Trevor Loudon author of “The Enemies Within”

New Zealander Trevor Loudon, the author of The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress is coming to Florida. He will be speaking in ten cities in the sunshine state.

The Enemies Within is written to show American voters exactly how modern communism works and how it impacts on their life, every single day. Just how do the communists win big on things like Obamacare and immigration “reform,” which go completely against the wishes of the American people? Loudon answers this question.

Trevor Loudon speaks on internal subversion, communism and socialism, national security, culture and constitutional conservatism.

Loudon says, “I’m a libertarian activist and political researcher from Christchurch New Zealand. I believe in freedom with responsibility, not freedom from responsibility. My ideal society is one in which government is confined to protecting its citizens from criminals and external enemies. I believe in working with all those who are moving in broadly the same direction. The views expressed in this Blog are strictly my own.”

Trevor is also the founder and editor of, a rapidly growing website with the goal of unlocking the covert side of U.S. and Global politics.


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