Congress Forces Israel to Negotiate With Terrorists
Editor’s Note: I was a member of a Presidential committee that created the national security policy under President Reagan that the United States would not negotiate with terrorists. This lead to the Iran-Contra Affair where Congress accused the Reagan administration of trading arms for hostages held by terrorists in Lebanon.
This op-ed column was sent to me by Stanley Zir, author and creator of the website. Given events taking place in Israel and the Middle East it is worthy of consideration. The op-ed column is posted with the permission of the Mr. Zir:
House Votes Israel Negotiate with Terrorists
This op-ed was written on July 16, 2011 exclusively for the membership at NAIN It was never published. We have wasted the last four years ignoring the fact that Congress like President Obama embraces a foreign policy towards Israel that gives equal consideration to terrorists. As a result the whole Islamic world now feels free to attack Israel with impunity, for they no longer fear America’s resolve. Even Iraq has joined this deadly exposition.
I am presenting this article, one among many I’ve written, about the Israel Palestinian dispute, because I refuse to spend another four years pontificating about the actions we must take to end this conflict, which is self – evident. . Liberty did not survived for over 200 years based on compromise with tyranny and fascism
It matters not that terrorists recognize Israel; it matters greatly that America never recognize terrorists. Members of Congress: How is it that you would take the liberty to curry support for an initiative that would require Israel to negotiate with people who elect and/or support terrorist organizations and agendas – based on promises signed on worthless pieces of paper – promises that you, yourselves, would never have the American people sign on to?
How can I, as an American, observe these acts of cowardice and betrayal? Am I supposed to sit here and watch everything our nation has stood for and fought against for more than 233 years be dishonored, desecrated, and defiled?
America: Israel is being consumed by the lie that the PLO and Fatah are partners for peace, when in fact they are known terrorists. It is our leaders who distorted the truth, insisting that reconciliation with the Islamic world through the establishment of a Palestine would ensure Israel’s safety, our economic security and prevent a third world war. Because of their absurd miscalculation, the whole world continues to turn a blind eye to the reality that peace cannot be achieved with populations who openly give their allegiance to religious tyrannical edicts.
As a result of their misstep, even as Israel, America’s greatest ally, faces the threat of Iranian nuclear attack and an imposed suicidal two-state FINAL solution, Congress still tries to convince us that America can avoid conflict and achieve peace with people who are willing to die to end our freedoms.
The representatives who signed the non-binding resolution ( H.RES.268) on July 7th, knowingly or not, embraced that position. Like President Obama, they have become nothing more than false prophets of peace, thus posing a far greater threat to Israel’s existence than we had ever envisioned
WASHINGTON – On Thursday, July 7, 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to reject a Palestinian pursuit of statehood through the UN with a non-binding resolution (H.RES.268). It also recommended the Obama administration consider suspending aid to the Palestinian Authority because of their alliance with Hamas, which is on the US State Department’s terrorist list
The resolution said the goal was two states, “a democratic Jewish State of Israel and a viable, democratic Palestinian state, living side by side in peace, security and mutual recognition.” Republicans and Democrats alike signaled their strong support for Israel and a resumption of direct negotiations.
Who could argue with a resolution so artfully crafted, appearing to meet all the criteria to secure the safety of Israel and bring peace between two peoples?
But for one critical oversight, they might have succeeded in their good-faith exercise. With whom was Congress asking Israel to begin negotiations? A Fatah-Hamas terrorist alliance? Or one with Fatah who revealed they are part of a terrorist initiative? Is there yet another terrorist alliance they overlooked that would be more suited to “guarantee” peace through negotiations?
The reality is, Congress’s call for a resumption of direct negotiations with the Palestinians and Obama’s G8 resolution are cut from the same cloth – both place Israel in a most indefensible position, insisting she negotiate with terrorists. D
What the Jewish people require from Congress is a Binding Agreement that demands that peace pacts with nations that embrace hatred of the Jews and the destruction of Israel be rebuked – and further demands that America’s allies unite in opposition to all who sanction the insidious belief that terrorists, fascists and Israel are equal partners for peace.
The non-binding agreement that Congress proposed was nothing more than the proverbial crumb to AIPAC and supporters, to provide the semblance of sincerity while diminishing the audience’s fervor and vigilance needed to maintain Israel’s security. And the audience was duped again; Israel’s borders were to be squandered.
Whether it’s Hamas or Fatah, whether you label them religious terrorists or secular moderates, the DNA of hate and destruction is what binds both political parties to a common objective – their determination to create another terrorist Islamic state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
The attacks that Israel is facing from her enemies today are in essence no different than those America faced from Japan and Germany during World War II, which were for the sole purpose of conquest and subjugation of the human spirit.
In Japan, acts of suicidal bombers appeared under the dictates of a religious totalitarian government. The rise of absolute power in the name of the Sacred was a cancer that consumed the Japanese and filled them with hatred and disdain for other people’s beliefs – thus resulting in some of the most egregious acts of torture and terrorism ever inflicted on humans.
Like the Japanese of that era, controlled by their emperor, the Palestinians of today, under the influence of imams, still do not give a second thought to committing similar atrocities against innocents, and like Japan, it will only take a force — more powerful than the tyrannical god they now worship that can convert them to civilized behavior — to end their reign of terror.
The time for America’s bending to the will of oil extortionists and bowing to their tribal chieftains must stop! Free people cannot serve two masters. As the champions of freedom’s cause, America must support the Sovereign State of Israel’s right to declare an Act of War against any group, people, or nation who actively pursues the destruction of the Jewish State, a right reserved for all sovereign nations.
Congress must stand up now. Israel can no longer wait – the time has come to evict the Arab-Palestinian terrorists and end their occupation of the land they use to launch attacks against Israel. The time has come to end any hope of the PLO, Fatah, or any other terrorist affiliates have of making Judea and Samaria their homeland.
So that there’s no longer any doubt in any nation in this world about the actions Israel must take to protect her sovereignty, so that there’s no longer any confusion among the Jewish People that sanctions can provide a viable solution to end the Iranian threat, in the name of the Holocaust victims as representatives of the Jewish People here and around the world, “We, the Living,” have a moral obligation to speak out for Jews in need and/or in peril. Ours must be a unified voice of compassion and justice. It must be an unequivocal voice of strength, reason and protection against the “two-state FINAL solution” that would lead to the destruction of the Jewish State from within, and a mighty call for Israel to destroy Iran’s nuclear infrastructure now.
When facing the lethal combination of terrorism and tyranny, WAR, not negotiations, is the only agent of peace. Withdraw your support from those who lack the moral courage to act. The window of opportunity is small. Only with a unified voice and one purpose of mind, can we and will we be victorious.