FL citizen challenges Rubio to face his constituents – will he show up?
Sally Baptiste from Orlando, FL has challenged Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) to face his constituents on S-744. The Senate is going on summer recess and Rubio will return to Florida the entire month of August. The question is does the Senator have the courage to stand in front of his Florida constituents? Up till now Rubio has only faced a friendly media and his fellow “Gang of Eight” Senators.
The I-4 corridor is considered key to any Presidential or statewide election. Speculation on a Rubio run for the White House in 2016 or a run for reelection in 2016 abounds. Rubio has an office in Orlando.
The Villages located in Sumter County is one of the largest retirement communities in Florida and is located just North of Orlando. The Villages TEA Party is headquartered there. Presidents and Presidential candidates come to The Villages to garner support. So did Rubio during his campaign in 2010. The Villages TEA Party helped him get elected in 2010 and now has misgivings about him because of his stand on immigration. You can bet they will show up at any Orlando town hall on immigration with Rubio in attendance.
Baptiste states in a letter to Rubio, “It is time for you to ‘face the music’ in Orlando. It is time you demonstrated some courage and have a ‘Come to Jesus’ with your American Constituents in Orlando, FL on the S-744 Amnesty Bill.”
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in a 2010 study estimated it costs Florida’s taxpayer $5 billion annually to incarcerate, medicate and educate illegal aliens.
“I have a copy of the documentary ‘They Come to America II – The Cost of Amnesty‘ to give to you for viewing at an Orlando Town Hall Meeting. You and your Constituents (including me) need to watch this documentary together. Please invite the ‘Gang of 8/10’ to join us,” Baptiste writes.
J.R. Sanchez, Legislative Assistant; Director of Outreach, Office of Marco Rubio, acknowledged the email and sent this reply to Baptiste, “Thank you for your e-mail. Have a pleasant evening. J.R.”
Below is the full text of Baptiste’s letter to Rubio:
July 17, 2013
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
201 South Orange Avenue, Suite 350
Orlando, FL 32801
Senator Marco Rubio,
It is time for you to “face the music” in Orlando. It is time you demonstrated some courage and have a “Come to Jesus” with your American Constituents in Orlando, FL on the S-744 Amnesty Bill.
I have a copy of the documentary “They Come to America II – The Cost of Amnesty” to give to you for viewing at an Orlando Town Hall Meeting. You and your Constituents (including me) need to watch this documentary together. Please invite the “Gang of 8/10” to join us. We need to face the facts about the total failure of OUR government to secure OUR southern border and OUR homeland. Facts you seem to be totally ignorant of or you are being intentionally deceptive (aka lying) about. How much do you really know about securing the American homeland? How much do you really care about securing our borders? How much do you really care about protecting American sovereignty? The fact is….I cannot trust you to protect Americans or American sovereignty.
After the viewing of the documentary “They Come to America II – The Cost of Amnesty”, you can address your American constituents in person, you can look into the eyes of your American constituents and explain why securing our borders is no big deal to you. You can explain why it is okay to openly invite terrorists to enter OUR country. You can explain why it is a good thing to legalize and empower terrorists whose only goal is to destroy America. You can also be ready to accept responsibility for the next terrorist attack that KILLS AMERICANS on AMERICAN SOIL. You really need to think about that.
This Town Hall Meeting will allow you to demonstrate your courage and explain to AMERICANS face to face why you willingly sacrifice the American people for the illegal alien terrorists and illegal alien workers. You can explain why you willingly risk our national security and the welfare of the American people. You can be a man and prove that you have the courage to face the American people after this extreme betrayal that some would say amount to a treasonous act against Americans and American sovereignty.
Then you can also explain face to face why as a candidate for the U.S. Senate – Florida; you continually stated you would never support amnesty. I personally knew not to believe your campaign propaganda/rhetoric because I knew that as the Speaker of the Florida House, you repeatedly blocked bills that would have helped to control illegal immigration. Truth be told, you have always supported Amnesty and well, to put it in simple terms…. you were the perfect GOP “Latino” amnesty puppet for the U.S. Senate. For the record….I personally have no doubt if the U.S House GOP passes any form of S-744 Amnesty, that will be the end of the GOP and it should be. The GOP has lost its way and needs to be abolished.
One more thing….I watched you speaking on the Senate floor when you used God and Christianity to try to guilt people into supporting your S-744 Amnesty Bill. How disgusting is that? Mr. Rubio, if you really are a Christian, if you really are a God fearing individual, then you will do the right thing and have a Town Hall Meeting in Orlando and face your American Constituents. You will join with the American people and watch the truth about national security and amnesty. That is the right thing for you to do.
Please let me know the date and time of your Town Hall Meeting and I will be bring a copy of Dennis Michael Lynch’s documentary “They Come to America II – The Cost of Amnesty”.
May God Bless America. May God protect Americans from the unethical and evil actions of those elected and sworn to serve and protect the American people. The American people need God’s protection more now than ever before.
Thank you,
Sally Baptiste
Orlando, FL 32822
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