“Mayday” fits Christ’s 7-Fold Warning for Huge Geopolitical Events in Mid-May

A CIA expert has damning evidence of impeachable crimes by Obama, Clinton and others that are expected to precipitate a man-made calamity and martial law to maintain control warning of impending loss if we aren’t ready for a crisis and chaos in America.  The CIA expert interview on TruNews.com is linked below.

Christ’s 7-fold warning of sudden events that come as a thief appear to fit what could be reality, reminding us also of “sudden destruction” coming as a thief in 1 Thessalonians 5:3. Christ even said He would come as a thief if we don’t watch. Rev 3:3.

This is an invisible coming in judgment as clued by His seven examples prior to His visible return in Matthew 25:31. The cost of being prepared is not large; failure on these points could mean huge loss.

  1. We could be hungry when the fig tree withers (Matthew 24:32), even as Christ was hungry when He looked for food, Matt 21:19. His warning included “when summer is nigh”–summer is nigh in May. The fig tree parable was about the Jewish nation then, but it applies to the “Christian” nation now that aborts its unborn, and approves perverted marriages “as in the days of Lot [Sodom],” Luke 17:28.
  2. We could lose family or friends in the sudden destruction (1Thess 5:1-6), even “as in the days of Noah….[when] the Flood came and took them all away,” Matthew 24:37. The ark was big enough for all who wanted to enter. After the animals came in pairs to enter, many may have wanted to go in, but fear of being laughed at or looking stupid stopped them. Crazy may be ok!
  3. We could lose our freedom when “one shall be taken [to a FEMA camp?], and the other left,” Matt 24:40. An “Emergency Police State” can come easily with a man-made disaster like the earthquakes that destroyed Fukushima and Haita. If you don’t understand how those were man-made, type “HAARP, Ventura” into YouTube.
  4. We could have our house broken by the thief’s coming, (Matt 24:43) because we don’t know when to “watch” (or what it means); similar reference by the apostle Paul in 1Thessalonians 5.
  5. We could lose our comfort as “the evil servant begins to smite his fellow servants.” Matt 24:48. Islam teaches eradication of infidels to be ready for the Madi. Revelation 9:7,8 describes “faces like men (beards) and hair like women (long hair). This may seem remote, but there are many areas in the U.S. where Sharia Law is making headway.
  6. We could lose our destiny as the foolish women who weren’t ready in Matt 25:6. Using the Rule of 1st Use [where a word or phrase is 1st found in the Bible, it often has a meaning or context to consider for end-times because Christ is he Word…”the First and the Last,” Rev 1:11 so the cry at midnight in Matt 25:6 is understood from the midnight cry in Egypt at Passover, Exod 12:29. If we doubt the history of the Exodus, we can type “chariot wheels, Red Sea” into YouTube.
  7. We could lose our money as the slothful servant who wasn’t prepared for his lord’s return in Matt 25:26. Many warn us of impending bank failures. There is low risk to taking our money out of the bank when we might lose it if something huge happens.

Each of the above examples fit with the execution of judgment on a deserving nation or persons, but we forget the biblical time to execute judgment was Passover, Exodus 12:12. Several of the clues point to 2nd Passover, a provision in the biblical law for Passover in May, Numbers 9:10,11.

Examples 6 and 7 above are punctuated by Christ’s saying again, “Watch…for the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country.” Matt 25:14.  After winter, Israelites traveled in the spring, but if they couldn’t get back for Passover, the law [in effect till heaven and earth passes Matt 5:18] specified  Passover the 2nd spring month (May) as a time.

be awake smallPassover was a time when animal sacrifices were fulfilled by Christ, proclaimed as “the Lamb of God” by a Jewish prophet, John 1:29. But while Passover is no longer a time for animal sacrifices that prefigure judgment, it is still a time to “watch and pray” that God will pass over us in judgment.

Watch is translated from the Greek word, gregoreo, meaning to be awake. We can’t be awake every night, but Passover was the only time it was commanded of all, Exodus 12:10, Matt 26:38-41.

Wednesday evening, May 14/15 is the night that most churches have a prayer meeting. It would be wonderful if churches world-wide would understand the issues, to watch (be awake) and pray that God will pass over them as they seek biblical answers to what is impending.

I believe readers should hear the interview by TruNews’ Chuck Wiles of the CIA expert to understand that America as we’ve known it, is gone, and civil war may be impending.