HOUSTON, TX. February 27, 2013 – True the Vote (TTV), the leading national, nonpartisan voters’ rights and election integrity organization, today issued a report detailing the true impacts of voter suppression in 2012 in a report titled, “The 2012 Voter Suppression Myth.”
Catherine Engelbrecht, president of True the Vote, expressed deep skepticism about alleged reports of widespread voter suppression in the 2012 elections following TTV’s investigation of six key states’ county clerks and board of elections reports.
“After submitting open records inquiries across the nation, True the Vote found a grand total of one recorded complaint, in Maryland,” True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht said. “Peddlers of the voter suppression narrative were quick to report that hundreds of thousands of votes were suppressed in places like Florida, Ohio and North Carolina. If that is true, why is there no evidence of a single citizen filing a formal complaint in those states?”
True the Vote selected six states (Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Colorado, Nevada and Maryland) based on their battleground status in presidential elections and demographic shifts for the study. Open records requests for any and all reports of voter suppression were sent to county clerks and boards of elections. The report shows that out of these states, only one “alleged” report was ever filed resembling voter suppression.
“Our goal is for free, fair and transparent elections for all Americans. However we must be mindful of the real intent of some groups who are pushing the voter suppression narrative in 2012,” Engelbrecht said. “Partisan interest groups vigorously pushed the suppression line on two fronts. Democratic voters were threatened with loss of civil rights should they fail to appear at the polls. Administrators and concerned citizens wanting to serve in the polls were accused of having racist motives should they dare to strive for an accountable and efficient election experience.”
In addition, True the Vote studied the impacts of photo voter identification requirements – often described as codified voter suppression tactics. Data analysis demonstrated that almost all states with such requirements saw an increase in voter turnout, compared to 2008.
“Georgia is known to have the ‘strictest’ photo requirement in the nation,” Engelbrecht continued. “In two consecutive general election cycles, the state has seen increases in voter turnout. This is more evidence that voter confidence and turnout rise together, thanks to photo voter ID.”
To read the new report, The 2012 Voter Suppression Myth, click here.
True The Vote (TTV) a nonpartisan, nonprofit grassroots organization focused on preserving election integrity is operated by citizens for citizens, to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit
True The Vote NOW (TTVN) is a public policy organization dedicated to reforming our voting systems at state and federal levels. True the Vote NOWpromotes solutions that increase citizen engagement and restore faith in our elections. For more information, please visit
Voto Honesto (TTV) es una organización sin fines de lucro, no partidaria, enfocada en preservar la integridad en las elecciones y operada por ciudadanos para ciudadanos, ara inspirar y equipar a voluntarios para envolverse en cada una de las etapas del proceso electoral. TTT capacita a organizaciones e individuos a través de la nación para activamente proteger los derechos de los votantes legítimos, sin importar a que partido político perteneces. Para más información, por favor visite
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[…] On February 27, 2013 True the Vote (TTV), the leading national, nonpartisan voters’ rights and election integrity organization, issued a report detailing the true impacts of voter suppression in 2012 in a report titled, “The 2012 Voter Suppression Myth.” Catherine Engelbrecht, president of True the Vote, expressed deep skepticism about alleged reports of widespread voter suppression in the 2012 elections following TTV’s investigation of six key states’ county clerks and board of elections reports. Read more. […]