More than 1,000 Florida Felons Voted in the 2012 General Election

According to the Florida Division of Elections’ own records a minimum of 1,000 felons cast a vote in our 2012 General Election.

If the Division wasn’t aware of this, they should have been. Because it was discovered via a simple public records request for voters removed from Florida’s voter roll, their date of removal, and the removal reason.

The data from the that single public records request shows that in the 60 days following our 2012 General Election, more than 3,800 registrations were removed from the voter roll because they were felons.

And more than 1,000 of those 3,800+ removed voter registrations cast a ballot in our 2012 General Election.

Given our government’s self-mandated requirements, the possibility that these individuals were convicted of a felony following the general election and removed from the voter roll in less than 60 days is highly unlikely.

A number, and more likely many, were identified long before the election. And somehow our government has found its way to not doing its job. Again.

Because according to this article from 2010, the Florida Division of Elections has had too much difficulty keeping felons off the voter roll since at least 2008.

And now, a couple years after more than 1,000 felons voted in 2012, how many convictions have you heard of?

So, to those who claim there’s “not even a smidgin” of voter fraud, the most polite response might be:

“Here’s your sign”.

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  3. […] A number, and more likely many, were identified long before the election. And somehow our government has found its…Continued here: […]

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