A Tale of Two Shootings in Black and White

Over the past week there were two shootings that made the headlines. The first was the shooting of an Orthodox Rabbi going to worship at a shul (synagogue)  located in North Miami Beach, Florida on Shabbat (Saturday). The second was of a young black man shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis.

The local reactions to each shooting is a stark contrast in black and white.

Ferguson, Missouri black residents reacted by rioting and looting local businesses. In Miami the Jewish community remained calm and concerned citizens raised a $50,000 reward to help police find the perpetrators of the crime. One community revolted and the other grieved. One displayed violence, the other patience and reverence. Can you see the difference?

Rabbi Joseph Raksin

New York Rabbi Joseph Raksin

Rabbi Joseph Raksin was shot by two black men. The Miami police are saying that it was a botched robbery, however many believe it was a hate crime targeting Jews. Orthodox Jews, like Rabbi Raksin, do not carry money on Shabbat. There have been multiple examples of anti-Semitic graffiti on cars and buildings in the Miami area.

michael brown

Michael Brown

In the case of the shooting of Michael Brown it is being reported that he and a second young black got into an altercation with a police officer. Brown was struggling for the officer’s gun when he was shot. USA Today reports, “Police Chief Tom Jackson said members of the [black] crowd threw rocks at police and gunfire came from the [black] crowd, so officers used tear gas and shot ‘beanbag rounds’ meant to stun them. Jackson said police blocked off the area where most of the looting and vandalism occurred [by blacks] the previous night out of concern that cars passing by might hit demonstrators in the street.”

Some blacks are fixated on their race, having been brought to America as slaves. Jews are fixated on their religion and survival as a people.

Blacks have been free for over a century due solely the efforts of President Abraham Lincoln and the Republicans in Congress  passing the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution during the Civil War. The Jews have been persecuted since they came to the land of Israel, the Holy Land. They have been hunted down by various civilizations ending with the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis during WW II. Not so with black slaves, who while enslaved, were never subject to genocide in the United States.

kevin jackson blacksphere

Kevin Jackson

The Black Sphere’s Kevin Jackson writes, “A black teen gets shot by cops, and black people in the neighborhood say, ‘Kill the cops.’ But when black teens shoot other black teens, black people say nothing. If I were the police, I would take black neighborhoods off my radar. Let’s face it, white neighborhoods are safer, and they don’t shout ‘Kill the cops!’”

Jackson has a point that is made abundantly clear by this most recent contrast in black and white. Whites respect for the law stands in sharp contrast to black lawlessness.

Jackson concludes, “This is Race-Profiteering 101: The race-baiters can’t make money if it is known that the person they are protecting is not a good citizen. In other words, condemning the police, even wrongly, is the right strategy for race-pimps to get paid.”

Just the opposite is true for North Miami’s Jews.


Jew Murdered in Miami Beach not a Hate Crime?
Rabbi Shot Dead while Walking to Synagogue with family in North Miami
Idiots’ Guide to Looting
St. Louis Riots are Another Reason to Be Armed

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  1. […] Over the past week there were two shootings that made the headlines. The first was the shooting of an Orthodox Rabbi going to worship at a synagogue on Sha  […]

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