Florida Parents Against Common Core preparing legislation for 2014 session
Florida Parents Against Common Core (FPACC) are putting together draft legislation to stop the implementation of the program in Florida.
In an email to WDW – FL Laura Zorc, FPACC SE State Coordinator, states, “What is happening in other states is what we are looking to do here in Florida. However, in our bill we will add a third review that would encompass a legal review to determine if violation with state and federal constitution. We have team of attorneys working on establishing the need for review based on their findings. Our intentions are to have this a back up support for our bill sponsor.”
Fifteen states have filed bills in their state legislatures to stop CCSS.
Below are of examples and actual legislation that addresses issues related to the adoption and implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) by delaying the implementation of the standards or assessments, not funding implementation, or withdrawing completely from using the CCSS. These vary considerably in the scope of what is addressed. Links have been provided for the History, Download, and Alternate. Original bills as introduced are often stronger in nature before being subjected to changes as it is considered during the legislative process in each state.
- History—link to official state legislative page or other page with bill history and info
- Download—link to download the legislative bill
- Alternate—an alternate download link in event official link is broken
Sample Legislation
Comprehensive Legislative Package Opposing the Common Core State Standards Download
Actual Legislative Bills
2011 Texas HB 2923 An Act relating to the state sovereignty over curriculum standards assessments, and student information. History Download Alternate
2011 New Hampshire HB 164 Requiring legislative approval for the adoption of the common core state standards in New Hampshire. History Download Alternate
2011 South Carolina S. 604 A bill to provide that the common core standards may not be imposed on South Carolina. History Download Alternate
2011 Washington HB 1891 Delaying adoption and implementation of the common core standards. History Download Alternate
2012 Utah S.C.R. 13 Urges the State Board of Education to reconsider the board’s decision to adopt the Common Core standards and, in reconsidering the board’s decision, evaluate the cost, control, and quality of Utah standards and assessments compared to the cost, control, and quality of the Common Core standards and SBAC assessments. History Download Alternate
2013 South Carolina H. 3943 To provide the State Board of Education may not adopt and the Department of Education may not implement the common core standards. History Download Alternate
2013 Georgia SB 167 To declare certain actions void ab initio relating to adoption of certain curricula; to prohibit state education agencies from entering into any commitments relating to the federal Race to the Top program; to require hearings and public input prior to adoption of state-wide competencies and content standards; to limit the compilation and sharing of personal student and teacher data; to prohibit the expenditure of funds for a state-wide longitudinal data system except for administrative needs and federal grant compliance; to provide notice to students or teachers if certain student or teacher data are provided to the United States Department of Education as a condition of receiving a federal education grant; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes. History Download Alternate
2013 Alabama SB 190 Relating to education and core curriculum standards; to prohibit the State Board of Education from adopting and the Department of Education from implementing the Common Core State Standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative; to prohibit the State Board of Education, the Department of Education, and other state bodies from compiling or sharing data about students or teachers, except under limited circumstances; to prohibit the State Board of Education from entering into an agreement or joining a consortium that would cede any control to an entity outside the state; and to require notice and public hearings before the State Board of Education adopts or implements any statewide standards. History Download Alternate
2013 Alabama SB 403 Companion to SB 190. History Download Alternate
2013 Alabama HB 565 Relating to curriculum standards; to clarify that the State Board of Education retains the sole authority to develop and adopt curriculum standards independent of the federal government or other agency or entity outside of the state. History Download Alternate
2013 Oklahoma HB 1907 An Act relating to schools; creating the Common Core Task Force; providing termination date; stating purpose of the Task Force; providing for membership; providing date for appointments and organizational meeting; providing for selection of officers; stating duties; exempting the Task Force from certain acts; providing for meetings; providing for travel reimbursement and staff assistance; requiring completion of the study by a certain date; providing for non codification; and declaring an emergency. History Download Alternate
2013 Kansas HB 2289 No school district, nor the department of education nor the state board of education shall expend any moneys to implement the set of educational curriculum standards for grades kindergarten through established by the common core state standards initiative. History Download Alternate
2013 Indiana SB 0193 Provides that the state board of education may not adopt as standards for the state any common core educational standards developed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Voids any action taken to adopt common core educational standards. History Download Alternate
2013 Indiana HB 1427 This is the bill that passed and has been signed by the governor. It pauses the implementation of the CCSS while a the standards are evaluated and hearings are conducted. History Download Alternate
2013 Missouri SB 210 The state board of education and the department of elementary and secondary education shall not implement the Common Core State Standards. History Download Alternate
2013 Michigan HB 4328 Budget approved. Sec. 230. Prohibit Funding for Common Core and Smarter Balance – House adds language stating that funds shall not be used to fund the Common Core State Standards Initiative or Smarter Balanced Assessments, and that funds shall not be used to implement programs or assessments created by these organizations. History Download Alternate
2013 Michigan HB 4276 Prohibits implementation of common core standards. History Download Alternate
2013 Texas HB 462 Prohibits school districts from using the common core state standards. History Download Alternate
2013 South Dakota HB 1204 An Act to require the Board of Education to obtain legislative approval before adopting any further Common core standards. History Download Alternate
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