County Republican Party passes Resolution supporting 2nd Amendment
The Sarasota County Republican Party Executive Committee (REC) met on Thursday, February 7, 2013. At the meeting a resolution was passed by the REC in support of the US Constitution and the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights.
The resolution states in part:
“Whereas, said Amendment makes it clear, in it’s text, that the purpose of this right is NOT for hunting, target practice or sportsmanship, but to ensure the liberty of the people of the United States.
Whereas, the purpose of the Constitution is to strictly limit the authority of Government and to protect the “unalienable” rights of the people. Among these rights requiring protection, from all enemies foreign and domestic, are the right to life and the right to liberty. The Second Amendment provides for that through the right of the people to bear arms. Any attempt to thwart this right is illegal, unacceptable, and abhorrent to a free society.” [My emphasis]
The resolution concludes with:
“Now, therefore, the members of the Republican Executive Committee of Sarasota County petition Representative Vern Buchanan to take any and all steps necessary to prevent ANY further infringement of the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, including modern ammunition feeding devices and ammunition for those Arms.
It is, therefore, requested that Representative Vern Buchanan respond to this petition and inform the Republican Executive Committee of Sarasota County of his intentions in this matter.”
To read the full resolution click here.
According to REC member Tad MacKie, “This [resolution] will be sent to Vern Buchanan, Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson along with all of our local State Senators and Representatives. If you are a member of a civic organization and/or a political party executive committee or a concerned citizen, please feel free to use this as a template for your own letter to the editor or to use as a petition to your local, state and federal legislators.”