A picture is worth a thousand words!
In 1911 New York Journal editor Arthur Brisbane while discussing journalism and publicity said, “Use a picture. It’s worth a thousand words.” That has morphed into the now commonly used phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words.” So it is with politics.
Early voting has begun in Florida. In Sarasota County at least two of the three races, and perhaps all three, for school board will be determined on August 26, 2014. To win the primary one of the candidates must receive 50% plus one vote.
The picture below tells you who the local union, Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association, is backing.
If one picture is not enough to convince you where Brown, Goodwin and Marsh stand on issues then here is another picture worth a thousand words. It is the early voting ballot put out by the Sarasota County Democrat Party:
To learn more about Brown, Goodwin and Marsh read these articles:
- How School Board member Shirley Brown sold out Sarasota County public school students for $3.5 million
- Jane Goodwin endorsed by the Democrat Party of Sarasota County
- Sarasota County School Board Candidate Ken Marsh calls those who question Common Core “conspiracy theorists”
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[…] In 1911 New York Journal editor Arthur Brisbane while discussing journalism and publicity said, "Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words." That has morp […]
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