“Pro-Abortionist” Nancy Pelosi to Receive Planned Parenthood’s Highest Award
Just when we thought we had heard it all – along comes the “Annual Planned Parenthood Awards Banquet” – where on March 27th these infamous “murders of the innocent” gather together to hand out and award the person who exemplifies their mission statement best – that of promoting and endorsing the murder of the innocent at any cost. And, the winner of the 2014 Margaret Sanger Award goes to – Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. What is interesting is that Rep. Pelosi graduated from Trinity College in Washington, D.C. in 1962. Over a century ago, Trinity College was founded by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur as the nation’s first Catholic liberal arts college for women.
Yes, Pelosi is a Catholic who endorses abortion as much as President Obama, perhaps even more so. Nancy will step up to the podium on March 27th to accept this “prestigious” Sanger award. But who was Margaret Sanger?
Margaret Sanger’s purpose is best illustrated by this quote:
“More children from the fit, less from the unfit — that is the chief aim of birth control.” – Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12
Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood and strong supporter of Eugenics. Edwin Black, author of War Against The Weak, writes, “The global effort to help women make independent choices about their own pregnancies was dominated by one woman: Margaret Sanger… Motherhood was to most civilizations a sacred role. Sanger, however, wanted women to have a choice in that sacred role, specifically if, when and how often to become pregnant.”
Black notes, “… Sanger vigorously opposed charitable efforts to uplift the downtrodden and deprived, and argued extensively that it was better that the cold and hungry be left without help, so that the eugenically superior strains could multiply without competition from ‘the unfit.’ She repeatedly referred to the lower classes and the unfit as ‘human waste’ not worthy of assistance, and proudly quoted the extreme eugenic view that human ‘weeds’ should be ‘exterminated.’ Moreover, for both political and genuine ideological reasons, Sanger associated closely with some of some of America’s most fanatical eugenic racists.” Sanger stated, “My criticism, therefore, is not directed at the ‘failure’ of philanthropy, but rather at its success.” [Emphasis added]
Sanger’s Eugenics efforts inspired Hitler, Himmler, Eichmann and Dr. Mengele. They knew each others ideas, methods and ideals quite well in the late 1930’s, which was intended to create a “a race of thoroughbreds“. Hence, the Holocaust was born in America and transhipped to Germany where it was elevated to the extermination of enemies of the state to an industrial level. The result was 20 million people systematically murdered – including 6 million Jews. Then Sanger and Hitler, today Pelosi and Obama. Two matches made “Far from Heaven”.
Winning the “Margaret Sanger Award” is the equivalent of Hitler winning the Nobel Peace prize.
So, on this “8th Day of our ever-sacred Lenten Season and 40 Days for Life read about how deranged our society has gotten since Obama took office only five years ago. The evermore-progressive Democrat Party is not the same party as we knew and respected under President Grover Cleveland. They are now the “Party of Satan” as everything that this group is affiliated with has to do with the intrinsic evils that they have single-handedly brought into our present culture. When one embraces the likes of Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood and thinks it is an honor to win an award that recognizes you as a person of immoral character, of liberal thoughts, and of promoting the killing of innocent babies – you must be deluded at best and at the worst deranged. It hurts me even having to read this article, let alone, write about it.
But, if we are to do something about this “culture of death” that the Sangers, Obamas and Pelosi’s of this world embrace, we better do something to try to reverse this curse and do it swiftly. We can complain all we want. We can curse at the wall. We can write emails all day long to vent our anger and frustration. We can criticize all we want until the “cows come home”. Or, we can try to do something about it.
Like attending “America’s Finest Hour” on Tuesday evenings at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius at 6:00 p.m. You may also pick up the phone and call Jane Brill at (561) 889-9212 or Melanie Hill at: (561) 676-2337 to join “40 Days for Life” at either of their two locations. You may also come out twice a month to demonstrate at abortionist, Dr. Daniel Sacks’ office on the corner of Okeechobee and Benoist Farms Road, West Palm Beach, FL.
You can do so many things to “make a difference” in our society – but, if one just simply reads this column and feels a bit guilty that you are indeed, not doing a damn thing about our dire situation in our country and just hit the “DELETE” button – you might as well hit the “DEFEAT” button. How many times are you going to replay this same scenario? And, if you do hit that “Defeat” button – where does that take you?
Do yourself a favor and come out one Tuesday night for our prayer group at 6:00 p.m. at the Cathedral so that we can pray for you and give you some sense of hope. As it is hope that keeps us “Pro-Lifers” going. With all the madness that we see on a daily basis in our country, it is hope that gives us that added intangible that allows us to keep doing what we are doing, day after day.
Is today the day that you are going to “break that mold” and do something different? Something for somebody else? Something to make our world a better place to live in? Something for the most vulnerable in our society? Speak up, folks – for our precious unborn babies cannot.
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