AFP-FL Calls Out 3 GOP Senators for Poor Votes in New Ad Campaign
Today, the Florida Chapter of Americans for Prosperity (AFP-FL) launched a new effort in Florida Senate districts 2, 5 and 28 aimed at educating voters in those districts of their elected official’s poor votes on key common-sense reforms and economic freedom-related issues during the 2013 session. The multifaceted campaign will employ direct mail and television and social media ads against Sens. Charlie Dean, Greg Evers, and Nancy Detert, and it will run through the end of November.
“These three senators voted to give taxpayer-funded handouts to billionaires, opposed giving parents the power to turn around failing schools, and voted to kill common-sense reform of the antiquated Florida pension plan-reforms that would have protected and honored the contracts of everyone currently in the system while protecting Florida’s taxpayers moving forward. These are issues that conservatives in their districts care about and they need to know that it was their own senator that let them down,” said AFP-FL State Director Slade O’Brien. “We intend to make it very clear that when AFP issues a ‘key vote’ on a specific issue, we mean business. We mean it when we say we’ll educate their constituents back home on the outcome of those votes.”
AFP-FL developed and has been advocating a common-sense reform agenda called Five for Florida. The plan would make taxes fairer; help end cronyism and the overwhelming influence of special interests; bring more accountability and transparency to government; require fiscal responsibility; expand competition and choice in education; eliminate unnecessary government burdens on businesses; and make Florida the most attractive state in the nation for both businesses and families.
O’Brien continued, “Polling has shown that the policies outlined in our Five for Florida plan are supported by a majority of Republicans, Independents and Democrats alike. With the public growing ever more disgusted with the mess that is Washington, DC, there’s no better time for the Florida Legislature to restore the public’s faith in government by passing these common sense reforms.”
View the television ads below:
Senator Charles S. Dean, Sr., District 5.
Senator Nancy Detert, Florida District 28:
Senator Greg Evers, Florida District 2:
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. For more information, visit
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[…] more taxation and more regulation? She is certainly leading that charge in the Florida Senate. Hervotes reflect a progressive agenda at […]
[…] more taxation and more regulation? She is certainly leading that charge in the Florida Senate. Her votes reflect a progressive agenda at […]
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