Did you know this is National Employee Freedom Week?

National Employee Freedom Week is a national effort “to inform union employees about the freedoms they have to opt out of union membership and let them make the decision that’s best for them.” Often that choice is freeing themselves from union membership, becoming an agency fee payer, or identifying as a religious/conscientious objector.

According to the National Employee Freedom Week website:

Because Florida is a Right-to-Work state, Floridians do not have to join or pay dues to any union organization in order to keep your job, salary, benefits or seniority. If you are already a member of a union, you can resign your membership by submitting a written notice to your union. A generic opt-out letter is available here. Florida employees will need their union’s address and contact information.

NEFW recommends that union employees make a copy of their letter and either deliver it in person and receive a stamped copy or mail it with Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Signature. This protects the employee in case, a union boss “loses” your letter. NEFW also recommends sending a copy of the letter to your employer’s payroll department.

NOTE: State laws can differ depending on your profession, please consult with an employee rights organization if you have questions about your specific situation.

Non-union alternatives:

For Teachers:

Association of American Educators (AAE) – $15 per month membership
Christian Educators Association International (CEAI) – $239 annual membership
Professional Educators Network of Florida (PEN) – $180 annual membership

More Information About Your Rights here are some useful information sites provided by NEFW.

All Employees:

National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
Workplace Fairness Institute
Your Rights (Center for Union Facts)
Unions and Union Dues (American Center for Law and Justice)

For Teachers:

Teacher Rights (AAE)
Coalition of Educators Against Forced Unionism

Labor Reform Information, Research, and News:

The Heritage Foundation
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Center for Union Facts
National Taxpayers Union
National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
Insider Online (The Heritage Foundation)
Labor Watch (Capital Research Center)
Alliance for Worker Freedom (Americans for Tax Reform)
Workforce Freedom Initiative (US Chamber of Commerce)
Education Intelligence Agency