White House Petition Declares Catholic Church a “Hate Group”
Zach N from Atlanta, GA is listed as the creator of a White House petition begun on Christmas Day, December 25, 2012. The petition states:
“In his annual Christmas address to the College of Cardinals, Pope Benedict XVI, the global leader of the Roman Catholic Church, demeaned and belittled homosexual people around the world. Using hateful language and discriminatory remarks, the Pope painted a portrait in which gay people are second-class global citizens. Pope Benedict said that gay people starting families are threatening to society, and that gay parents objectify and take away the dignity of children. The Pope also implied that gay families are sub-human, as they are not dignified in the eyes of God.
Upon these remarks, the Roman Catholic Church fits the definition of a hate group as defined by both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.”
Matt Smith, President of the Catholic Advocate in an email states, “This petition is truly shocking, and it’s an attack against ALL people of faith, not just Catholics! That’s why I’m so urgently asking you to stand with Catholic Advocate today and help us launch an all-out campaign against the Obama Administrations hateful, secular agenda.”
According to NewsMaxWorld.com, “Pope Benedict said on Sunday that Roman Catholic leaders must have the courage to stand up to attacks by ‘intolerant agnosticism‘ prevalent in many countries.”
“Today’s regnant agnosticism has its own dogmas and is extremely intolerant regarding anything that would question it and the criteria it employs,” added Pope Benedict.
Watchdog Wire has sent an email to both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League asking if they define the Catholic Church as a “hate group” based upon its position on gays and gay marriage. Replies will be posted as an update when received.
UPDATE 1/7/2013:
According to Penny Weaver, from the Public Affairs office of the Southern Poverty Law Center, the SPLC only monitors “’Radical traditionalist’ Catholics, who may make up the largest single group of serious anti-Semites in America, subscribe to an ideology that is rejected by the Vatican and some 70 million mainstream American Catholics. Many of their leaders have been condemned and even excommunicated by the official church.” Weaver stated the SPLC, “[Does] not [monitor] the mainstream Catholic Church.”
ADL: Roman Catholic Church is Not a Hate Group
New York, NY, January 4, 2013 … In response to an online petition calling on the Obama Administration to label the Roman Catholic Church as “a hate group” for its conservative views on marriage, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today condemned the petition as an “outrageous and offensive conceit,” adding, “It was irresponsible for the promoter of this petition to use our name.”
The petition, titled “Officially recognize the Roman Catholic Church as a hate group” and posted to the whitehouse.gov web site on December 25, claimed that Pope Benedict XVI “demeaned and belittled homosexual people around the world” in his annual Christmas address to the College of Cardinals. It asserted that the Catholic Church “fits the definition of a hate group as defined by both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.”
“The claims made in this petition to the White House are abhorrent, and the notion that the Catholic Church could be defined as a hate group is an outrageous and offensive conceit,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “While one may agree or disagree with the Church’s position on homosexuality and marriage, any attempt to label the entire faith as a hate group is illegitimate and unacceptable. It was irresponsible for the promoter of this petition to use our name.”
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The Jesuit became archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998….
[…] Unquestionably, Obama’s reelection has emboldened his disciples to politically bludgeon us into submission to their Godless agenda. For example: Obama-ites are attempting to bully/punish the Pope and the Catholic Church for not embracing homosexuality. http://watchdogwire.com/florida/2013/01/06/white-house-petition-declares-catholic-church-a-hate-grou… […]
[…] Unquestionably, Obama’s reelection has emboldened his disciples to politically bludgeon us into submission to their Godless agenda. For example: Obama-ites are attempting to bully/punish the Pope and the Catholic Church for not embracing homosexuality. […]
[…] bludgeon us into submission to their Godless agenda. For example: Obama-ites are attempting to bully/punish the Pope and the Catholic Church for not embracing […]
[…] bludgeon us into submission to their Godless agenda. For example: Obama-ites are attempting to bully/punish the pope and the Catholic Church for not embracing […]
[…] us into submission to their Godless agenda. For example: Obama-ites are attempting to bully/punish the pope and the Catholic Church for not embracing […]
[…] bludgeon us into submission to their Godless agenda. For example: Obama-ites are attempting to bully/punish the pope and the Catholic Church for not embracing […]
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