Truths About the “Do-Nothing” Congress
The House of Representatives is being labeled as a do-nothing congress. Congressional approval ratings are at an all-time low. I guess they must be pretty bad.
Should we believe every item of propaganda thrown our way? The president – who has the advantage of being before cameras on a daily basis – continually rails against the congress for failing to do anything. He wants us all to follow his lead, and blame congress for his non-accomplishments. In fact, the people of congress are elected by constituencies that may, in fact, expect their representatives to represent them and their wishes to hold back spending, control borders, investigate corruption and take action against government out of control.
If you believe the president and his acolyte, Harry Reid, it would appear they are the good guys and congressional representatives are the bad guys. But if you dig a little deeper and actually investigate the truth, it paints a different picture.
What people don’t know is that any bill passed by the House of Representatives must be evaluated or modified and then voted on by the U.S. Senate before they can be given to the president to sign. That is, if the Senate Majority Leader allows. Yes, that’s true. Senator Harry Reid has the power to run America, at the behest of the president with whom they are in lock-step on most issues. Harry Reid runs the legislative agenda of America. Period. (to quote the president)
If Senator Reid doesn’t like the contents of a House bill, it will not see the light of day on the senate floor. There will be no vote. It’s a one-man blockade who has that power, no matter the will of the people who elected 435 congresspersons and one hundred senators. One Man!
Consider this minor statistic: The so-called “do-nothing” congress is not so “do-nothing” after all. They have passed 352 bills, which still await action from the do-nothing Senate Majority Leader. That’s three-hundred, fifty two bills, 98 percent of which were passed in the house with bi-partisan support, but blocked in the senate. Fifty-five of those bills were actually introduced by democrats. Two-thirds of the bills were passed with 70 percent of the House votes….which includes scores of democrats.
In fact, congress is actually working together…until they hit a stone wall in the senate in the form of Senator Harry Reid. Meanwhile Reid and the president exploit the inaction by senate leadership as fodder, twisting facts to make the public believe it’s all the fault of the republican-led House. The general public, who listens to sound bites and never bothers to look further, buys into the propaganda.
If America is in a downward tailspin home and abroad, remember this: Our nation is being guided by four significant power brokers, two of whom are not elected. Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Eric Holder and Valerie Jarrett. It’s all about political gain and power.
If you think the president, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi feel sympathy for the migrants from Central America, don’t be naïve. They are thinking ahead. This has been engineered by policies executed in this administration for one purpose: Future power. Lopsided power. Demographic manipulation in the form of mega thousands of immigrants will translate to registered democrats in future voting bases. It’s all on purpose. Ten years from now, these “children” will be voting in more Reids, Pelosis and Obamas…only in greater majority numbers.
We’re being duped. Our grandchildren will be paying the price for our ignorance.
Guess How Many Bills the Senate Has Actually Voted on This Year | TheBlaze.
Following are Congresswoman Jenkins’ remarks:
“The President is fond of referring to the House as the “Do-Nothing Congress.” But we have 352 reasons why it’s a “Do-Nothing Senate.”
“352 bills are sitting on Harry Reid’s desk, awaiting action.
“98% of them passed with bipartisan support. Republicans and Democrats working together to pass legislation.
“50% of the bills passed unanimously, with no opposition.
“70% of the bills passed with 2/3rds support in the House.
“And over 55 bills were introduced by Democrats.
“352 bills. Why won’t Harry Reid act? These are good bills; bills that put the American people back to work, put more money in hardworking Americans pockets, help with education, and skills training.
“We call upon Harry Reid to get to work before he adjourns in August to pass some of these bills. The American people deserve better.”