Islam – What the West Needs to Know

Leonard Magruder, President of Vietnam Veterans for Academic Reform, a group which is currently on a mission to have all America see, “Islam: What the West Needs to Know”. The movie ties terrorism to the Koran. Magruder received a note from Gregory Davis, producer of the film, stating, “free showings of the movie in public settings are generally fine.” However, regarding Mr. Magruder’s appeal that citizen groups show the film on local Public Access TV, they will first have to contact Mr. Davis at

Magruder said he was “appealing especially to the many Vietnam veteran groups that have worked with him over the years on various mission, since they could probably  put together any fee involved in showing the film on local public TV and would be especially motivated as the film directly relates to US national security.”


Mr. Magruder told reporters, “On the various missions in support of their causes we have in our files over a thousand letters of support from Vietnam vet groups.  In one mission, during the 2004 election 38 veteran units responded to our call for polls, in which 6325 responses showed that 80% of all of them would not vote for Kerry, a finding sent out by United Press and was supported later by a much larger poll by Military Times. We have a photo of a large number of vets supporting my mission in Chicago to have PBS show a film on Vietnam they were boycotting, holding signs saying ‘PBS: Show the Film.” Wrote General Westmoreland, ‘Congratulations on getting the PBS film shown around the country.'”

Magruder believes, “We can do it again.We want to create a public demand that President Obama stop failing in foreign policy due to his ignorance regarding the Koran as the root cause  of terrorism.”

Narrated by five of the nation’s top experts on Islam and terrorism, and documented with quotes direct from the Koran, the film establishes without a doubt that the violence against non-Muslims, happening in Myanmar and around the world, and here on 9/11 and later in Boston is, and has always been, an inherent characteristic of Islam. The widespread viewing of this film would create a firewall against that collective multiculturalist absurdity that Islam is “a religion of peace,” a mantra that leaves us totally open to disaster. It sets a definitive standard against which all arguments that Islam is a “religion of peace” must fail. Most of the most important points are in the first half hour. One hour has almost all of them.

Magruder reports, “Here in Lawrence, Kansas, we are putting together a large group of ordinary citizens to approach City Hall with the demand that they sponsor a showing of the film on the local public TV stations. We urge civic leaders in all communities receiving this article to start putting together groups for the same purpose.We are also going to the director of the K.U. Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics to demand that they show the film to the student body. The Institute is being totally irresponsible in keeping this issue off the agenda. Their very mission statement says: “Only through political and civic participation can citizens redirect the course of our nation.”

Mr. Magruder concludes, “I need one person to report that they have shown the film on local TV to their community. I’ll send out a press release to major media telling that it has been done in one community, urging others to follow. Once again I urge everyone to act. Time is running out, especially as regards Iran and nuclear weapons.”

The world cannot live any longer with a religion whose mission is to either convert or murder the rest of mankind, and now may have access to the weapons of mass destruction that can make it possible.”For more information contact Leonard Magruder at or visit and