Behind the Green Mask (+ video)

The speaker in the below video  is Rosa Koire, the author of “Behind the Green Mask” which explains what Agenda 21 really is. Rosa Koire is a Democrat speaking before a group of Tea Party Members.

Koire states, “UN Agenda 21 doesn’t discriminate based on Political Affiliation, Race, Sexuality, Creedo or whatever. Agenda 21 is about the Extermination of Mankind and Ultimate Control for those that are left. Those in power know that they cannot follow through on their plans unless Liberty, Money and Property are taken away. This is in their own literature and UN Agenda 21 DEMANDS Zero Economic Growth.”

In the video Koire states:

“Agenda 21 is about World Dominance and nothing else. The Wars, Attack of Christians, Attack of God & Religion, Chem-trails  Economic and Monetary Collapse, Government Corruption, Carbon Taxes, Gun Control, CORPORATE Owned Media, UFO Sham, Erosion of Rights, Lies About Global Warming, Lies About Overpopulation, Perversion of Societal Values, Dumbing Down, Drugs, Substandard K-12 Education, Monsanto, are all a result of the Mandates set forth by U.N. Agenda 21.

At the Rio 2012 Summit on UN Agenda 21, it was stated that “Governments should invest their transportation money on Public Transportation because roadways only largely benefit those that own vehicles”. Really? I thought Roadways benefited the Economy and Society as a Whole. Roadways get us to and from work, to grocery stores, to the bank, to restaurants, to shopping malls. Roadways transport our food and things we need. The UN intends to Impede our Right to Travel and Pursuit of Happiness.

As far as the Middle East Wars go, Reagan demonstrated that war is unnecessary. When Khadaffi was openly threatening us, Reagan bombed his house and we didn’t hear much from him after that. The other middle east countries quickly fell in line and repaired their relations with us. With the technology we have today, and that includes Intelligence, Satellite, SDI, Drones and DEWS, we could take out the hostile leaders of these countries without having to go to war.

How did it come to this? It all started with the Fabian Society and the Act of 1871, where Congress created the DC Corporation & created a new Constitution, then the FEDERAL US GOVERNMENT became a Corporation. As the largest Corporate Conglomerate on the planet, the US GOVERNMENT owns majority shares in ALL of THE Fortune 500 Companies and their CAFR reports prove this (See the channel belonging to Corporation Nation “Dear Matt Damon” videos). The Act of 1871 was not only Unconstitutional, but is INVALID. The FED GOVERNMENT we have today is the de Facto, or Shadow Government. But, we cannot do anything about that now but we can put a halt to the Ultimate Goal, which is this Evil Agenda and then begin to put this Great Country of ours back together and reverse the treasonous legislation. We must also OUST anyone who showed any inkling of support for UN Agenda 21. UN Agenda 21 has been in the works for decades, now, and is the primary reason for the corruption & depravity we see everywhere today at all levels.

Don’t let yourselves be fooled – everything else is a smokescreen to keep your attention away from Agenda 21. Once Agenda 21 becomes fully implemented, all hope is lost. Get the information out to your neighbors, home owners, business owners. Chances are, they have never heard of UN Agenda 21. Since Agenda 21 is implemented Locally, once the people are mobilized, they can take the issue to their City Council and County and put a halt to all policies, monies and ties to UN Agenda 21 and ICLEI.

We cannot change the past but we can affect tomorrow by the actions we take Today.”

Fair Use: This video is posted for educational purposes only.