Army officers career ruined in the name of Islam
In light of the recent terrorist bombing in Boston, national attention is refocused on the case of Thomas More Law Center client, Army Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Dooley (pictured above). In 2012, LTC Dooley was fired from the National Defense University’s Joint Forces Staff College for teaching an elective course on Radical Islam because it was offensive to Muslims.
LTC Dooley was reassigned to a weapons integration unit at Fort Eustis, VA. In this new position, Dooley again received an outstanding Officer Evaluation Report (OER). Click here to read LTC Dooley’s most recent OER.
Moreover, LTC Dooley’s case went before the Army Command Selection Board comprised of three generals and two colonels. The board recommended he be retained on the Battalion Command selection list.
However, political correctness again ruled the day. Gen. Lloyd J. Austin, the Army Vice Chief of Staff, ordered Lt. Col. Dooley’s name removed from the command list.
In the Sunday April 28th article, Washington Times reporter Rowan Scarborough reported on these latest developments. Click here to read the entire article.
Thomas More Law Center is renowned as a national nonprofit public interest law firm, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the Thomas More Law Center’s mission is to restore and defend America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values, and to preserve a strong national defense, and a free and sovereign United States of America. In courtrooms throughout our Nation, Law Center lawyers fight for the religious freedom of Christians, time-honored family values, the sanctity of human life, and a strong national defense. The Law Center does not charge for its legal services, and relies on tax-deductible donations from concerned patriotic Americans and charitable foundations. To learn more click here.
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