Charlie Crist’s First Major Policy Announcement a Disaster

“Former Gov. Charlie Crist on Tuesday [July 29th] unveiled one of the first concrete policy proposals in his campaign to reclaim his old job, promising to use the state’s contracting power to boost wages for some workers and bar discrimination against gay and transgender Floridians… the plan relies almost entirely on the governor’s ability to influence state contracting. Companies that do business with agencies controlled by Crist would have to boost the minimum wage for workers to $10.10; face new policies on differences in pay between men and women; and be barred from discriminating against gay, bisexual or transgender employees,” reports Brandon Larrabee from The News Service of Florida.

This is Crist’s “First Day of Fairness” policy initiative. This policy announcement is a disaster because Crist does not understand the five basic principles of human nature.

John Hawkins published a column titled “5 Obvious Principles of Human Nature That Baffle Liberals” on the same day that Crist made his first major policy announcement. Hawkins states, “Liberals are forever struggling to understand the basic tenets of human nature that most other people just take for granted… Since it’s easier for light to escape a black hole than it is for a liberal to entertain a new thought, it’s probably hopeless to try to make them aware of what they’re missing. However, if you’re aware of the mistakes they habitually make, you may at least be able to keep more open-minded people from following them over a cliff.”

Republicans followed Crist over a cliff when they elected him governor. Let’s hope Democrats are smarter and more open-minded than that?

What are the 5 obvious principles of human nature that Crist ignores? Here is the short description of each principle as presented by Hawkins:

  1. People respond to incentives: This isn’t just Humanity 101; it’s Life On Earth 101. Want to teach a dog a trick? Get him to do the trick and then pet him on the head and give him a treat. Repeat it enough times and you can get the dog to sit, roll over, and give a high-five on command.
  2. Personal responsibility is good for people: The easiest way to foul anything up is to put someone in charge of it who won’t pay any price if it goes wrong. That’s one of the many reasons children are so hopelessly incompetent compared to adults. They’re not earning money, they’re don’t have any big responsibilities on their shoulders, and if things go wrong, Mommy and Daddy are at fault because they were in charge!
  3. Human beings are not angels: As James Madison said, If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” Yes, people will come to this country specifically to get welfare and food stamps. Yes, people will commit voter fraud. Yes, there are an awful lot of poor people who DESERVE to be poor because they’re lazy, waste their money, or keep popping out kids by different daddies. Yes, there are just bad people out there who will murder you for no other crime than being American, Jewish, or even just “not Muslim.”
  4. Nobody cares as much about other people as they do for themselves: The modern Left’s intellectual forefathers in the Soviet Union never could wrap their heads around this one. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need” may sound nice in theory, but in principle it can never work because of the ugly truth about human nature.
  5. Men and women are different: Rather famously, Time Magazine did a cover story in 1992 called, “Why are men and women different? It isn’t just upbringing. New studies show they are born that way.” Congrats to the liberal who finally figured something out in 1992 that cavemen who didn’t know how to make fire already grasped instinctively.

Read Hawkins full article by clicking here.

Crist in his first major policy announcement violates all five of these principles of human nature. Will Democrats follow him over the cliff?

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is an edited graphic of an interview Charlie Crist had with the LGBT magazine Watermark. In the interview Crist now supports big government, unions, homosexuals and abortion. He states, “As a Republican, on social issues I always felt I was a round peg in a square hole. I just didn’t fit. But I tried, until I couldn’t do it any more… until I had to say, ‘Enough is enough.’” Crist got that right.

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