21,000 deadly attacks by Islamic terrorists since 9/11
According to the website The Religion Of Peace another gruesome milestone has been reached. This milestone has been ignored by politicians and media the world over. It is important to understand that the war against Islamic extremism is not over, as much as President Obama would like to think so.
The recent Boston bombing, beheading in London and attempted murder of a soldier in Paris indicate attacks will continue and could escalate. Turmoil and terrorist attacks in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and across North Africa do not bode well for our national security.
The Periodical Review: Summary of Information from Jihadi Forums – The Second Half of January 2013 published by ICT’s Jihadi Websites Monitoring Group summarizes notable events discussed on jihadist Web forums during the second half of January 2013. Following are the main points covered in the report:
- The Taliban-Pakistan and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan announce the formation of a new group dedicated to liberating Islamists incarcerated in Pakistani prisons. They reiterate the obligation to wage jihad against the Pakistani regime, and promise to assassinate Pakistani security personnel tied to the imprisonment of Muslims.
- Following demonstrations by the Sunni minority against the discriminatory policies of the Iraqi regime, the Islamic State of Iraq calls Sunnis to take up arms against the Shiite regime, to eliminate the growing threat to Iraq.
- The French invasion of northern Mali and their war against jihadist forces ignites a wave of protests by Muslims worldwide and increasing threats of attack on French civilian and military targets.
- Abu Yahya al-Humam, the Emir of the Sahara region for Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), reveals the intention to establish an Islamic emirate in the Sahara encompassing all local jihadist organizations, which France had forced to retreat.
- The Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) publishes a new issue of Sada Al-Jihad. It is the first issue to appear since 2010.
- Ahrar Al-Sham, a Salafi-jihadist group active in Syria, officially announced its establishment.
- On January 21, 2013, a new jihadist web forum was launched: Al-Kitab wal-Saif.
Please click here to view the full Second Half of January 2013 report in PDF format.
Returning to a pre-9/11 policy of dealing with terrorism as a law enforcement issue (a.k.a. the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center) only leads to more violence.
Seven months ago: 20,000+ deadly terror attacks by the ‘Religion of Peace’ since 9/11
A year ago: 19,000+ deadly attacks by Islamic terrorists since 9/11
Two years ago: 18,000 deadly terror attacks committed by the ‘Religion of Peace’ since 9/11
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[…] 9/11 there have been over 21,000 deadly terrorist attacks conducted by Muslims, over 93,000 Syrians have died in a Sunni vs. Shia internal conflict and […]
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