st, 2024

12:34 – SYRIA: The Syrian army claims that it managed to intercept and shoot down in the sky of the city of Raqqa in Syria, 2 American drones manufactured by the Boeing company RQ-21 A Blackjack while they were on intelligence gathering flights. The cost of each such UAV is estimated at about 8 million dollars

13:10 – IRAN: Iranian channels affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards: Reza Zaraei, commander of the Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards, was killed in an attack tonight in Banias in Syria, along with two senior Hezbollah officials.

13:58 – LEBANON: Lebanese channels: The IDF fires shells at the town of Khula Wazani in the Marj Ayon district

14:01 – JERUSALEM: Clashes between Arab rioters and the security forces in the Old City of Jerusalem. [VIDEO]

14:02 – GAZA: A number of rockets fall in the fence area in the Ashkelon beach area in open areas.

14:03 – LEBANON: Lebanese channels: air strike on buildings in the town of Ita al-Sha’ab in southern Lebanon, there are casualties

14:09 – LEBANON: Hezbollah launched a heavy rocket at a military target in the Upper Galilee area in the Ramim Ridge area.

14:09 – LEBANON: Arab reports: air strike towards Jebel Blat in southern Lebanon

15:21 – SYRIA: Arab reports of explosions in the Syrian Golan

15:29 – LEBANON: The IDF attacked military buildings and terrorist infrastructure of the terrorist organization Hezbollah

14:38 – IRAN: Reports that the Israeli attack in Syria killed an advisor in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards named Reza Zarei, in addition to two Hezbollah members

March 2nd, 2024

12:09 – USA: US Representative Ilhan Omar: “President Biden’s administration gave Israel the green light to commit a massacre against the Palestinians.”

12:14: The IDF spokesman confirms that this morning the Air Force eliminated terrorists belonging to the Imam Hussein Division who had previously fired rockets into the territory of the State of Israel in a vehicle attack in southern Lebanon; military buildings and infrastructure of the terrorist organization Hezbollah were attacked during the night and morning.

12:20 – LEBANON – Hezbollah announces the deaths of 3 more of their officers. The three killed this morning belong to the Imam Hussein Division, which operates in Syria directly by Iran and in Lebanon under Hezbollah. IDF spokesperson: “This morning, the IDF eliminated in a vehicle attack in southern Lebanon terrorists who belong to the Imam Hussein division and had previously fired rockets into the territory of the State of Israel.” Military buildings and infrastructure of the Hezbollah terrorist organization were attacked during the night and morning. This morning, aircraft attacked a vehicle in the area of southern Lebanon containing a number of terrorists who fired rockets at Israeli territory. The terrorists operated under the Imam Hussein Division, which is associated with Iran and works for the terrorist organization Hezbollah. In addition, a short time ago fighter jets attacked a terrorist infrastructure of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in the Lebanon region of Lebanon, and during the night two additional military structures of the terrorist organization were attacked in the Leyda region.

12:35 – GAZA: The Egyptian Air Force in aid drop carried out over the Gaza Strip

13:05 – RED SEA: Freighter Rubymar has sunk in Red Sea, Yemen internationally recognized government says

14:00 – GAZA: The IDF spokesman announces that the fighters of the commando formation are engaged in intense combat in the west of Khan Yunis, during which they eliminate dozens of terrorists and carry out raids on terrorist infrastructures in accordance with designated intelligence.

14:01 – RED SEA: The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) agency said on Saturday that it received a report an attack 15 nautical miles west of Yemen’s port of Mokha, where the Houthis that control much of Yemen have been attacking shipping lanes.

14:42 – JUDEA: 57-year-old man moderately injured in suspected attack at Mount Hebron

16:05: LEBANON: Reports on Arab networks: A vehicle was attacked from the air in the Rashia al-Fakhar area in southern Lebanon. According to the report of the Lebanese newspaper affiliated with Hezbollah, “Al-Akhbar”, the attack was carried out using an Israeli drone.

16:28 – GAZA: Reports in Gaza of two dead and several wounded in the bombing of a house in southern Deir al-Balah.

16:33 – RED SEA: U.S. Central Command reports: The ship that was attacked by a Houthi bomb in the Red Sea on February 18 sank as a result of the hit today.

18:30 – IDF continues striking targets in Lebanon: IDF spokesperson, “This morning, IDF aircraft struck a vehicle in southern Lebanon, in which a number of terrorists who launched rockets into Israeli territory were driving in. The terrorists operated under the Imam Hossein Division, which is affiliated with Iran and operates for the Hezbollah terrorist organization. In addition, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in the area of Labbouneh in southern Lebanon a short while ago. Moreover, two Hezbollah military compounds were struck in the area of Blida overnight.”

20:30 – ‘He strengthened Hamas’ position’ – Former U.S. ambassador blasts Biden’s ‘ice cream shop’ prediction. Former U.S. ambassador Friedamn accuses Biden of ‘malpractice,’ slamming president for ‘ice cream shop’ prediction on hostage deal with Hamas.


UN Report: ‘Reasonable Grounds To Believe’ Hamas Members Sexually-Assaulted, Raped Abductees

Speech from 98th Division Commander to his Paratrooper unit

Anti-Zionist Jews: Fringe Voices

It’s time we ridicule them.

Since the Soviet Union, the Arab League boycott, and the Iranian Revolution, antisemites have tried to hide their anti-Jewish bigotry behind politically acceptable “anti-Zionism.”

Get two Jews in a room, get three opinions. True of most things, but one thing most Jews agree on is that Israel is the indigenous homeland of the Jewish people and that their connection to it is a core tenet of their Jewish identity. Despite this majoritarian view, there is a loud minority of radical anti-Israel Jewish voices. Although unrepresentative of the broad Jewish community, our detractors and the media weaponize them, turning them into “token Jews” used to attack Israel and sow division within the Jewish community. It’s time we ridicule them.

From the Soviet Union to the Arab League Boycott, from the Iranian Revolution to October 7th and anti-Israel protests today, antisemites attempt to hide their anti-Jewish bigotry behind politically acceptable “anti-Zionism”. Jews who support this charade willingly provide political cover for this generation’s loudest and proudest antisemites.

The normalization of anti-Zionist Jews in public life has three glaring issues:

1. Israel-hatred doesn’t exempt you from the Jewish collective future

Jewish life in the diaspora is directly dependent on the continued survival and flourishing of the Jewish state. Groups like Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), and If Not Now (INN), deploy and weaponize their Jewish identity in their anti-Israel activism. The effect? The re-assurance of non-Jewish groups that anyone can target Israel without fear of alienating the “Jewish community”. JVP and INN are a collection of radical left, mostly Jewish ideologues who use their ancestry to leverage attacks against Israel. They cite Jewish ritual, reference texts, and use our people’s language to validate their radical attacks against the homeland of the Jewish people, the state of Israel.

What they fail to realize is that their misplaced activism allows virulent antisemites to turn them into useful idiots. They’re ephemeral political fronts weaponized by antisemites until they no longer serve their purpose. Antisemites hate all Jews – “good Jews” or “bad Jews”, those from the right and from the left alike. So, if Israel ceases to exist, as JVP and INN desire, where will these Jews turn when antisemites inevitably turn on them? By normalizing and validating the progressive movement’s exclusion of Zionist Jews (most Jews) they are essentially digging their own graves.

JVP and INN should forever be contextualized properly and referred to for what they are – useful jesters for Jew haters around the globe. And once contextualized, they should be ridculed.

2. Institutions empowering “token” Jews endanger all Jews 

Radical leftist orthodoxy continues to permeate American institutional life. This ideological capture is perhaps most obvious throughout American universities. Since October 7th, university leadership keen to balance the appearance of caring about antisemitism while maintaining their progressive bona fides,  use token Jews as proof that their progressive agendas are not antisemitic. For example, recently, Stanford named Ari Kelman, a Jewish professor aligned with anti-Israel groups, and who concluded antisemitism wasn’t a problem on campuses in 2017 paper, as the Co-Chair of their Committee on Antisemitism.

In an effort to redefine what constitutes antisemitism, Kelman alongside Jewish Voice for Peace, argued that the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism is “flawed and overly expansive” and “silences Palestinian voices.” Deborah Lipstadt, the US Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Antisemitism called IHRA “one of the most fundamental tools we have to combat [antisemitism].” Stanford selected someone to combat antisemitism whose views are directly at odds with the State Department’s pre-eminent defender of the Jewish people. And after Kelman essentially offered his Judaism as political cover to defend San Francisco State University’s (SFSU) antisemitism, the school admitted to allowing antisemitism on its campus.

More recently, Harvard selected Jewish professor Derek Penslar, a known anti-Israel proponent, to lead an antisemitism task force on campus. In August, Penslar signed an open letter accusing Israel of running “a regime of apartheid” and employing “Jewish supremacism”. And following Claudina Gay’s resignation, Penslar downplayed the antisemitism on campus, telling JTA that outsiders had “exaggerated” the issue. As Larry Summers wrote, “Could one imagine Harvard appointing as head of anti-racism task force someone who had minimized the racism problem,” as Mr. Penslar has done with antisemitism at Harvard.” The double standard glaring.

When selecting leadership and given the centrality of Israel for most Jews, institutions would be wise to listen to the fears and concerns of Zionist Jews. Committees, task forces, and organizations are constantly formed to combat “Muslim, Palestinian, and Arab hate” – lumping in ethnicity, religion and state-based hatred. But Jews aren’t afforded this same protection. Institutions who solely elevate Jews with anti-Israel views perpetuate this double standard.

3. Anti-Israel views are not pro-peace. They’re anti-Jewish future.

Since 10/7 it’s hard to find a “pro-Palestinian” rally that isn’t drenched in antisemitic rhetoric, anti-Jewish venom, or stereotypical tropes. Anti-Israel Jews, aligned with radical leftist ideology, have taken part in many of these rallies. They have joined the growing numbers who view the world through over-simplified binaries and hypothetical pyramids of power and oppression. These activists enthusiastically point to Israel as a unique perpetuator of oppression.

But JVP and INN activists have no interest in peace. One of their allies, Omar Barghouti, the co-founder and co-leader of the BDS movement, explains: “You cannot reconcile the right of return for refugees with a two-state solution. . . A return for refugees would end Israel’s existence as a Jewish state.” And he makes clear that this is precisely his goal. “Most definitely we oppose a Jewish state in any part of Palestine.” And he hails JVP as a “key partner in the BDS network.”

Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant, thus JVP and INN should be exposed as radical, fringe, and anti-peace. They harbor views that not only fail to represent the broad Jewish consensus, but they also directly endanger the Jewish people.

Since 10/7, what many Jews have feared for a long time has been made crystal clear–our place in the world is tenuous, our footing is fragile, and there aren’t many of us. Jews who openly call for the destruction of Israel threaten our future as a people, and we must see them as who they really are –tools that are used by the hands of our enemies.

Originally published in the Jerusalem Post.


Adam Milstein is an Israeli-American “Venture Philanthropist.” He can be reached at adam@milsteinff.org, on Twitter @AdamMilstein, and on Facebook www.facebook.com/AdamMilsteinCP.

©2024. Jamie Glazov. All rights reserved.

10/7 Testimony: The murder of Inbar Haiman

Inbar Haiman, 27, was murdered after being abducted by Hamas on October 7th from the Supernova music festival where she was volunteering.

When Hamas attacked, Inbar first hid under a stage with friends and then took cover under a bush where she was found by a pair of Hamas gunmen armed with knives, who hauled her out and placed her on a motorbike.

Eventually, her family and boyfriend received a video posted by Hamas on Telegram, showing Inbar bloodied and beaten, surrounded by four men.

She was murdered while in captivity, and Hamas is still holding her body hostage!

We must not forget this beautiful soul, taken far too early by such monsters.

Bring Inbar home so that her family, and all of Israel may mourn her.

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Is It So Difficult To Define Anti-Semitism?

Even among those who condemn it, there is little consensus about what constitutes antisemitism. Is it disdain for Jews as a faith community or as a people? Is it motivated by hatred of doctrine or ethnicity?

Antisemitism has been around since the dawn of Jewish history and yet the mainstream media only found it newsworthy after October 7th. Since then, it has become ubiquitous in universities and pro-Hamas demonstrations – where progressives celebrate terrorism and demand the destruction of Israel and the Jews – and in a Democratic Party where progressive radicals demonize the Jewish State.

But even among those who condemn it, there is little consensus about what constitutes antisemitism. Is it disdain for Jews as a faith community or as a people? Is it motivated by hatred of doctrine or ethnicity?

Those who mistake it simply as prejudice against a faith do not understand the nature of Jewish identity, which is at once religious, ethnic, and national. The definition of hatred, it seems, is in the eye of the beholder.

Some antisemitism is religious to be sure, particularly among other Abrahamic faiths that must disparage Jews and Judaism to justify their pretensions to be the fulfillment of Jewish scripture and prophecy. Christians and Muslims both acknowledge the holiness of Tanakh and yet deviate significantly from it. To rationalize their divergence from Hebrew scripture, they must claim they supplanted Judaism or that the Jews corrupted their own scriptures.


The Christian gospels, for example, are replete with anti-Jewish invective, associating Jews with darkness, evil, lies, deceit, and Satan (e.g., John 8:37-39; 44-47), blood libel and murder of the Prophets (e.g., Matthew 23:31-33; 1 Thessalonians 2), and hereditary blood guilt (Matthew 27:25). Assertions of insidious influence and control are central to the myth that the Jews compelled Pontious Pilate to kill Jesus at a time when Rome occupied Judea and the Sanhedrin had no leverage or authority to impose or even demand the death penalty. The passion narratives likewise contain demonic anti-Jewish caricatures that inspired persecution and massacres throughout Christian Europe.

Furthermore, the New Testament alters Tanakh (e.g., misstating the number of people who accompanied Yacov to Egypt and the burial place of the Patriarchs), misquotes the psalms and Prophets, and decontextualizes passages from Torah.


Despite the myth of Muslim tolerance, Islamic scripture is not much better. Indeed, the Quran is equally unflattering when it accuses the Jews of “unbelief” and murdering their Prophets (as does Christian scripture): “So, for their breaking the compact, and disbelieving in the signs of God, and slaying the Prophets without right, and for their saying, ‘Our hearts are uncircumcised’ – nay, but God sealed them for their unbelief, so they believe not, except a few…” (Sura 4:155).

It also accuses the Jews of corruption and deceit:

“And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Book: ‘You shall do corruption in the earth twice…So, when the promise of the first of these came to pass, We sent against you servants of Ours, men of great might, and they went through the habitations, and it was a promise performed. Then We gave back to you the turn to prevail over them…Then, when the promise of the second came to pass, We sent against you Our servants to discountenance you, and to enter the Temple, as they entered it the first time.’” (17:4-7)

Moreover, Jews are frequently accused of scriptural corruption. “People of the Book, now there has come to you Our Messenger, making clear to you many things you have been concealing of the Book, and effacing many things…” (5:15); “God assail them! How they are perverted…They have taken their rabbis and their monks as Lords apart from God.” (9:31.) Claims of textual manipulation seem necessary for explaining away fundamental discrepancies with Tanakh, for example, that Yishmael, not Yitzchak, was bound by Avraham on Moriah.

Racial and ethnic components

Christians and Muslims often misstate Jewish text, doctrine, and history. But conceding deviations from the original Hebrew would undercut their doctrinal narratives. So, both their traditions must accuse the Jews of corruption and deceit, using themes and stereotypes that have fueled Jew-hatred throughout Christendom and the Islamic world for centuries.

Historically, the aim was not merely to disparage Jewish belief, but to devalue or subjugate the Jews as a people; and this is illustrated by the persistence of antisemitism against those who submitted to Christianity or Islam (usually on pain of death). The ethnic and racial components of antisemitism are evidenced by its continuation even after the outward elimination of doctrinal differences.

Catholic antisemitism always had a racial component. On the Iberian Peninsula, for example, people of Jewish heritage were often banned from professions and public office because of ancestry, not belief. Even before the Jews were exiled from Spain per the Edict of Expulsion in 1492 (and later from Portugal), those who were forcibly baptized and designated “New Christians” were identified by their tainted blood. This was first codified in 1449 by the “Statute of Blood Purity” in Toledo; and while some church leaders denounced such enactments, the Inquisition embraced them when it infiltrated Spain in 1478, and later Portugal, Peru, and Mexico in 1536, 1570, and 1571, respectively.

Clearly, racial antisemitism existed long before the Nazis; and it also infected Protestantism.

In targeting Jews through “friendship evangelism,” missionaries strenuously deny Protestant complicity in antisemitism by blaming Catholicism for the most pernicious forms of Jew-hatred. However, Martin Luther embraced the Church’s racial antisemitism and incorporated it in his vile screed, “On the Jews and their Lies,” which advocated expulsion, enslavement, and extermination. These tropes were later adopted by other non-Catholics, many of whom were complicit or complacent during the Holocaust.

Then there are doctrines like replacement theology and evangelical fronts like the Lausanne Movement. Whereas replacement doctrine seeks to displace actual Jews (defined by ancestry and their relationship with G-d) with a faith community of self-defined “spiritual Jews” who falsely claim covenantal status, Lausanne and similar movements actively engage in Jewish evangelism while claiming to love Israel and the Jews. Though antithetical to Torah, both recognize the Jews as a people, not merely a faith community.

And this recognition had parallels in the Islamic world, where forcibly converted Jews often stayed connected to their heritage, married among their own, continued observing Jewish rites and customs in secret – and remained under lingering suspicion. Like the Anusim (Conversos) of Christian Europe, many of these forced converts forgot their heritage while paradoxically maintaining it through rituals and marriage restrictions they continued to observe but no longer understood.


When the fathers of European Enlightenment rejected the primacy of faith and national allegiances, they were offended by the Jews’ continuing embrace of their religious, ethnic, and national identity. The refusal to assimilate rendered them strangers wherever their migrations took them, arousing xenophobia with religious and racial overtones. And their image as quintessential outsiders was reinforced by their faithfulness to Torah, Jewish language, and ancient blood ties – all of which distinguished them from their host societies and reinforced stereotypes that continued to fester and mutate.

Denial of connection to Israel

A unique form of antisemitism today is the denial of the Jews’ history and connection to Israel. Progressives often maintain that Jewish identity is “only religious” to delegitimize it compared to Palestinian national identity. This theme is echoed in the PA Charter, which denies the Jews’ national history and deems them colonial occupiers.

The claim that Jewishness is “just a religion,” however, is contradicted by the scriptural, historical, and archeological records, which confirm Jewish ethnicity, national heritage, and origins in Israel. The record does not similarly validate Palestinian Arab identity, which is a modern political construct.

Jewish children

Whereas the roots of antisemitism are disparate, they are not mutually exclusive, whether based on religion, ethnicity, racial theory, or xenophobia; and regardless of ideology, it is exacerbated by the Jewish refusal to assimilate. Unfortunately, many opponents of antisemitism unwittingly help perpetuate it through ignorance of its historical and theological foundations.

Even Jewish children understand this.

My generation was born less than twenty years after the Holocaust. Though my family lost collateral relatives to the Nazis and their Ukrainian accomplices, many of my friends’ parents were Holocaust survivors who constituted a significant portion of our community. And they informed our understanding of antisemitism as simultaneously religious, ethnic, national, and racial – which colored our self-perceptions and even our sense of play.

I grew up in a neighborhood where the streets had storm-sewers with removeable grates that we could crawl through. While other kids played “cops and robbers,” we often navigated our way underground playing “escape from the ghetto.” And the brutal kidnapping of the Bibas family brings that “game” to life.

Clearly, even children experience existential angst, and ours was shaped by an awareness of antisemitism in all its manifestations – something adult academics, politicians, and media personalities never seem to grasp.

But then again, perhaps it takes the untainted sensibilities of a child to recognize the nuanced complexities of Jew-hatred and understand its scope.

Copyright 2024. Matthew Hausman, J.D. All rights reserved.

For South Africa, an inconvenient truth: The Muslim Arab slave trade in Africa.

In a shameful and deeply immoral act, the embattled nation of Israel, which suffered an unprovoked invasion by the Palestinian Muslim Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023, is being forced to defend itself at the International Court of Justice in the Hague against outrageous and false charges brought by South Africa claiming that Israel’s war in Gaza against Hamas constitutes genocide. That South Africa’s government has chosen to accuse the victim – Israel – of the very crime of genocide which it suffered at the hands of Palestinian Hamas shows a degree of turpitude that forever will stain it in the history of immoral politics and jurisprudence.

The war came in response to the horrific and depraved Hamas slaughter of over 1,200 Israeli civilians, the rapes of countless women, the mutilations and beheadings and Israeli civilians brutally murdered in their homes or at an outdoor music festival. In addition, the forced imprisonment in Gaza of 250 Israeli hostages.

The South African legal team never uttered one word about the Hamas terrorist invasion of October 7th nor made any reference to the Jewish hostages being held in the hundreds of miles of terror tunnels built by Hamas with wasted foreign aid funds.”

They ignored the way Hamas deliberately uses Gazan civilians as human shields and places weapons and rocket launchers in schools, mosques as well as in hospitals. And, predictably they were silent about all the extraordinary measures the IDF takes to protect civilians in Gaza, such as the millions of phone calls and dropped leaflets warning them to flee the area due to impending military operations.

The South Africa team dared not speak about Hamas’s own genocidal, jihadist agenda, which is openly spelled out in its founding charter as a sacred Islamic duty to murder Jews both in Israel and worldwide. They also were deathly silent about how UNRWA and other UN agencies have aided Hamas in brainwashing the entire population of Gaza with this genocidal agenda and death cult mentality.”

The South African government chooses to ignore Security Council Resolution number 1373 which requires all UN countries, including South Africa, to take steps against, let alone support, terrorist organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the deeply corrupt so-called Palestinian Authority which pays blood money to Palestinian supporters who murder Israelis in the evil ‘Pay to Slay’ outrage.

Those of us who know history are familiar with accounts of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man. Indeed, over the last 2,000 years each century has been more murderous than the previous one.

We understand that Marxism is a ruthless killing machine and ideology that must be resisted at all costs, even as so many of our youth foolishly embrace it under the mistaken guise of “social justice.”

There are historical and modern events that cast Islam equally as ruthless and deadly: A pitiless “ideology wrapped in a religion,” to quote Winston Churchill.

Traveling back in time, we must acknowledge the abiding horror of the slavery practiced by Muslims upon hapless black Africans – a searing crime which has existed since Islam’s founding in the 7th century. It is passing strange that the South African government or its legal team at the International Court of Justice in the Hague remain clueless at Islam’s persecution of Africans down the dark centuries. Or are they truly clueless?

While the anti-slavery abolitionist movements in Europe and North America began their epic movement to end slavery during the 19th century, there was barely any opposition to slavery as practiced within the Muslim world. Thus, in terms of numbers, black slaves sent to Arabia numbered some 9.85 million which is not far behind the conservative estimate of nearly 12 million African victims of the Atlantic slave trade. Some African historians, though, reject these figures on the grounds that they are too low.

It is particularly sad also that so many African Americans in the United States routinely espouse Islam and take Arabic names while ignoring or being utterly ignorant of the Muslim Arab slave trade; even though it led to the deaths and slavery of untold millions of their African ancestors.

Even after Britain outlawed the slave trade in 1807 and Europe abolished the slave trade in 1815, Muslim slave traders continued their ghastly commerce and enslaved millions of Africans. Throughout African villages the ever-present threat of approaching Arab slave traders sent terror into the hearts of men, women and children.

David Livingstone, the British explorer was so horrified at the way Muslim Arabs treated African slaves that he wrote this account when back home in 1870:

“In less than I take to talk about it, these unfortunate creatures — 84 of them, wended their way into the village where we were. Some of them, the eldest, were women from 20 to 22 years of age, and there were youths from 18 to 19, but the large majority was made up of boys and girls from 7 years to 14 or 15 years of age.

“A more terrible scene than these men and women as well as children, I do not think I ever came across. To say that they were emaciated would not give you an idea of what human beings can undergo under certain circumstances.

“Each of them had his neck in a large, forked stick, weighing from 30 to 40 pounds, and five or six feet long, cut with a fork at the end of it where the branches of a tree spread out. The women were tethered with bark thongs, which are, of all things, the cruelest to be tied with. Of course, they are soft and supple when first stripped off the trees, but a few hours in the sun make them about as hard as the iron round packing-cases. The little children were fastened by thongs to their mothers.

“As we passed along the path which these slaves had travelled, I was shown a spot in the bushes where a poor woman the day before, unable to keep on the march, and likely to hinder it, was cut down by the axe of one of these slave drivers.

“We went on further and were shown a place where a child lay. It had been recently born, and its mother was unable to carry it from debility and exhaustion. The slave trader had taken this little infant by its feet and dashed its brains out against one of the trees and thrown it in there.”

Of the 12 million or so Africans who were transported across the Atlantic, some 95% went to South and Central America, mainly to Portuguese, Spanish and French possessions while some 5% of the slaves went to the United States.

In our politically correct (PC) colleges of ‘lower learning,’ criticism of whites because of their involvement in slavery has become obligatory. But try to find a university that even teaches about the killing and enslavement of Africans by Muslim Arabs. Few if any exist.

According to Bill Warner, Director of the Center for Studies of Political Islam, most Blacks will only acknowledge the slave trade by Whites. He wrote:

“They fail to admit to the broad scope of world slave history that includes the slavery by Islam of Europeans and Hindus. For them, slavery of millions of Hindus by Muslims never happened. White and European slavery by Muslims? It never happened. Slavery on the East coast of Africa and the transportation of millions of blacks to the Muslim world? It never happened. A massive slave trade through the Sahara into North Africa? It never happened. Black eunuchs at the Medina mosque? It never happened.”

College and High School students are thus never informed about the enormous catalog of misery and enslavement perpetrated by Muslim slavers over the centuries; that would be too much of an inconvenient truth.

For instance. you will never hear the anti-American and Somali born, Ilhan Omar (D-MN), ever condemn the horrors of Islam’s atrocious enslavement of black Africans. Nor would she and fellow Muslim, Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), ever denounce the depravity and utter cruelty perpetrated by Palestinian Hamas terrorists as they gleefully raped, beheaded and burned alive Israeli men, women, children, and babies on that fateful day of October 7, 2023 – the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

One thing whites and blacks have in common is that their ancestors were enslaved by Islam, but today both are mostly too ignorant to know about it or wary of criticizing Islamist organizations and pressure groups like CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations. Meanwhile the leftwing media and leftist intellectuals line up in pretend ignorance. I have often come to the realization that being an intellectual does not necessarily confer either a passing degree of morality or of intelligence.

In America, most political ‘thinkers’ refused to recognize Islam as a political and ideological force and too many Americans thus slid into dangerous ignorance and apathy. All this while Islamic Sharia law increasingly infiltrates our Republic and subverts the Constitution.

Americans now are seeing the malign power of Islamic influence as university students here in America — many of them from Arab countries — routinely engage in often violent demonstrations in support of Palestinian Hamas depravity while all the while our leading universities are awash with immense wealth given to them by tiny Qatar, the Arab nation which has the highest GDP per capita and the highest energy reserves per capita in the world.

Money talks it seems, be it in academia or, perhaps, in South Africa.

Victor Sharpe is a prolific conservative writer and author. He has written seven published books including the acclaimed four volume work titled, Politicide, the attempted murder of the Jewish State.

©2024. Victor Sharpe. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: History of Arab Slave Trade

Life-Size Nativity Scene Figures Beheaded

On Sunday night, all the nativity figures were decapitated: Joseph, Mary, the Three Wise Men and even the donkey.

Life-size nativity figures beheaded in the migrant stronghold of Rüsselsheim, Germany

By: Medforth, December 18, 023;

Attack on the life-size nativity scene in the city of the Opel car. On Sunday night, all the nativity figures were decapitated: Joseph, Mary, the Three Wise Men and even the donkey.

The people of Rüsselsheim are shocked: the nativity scene is located at the Protestant market church in the heart of the city, right next to the town hall, during the Advent season. The figures of the Holy Family with Jesus are life-size. Surrounded by two Christmas trees. Donated by the Rüsselsheim Trade Association 1888 e.v.!

But on the morning of December 17, the nativity scene looks like a battlefield. All the figures have had their heads cut off. Joseph has been kicked over, Mary beaten away. Jesus is first missing, later found under the rubble.
The trade association tries to play down the incident: “Unknown perpetrators have obviously allowed themselves a macabre joke and cut off the heads of the figures.”

This does not necessarily make the situation any better for the trade association. The situation is beginning to flare up in Rüsselsheim. A local resident told the newspaper BILD: “A joke is when you can laugh about it. What’s funny about beheading Mary and Joseph?”

People on the Internet are also stunned by the violence directed at the nativity scene. People are angry at the perpetrator(s). One person posted on Instagram under the trade association’s publication: “It’s a barbaric act! Criminal offences must not be trivialised.”

Some figures had their heads chopped off in 2021 and 2022. There were no such incidents in the many decades before that.

The trade association comments: “Despite the regrettable incident, we would like to try to face this situation with humour (…) We see this ‘headless night’ as an opportunity to stand together and bring light into the darkness.”

The police will bring light into the darkness. A spokesperson confirmed to BILD that charges have been filed and investigations are already underway – including into a religiously motivated offence.

Read more.


RELATED VIDEO: Christians Devastated as Armed Moroccan Migrant Burns Historic Church and Nativity, Ruins 17th Century Organ Before Christmas



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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

American Muslims for Palestine Director: A ‘Jewish Person or Christian Zionist’ is ‘Enemy Number One’

AMP’s co-founder also created Students for Justice in Palestine.

The Biden administration was forced to condemn CAIR after its boss, Nihad Awad, who had a history of supporting Hamas, attended the American Muslims for Palestine conference and bragged about how happy he was about the Oct 7 attacks.

Awad claims that his remarks were taken “out of context.”

Now here’s Taher Herzallah, Outreach and Grassroots Organizing Director for AMP, talking about how Jewish people are the enemy. “Anybody who has any relationship or any support or identifies himself as a Jewish person or as a Christian Zionist then we shall not be their friend, I will tell you they are enemy number one and our community needs to recognize that.”

I’m guessing this one will also be described as “taken out of context.”

The AMP conference included Awad, Herzallah, and Hatem Bazian, the co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine, as well as AMP, who pretty much single-handedly made antisemitism the norm on college campuses.

Also present were Lena Masri, CAIR’s Civil Rights Director, and Fatima Mohammed: whose deranged CUNY Law grad speech went viral.

See if you can spot the pattern here.

Taher Herzallah is just quoting the Koran.

“O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends with one another. He among you who taketh them for friends is one of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.” (Koran 5:51)

So this hatred of Jews or Christians didn’t emerge on Oct 7 or 1967, 1948 or during any recent period. It was always there. It’s just more out in the open now.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.