Why are we in Iraq and Afghanistan?

In accordance with Article 2 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution we must remove all U.S. forces from Iraq and Afghanistan and let the Muslims kill each other. Its not our job to police two factional groups of warring terrorists. Its not our job to arm them or provide them with supplies. Its not the job of the American tax payer to fund the training of Muslim armies friendly to us or not.

It is time to secure our own borders not the borders of Syria and Iraq. It is time to come home.

This is not a forced retreat its a constitutional removal of illegal U.S. military forces on foreign soil operating without a declaration of war and outside of an expired war powers act. The real threat to the United States sits on a throne in Saudi Arabia and roosts in a chair in the Oval Office. As for the Americans getting captured and beheaded…. stay home and you won’t be put in that position. We have people in this country that need help. Set up food banks here not in Syria. Then you will keep your head or maybe you liberal do gooders should run faster and don’t get captured.

The Chinese and the Russians are not wasting money policing Muslim countries. They do not bomb Muslim lands and they do not have their skyscrapers destroyed. They do not put their troops on Muslim soil and do not try to change them. The Russians learned this lesson from 1979 to 1989. We do not pay attention to the lessons of war. Meanwhile the Russians and Chinese are building their forces to use against us. They are not our friends. They laugh at our dumb Congress our inept Senate and President.

So Obama is now asking for $1.6 billion dollars to train Iraqi and Kurdish forces to fight the Islamic State all part of a $5.6 billion request to expand the US mission in Iraq. Why? What are we doing in this third world grave yard of empires? Why have we been wasting tax money for 13 years trying to mold Christian Constitutional values on these evil camel herders? We will never achieve this goal. Its not our job.

What is the operational, tactical and strategic goal of the United States in the Middle East? Nobody knows and our men and women who fight to win are being thrown in jail by our own government to appease these Muslims when we inflict collateral damage. You know what Mr. Congressman either let our men and women fight to win under a declaration of war or bring them all home. No more delay. What the mission? What’s the exit strategy? You don’t have a clue, do you? Our government is being run by all the kids that grew up riding the short yellow bus to school.

Let the Muslims kill each other and secure our borders back home with this money. Stop this insanity.

We are $18 trillion dollars in debt not including the unfunded mandates like Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. The Russians are flying bombers in the Gulf Of Mexico. They are sailing war ships and hiding ballistic missile submarines around our coast lines while illegal immigrants from the south are flooding across our borders. Why is our Congress and Senate so concerned with the Middle East? Enough already. Get your priorities straight Mr. Congressman and Mr. Senator.

How many more men and women must have their legs blown off from IED’s or be shot at point blank range by the very Muslim forces we are training. We are tired of your moronic military operational tactics. It borderline criminal and unconstitutional. Our Founding Fathers did not give us the Constitution to be party to a United Nations one world government. We are a sovereign nation that needs to cut off all trade with the Middle East. Starve them out.

We have enough oil here we just need to get the Collectivists and the environmentalist tree huggers to stop impeding free market capitalism. Jail would be a good place for them. They get free food, free housing, free medical and cable TV. They will be set. Its a perfect utopia for these miscreants.