America and the Political Ideology of Soviet Fascism

History repeats itself. Today, in December 2014, I’d like to bring you back to a real history of the 20th century and political ideology of Fascism, because both are determining our future. The history of German Fascism 1933-1945 is equally important. The Polish poetess Grazyna Chrostowska, was a member of the underground KOP (Komenda Obrońców Polski) organization during the Nazi Germany occupation of Poland. She was arrested by Gestapo in Lublin in May 1941.A nineteen years old poetess was executed by firing squad by the Gestapo in 1942. She wrote her last poem Inquietude eight hours before her execution. Here is the history and a human spirit stronger than Fascism:


The day is like the inquietude of Chopin’s music,
The birds, scared away from their nests are circling
Low above the earth,
They are listening, afraid…
Quietness in the nature, warmth is like before a storm.
From the West, low, dark clouds flow.
Waylaid fear strikes into the heart.
Homesickness, homesickness…
I want to walk on soggy roads,
Listen to the sound of wind,
Hunt the breath of spring time,
Feel the deepest feeling,
Find quietness in love.
I am walking, unable to find, keep changing and returning.
Somewhere far a way, village hamlets are left behind.

Clouds flew to the East,
And on the east side,
Lonely, leaning, dark trees endure,
In the wind, and in the quietness,
They are swung by the inquietude.

Ravensbrück. 18 April, 1942

Can you imagine the strength of the human spirit and will to live by the nineteen year old girl, writing this poetry eight hours before her death? This is an incredible story I can only compare with another one that overwhelmed me completely, bringing me to tears–crossing the Delaware River by General Washington and our young army in 1776. These two examples of the strong love for liberty are alive and well today in our America the Beautiful; the November 2014 election is the testimony to that. Yet, at the same time, you will hear the word fascism very often. This is not an accident–I am writing about Soviet Fascism for the last twenty-five years, because it is a reality of the 21st century. Look at the globe and find a peaceful location. Alas, instead you see killing, beheading, violence, deception, fraud, and constant promises of the governments for changes. You will find this exact predicament in the countries of Soviet Fascism around the globe.

Yet, I will continue insisting that the birth place of Soviet Fascism is Russia, and the author and architect is Joseph Stalin… Hence the knowledge of Russian History is crucial for every politician and mandatory for those dealing with the Foreign Affairs today. Stalin was the first leader in the world, who had successfully transformed Russian social strata of capitalism and build a new Socialist economic system–strictly regulated centralized system, served by the army of a huge bureaucracy, subordinated to him. The truth of the matter is that Stalin had used the ideological rhetoric of Marx to develop his own version of Socialism, I called his political ideology Soviet Fascism–a self-destructive system. If you remember my first articles of this series, I was argued that Marxism is a combination of both a utopia and fraud. Stalin had quadrupled both a fraud and utopia. Let me remind you the major postulates of Marx’s theory:

Private property was the prime target of Marxist ideology in the 19th century. If you attentively analyze today’s geopolitics you will find the same holds true in the 21st century. Yet Marx had failed to prove the major Marxist postulate, a term “Scientific Socialism.” Science is based on and about facts: Marx had not presented any facts confirming his theory! The second postulate gave the direction for the war: a two-stage social model consisting of socialism followed by communism, which promised to deliver a magical and fair classless society. In fact, Marxism never established a definite time span between the two phases. Charlatans and criminals have been fighting private property for two centuries, using that undefined time span as an excuse and continuing to promise fairness and social justice. It was Stalin, who tried to fill that void in Marx’s theory and had “developed” a mechanism of more fraud and deceit by substituting a result with the process…

A leading contribution to this class war was also made by Stalin and his numerous forms of fraud. He enriched the war with an incredible arsenal of tricks, distortions, deceptions, lies, hoaxes, mischief and so on. All Soviet leaders after him have continued fooling us. I remember Khrushchev’s words: “…the next generation will live in Communism.” I was the next generation and you know my story and the fate of Communism. For 80-90 years the war against private property inside the country was spread around the globe by other Soviet leaders and the Soviet/Russian intelligence. In fact, the war against private property had become a war of aggression against Western civilization, I called it WWIII. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 did not change the dynamics of these geopolitics. The Russian Communist Government was replaced by the Russian KGB Government, but Stalin’s agenda of creation World Government under the Kremlin auspices and major aggressive policy against Western civilization remains. WWIII is now fought by the terrorists, yet the source of the aggression has remained the same–the political ideology of Soviet Fascism.

Of course, the war against Western civilization had begun the next day after the Socialist Revolution 1917 in Russia, yet the decisive contribution to the war has been done by Stalin and Yuri Andropov, who incorporated Islam to the war that substantially widen Stalin’s design and the geography of the war itself, making it a global war.. . Yuri Andropov had been the KGB Chairmen for fifteen years 1967-1982. In term of the Muslim world, he left to us his vision for the matter.I will give you a conversation of Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking KGB officer ever to defect to the U.S, with Yuri Andropov:

“In 1972 the Kremlin decided to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the U.S. As KGB Chairman, Yuri Andropov told me a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America that could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter the United States. No one within the American/Zionist sphere of influence should any longer feel safe.” Russian Footprints, by Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review Online, August 24, 2008.

For your information, the above statement by the KGB Chairman, Stalin’s devoted disciple presents a universal Communist policy applied to all minorities, regardless of ethnicity, race, or religion. Watch the Blacks vs. Whites dynamics in America that illustrates Stalin’s major ideological pattern–Divide and Power. Be prepared for Ferguson across America and please, remember the agitators and provocateurs, called the Agents of Influence by the Soviet document; they organize and coordinate all the destruction, promised by the KGB Chairmen Yuri Andropov. Watching the aftermath of Ferguson, will help you to identify those agents, who are manipulating your mind by implementing Political Correctness within our controversial political realm.

Aren’t you witnessing that exact-predicted environment in America and throughout the world in 2014? Ferguson will be a symbol of the Democrats in the 2016 election. There are two exact explanations of the events in Ferguson: the first is the presented above political agenda in the conversation of two KGB Generals. The second is the reflection of it in the real life forty-five years later in both America and Israel. Please read the column Ferguson: The Beginning of an American Intifada,, by Rich Swier in the present e-magazine, November 25,2014. All listed arguments are the consequences of the agenda declared by the political ideology of Soviet Fascism. In my previous column, I have told you that “The National Security of America equals Zero.” You can grasp now the truth of my statement, though, I have some additional information not known to the public. Our Secretary of Defense Jack Hagel is not guilty in the failure of our Foreign Policy–the roots of that are in the political regime of the White House, which is using Political Correctness to deceive you.

look at Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Iran (Russia’s satellite), and the rest of the Middle East where people are killed by the hundreds every day. Are you safe in America? Please, remember the predicament, it was designed by Stalin/Andropov in the 20st century.Yet, the chorus of the Democrats are blaming president Gorge W.Bush for the war in Iraq that initiated the lethal consequences in the area. The recent book of London’s mayor Boris Johnston is blaming Winston Churchill for the mess in the Middle East. The Democrats in America and Boris Johnston in London are deadly wrong! They are ill-informed and therefore incapable of seeing the real picture of the world–they do not know the Political Ideology of Soviet Fascism..You can read the detailed analyzes of the war in Iraq in my book The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism, Xlibris, 2006. If you want to know the nature of the vast majority of people in the environmental movement and other protesters, please read pp.177-178 of the same book.

It is for a reason, I’ve presented the definition of Political Correctness, designed by Stalin in my preceding article No.14. The functional mechanism of Soviet Fascism is the two-fold unity:military expansion and mental, a very effective ideological expansion to shape public opinion–pure propaganda. If the first part is obvious today, the last example is aggression in Ukraine, the peaceful words Political Correctness have fooled you for decades by the character of its essence and components–lies, fraud, deception, distortion, fabrication, perjury, and so on substituting the promising result with a process. In the Soviet Union the entire media, run by the Department of Agitation and Propaganda executed Political Correctness for decades. Those were the typical Stalin’s tricks of the WWIII double-game, described in his bio by me. You will see that nigher Bush nor Churchill are the guilty parties–it is the spread worldwide Soviet Fascism in action. Watch also America’s media. It plays a crucial role in promoting this political ideology, shaping public opinion and helping the obstructionist–Democrats.

I am not alone in analyzing contemporary ideology of Fascism, the article Unprecedented Obama, by Michael Obernford, RPA, Sunday, July 31, 2011 presents a neo-fascism on our American soil. The column was also reprinted by Canada Free Press with an added line —“From a Strong American Who Sees the Picture Exactly as It Is. Worth the read!” I agree with that view, it directly concerns America. Reading it, you can come to your own conclusion. Yet Michael Obernford is the first journalist publicly identifying the Democratic Party as a neo-fascist party: “For two-and-a-half years, the neo-fascist Democrats, led by the corrupt Harry Reid (D-NV) and the loony and corrupt Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), willfully refused to submit a budget in spite of holding a large majority in Congress and the presidency.” Mr. Obernford goes further: “The Ministry of Propaganda is particularly fond of applying the term ‘unprecedented’ to the usurper who currently is squatting in the White House…Many things about his actions and those of his unindicted co-conspirators are unprecedented.”

Don’t you recognize a striking similarity of Political Correctness in Russia and America implemented by the Democrats today? Who do you think are “those of his unindicted co-conspirators?” I have already cleared the matter in the preceding article A Malignant Regime of Political Correctness, where I introduced Saul Alinski as one out of the thousands others, implementing Stalin’s concept across the globe. He is a product of the Stalinist Political Ideology. Moreover, to show his inextricable ties to the Stalinist ideology, I had introduced him as an agent of influence in accordance with the language and narrative defined by the Soviet document dated 1955. We the former citizens of the Socialist countries had experienced his radical theory in real life and we recognized his theory immediately by his major postulates–it was known to us as Stalin’s Political Ideology of Soviet Fascism:

  1. Increase the level of poverty, because the poor are more easier to control.
  2. Increase the debt to unsustainable levels, as this will cause more poverty.
  3. Take control of every aspect of people’s lives.

Don’t you see the analogous predicament in our America in 2014? Obamacare has little to do with Health Care. It is a massive federalization of Heals Care, a Fraud designed to control every aspect of people’s lives. It is a vehicle for redistribution of wealth and complete destruction of a previous Health Care system. And all of that had a political agenda to create a Chaos in our Capitalist America. The recent scandal with so-called “leading expert “ Mr. Gruber just illustrates what is written above. When I heard him, my memory reacted immediately: Stalin called the Soviet people”the screws of a big Socialist machine.” Moreover, “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.” Yes, it is a synonymy to Stalin’s Soviet government total SECRECY, well known to the West. Mr. Gruber is a vivid embodiment of of Stalin’s Socialism and transformative element of Obama’s agenda. Twenty years ago I warned Rush Limbaugh about a Socialized medicine in our aired conversation on October 29, 1992. He agreed with me and broadcast a tape the next day too. Baltic Winds: Testimony of A Soviet Attorney, pp.570-573, Xlibris, 2002.

There is another striking similarity in the smooth execution of Obamacare by the Democrats and the Soviet Mafia alive and well in contemporary Russia. The Soviet Mafia is a term presented by my colleague in his book The Soviet Mafia, by Arkady Vaksberg, St. Martin’s Press, 1991. He identified the Soviet Mafia as a conglomerate of the Soviet offitialdoom and organized crime. In one of the articles in this series, I have described this concept of the collective execution of crimes by the Soviet Mafia. Look at the Democrats, who have collectively executed Obamacare by the leftists’ political hands of ONE PARTY.. Maybe now you will grasp an idea introduced by me–the Obama/Putin join venture named Destruction of the American Republic. Neither Benghazi nor any other Obama’s scandals will ever be uncovered without the knowledge of that joint venture. This is also a factual comparison with the Hitler’s Cabinet prosecuted in Nuremberg. I will confirm that fact by the words of a highly respected man of the 20th century. The statement of an American Judge presiding at the Nuremberg war crimes trial gave an objective verdict:

“The crimes which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated” (Associate United States Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson). Seventy years later I have found a stunning similarity with the events preceding WWII, described by the Nuremberg Trials Justice and the predicament in Russia that cannot be ignored by the civilized world. The Kremlin activities described in my books can be qualified as calculated, malignant, and devastating to the civilized world. Moreover, the scale of the Kremlin corruption has surpassed all human imagination—institutionalized corruption is one of the tools of Soviet Fascism. The notion of accountability, integrity or shame does not exist within the Soviet mafia—Mafia is a mafia whenever it runs the country. I know that you are smiling reading this, because you are experiencing the same in your countries and especially in America…

I often write the phrase: “We former citizens of Socialist countries know what is going on in America.” By the way, we are all immigrants, who went through the legal process of Naturalization. Yes, I am writing on behalf of many. Let me give you the fragments of poetry and prose of some the intellectuals from their native countries. Please notes the thoughts, feelings, and anxiety of the best poets and writers from these countries around the globe.

From Russia

I dedicated pages to the poetry of the Russian muse Anna Akhmatova in my first book Baltic Winds. Here is another verse:
Like someone deaf, blind, and mute,
For whom the only thing left
Is the sense of smell, I breathe in
Dampness, mold, inclement weather
And the fleeting transient smoke…

Anna Akhmatova, 1959

From Cuba

Excerpts From the book CUBA MI PATRIA QUE ADORO (2012), by Máximo Aguirre, Edited by Angela M. Aguirre, Ph.D. The poems were written in NYC between 1963- 1965 during the first three years of his exile. (Translations by Angela Aguirre)


I am living with this pain
That all Cubans are enduring
Looking at my fellow men
Executed by the terror.
Others suffering in prison
The most unthinkable tortures.
Without pity or understanding
We live under the iron fist
Of the treacherous communism.
Never before seeing in Cuba.

Gloomy and sad the situation
That I am living, my friends,
Is the same as the hardships
That endure my countrymen.
Facing the firing squad
Brothers and sisters alike.
This is the perennial torment
That makes my life agonize
And my dear family in Cuba
Living alone, without hope.

From Hungary

True Hungarians by Remenyik Sandor 1957

True Hungarians… Your scattered flames north, south, east, west and throughout all this great land of Hungary…wanting the light of freedom for “all” from this depressing and ever dark existence…What would you say if you would all band together and unite for the great cause of freedom!?…..

From Venezuela


Political Value of Poverty by Oscar Garcia Mendoza, 2014.

“…The end justifies the means… Hugo Chavez and Maduro have been faithful executors of this maximum, and …political theories of Saul Alinski….As history reveals today, there is no doubts that Chavez and Maduro have follower exactly this theory in Venezuela….Although it is incomprehensible for millions, none of the policies that have brought Venezuela to the point of destruction has been casual, carelessness, incompetent or error…”Mr. Mendoza summarized the result brilliantly; I would add that the result applies to all countries experiencing the political ideology of Soviet Fascism.

putin spanking obamaDo you remember the collapse of the Soviet Union? This exact collapse is the future of all countries adhered to the political ideology of Soviet Fascism, because a fraud can’t produce, Soviet Fascism is the political ideology of self-destruction. Yet, we have to recognize a very determined and well organized enemy in the Kremlin. After the end of WWII, Stalin’s ideology caused hundreds of million deaths of innocent people around the globe. The rise of International anti-Semitism is not coincidental, it is the sign of Fascism. While addressing EU Parliament in Strasbourg in November 2014, Pope Francis called Europe an old and “tired.” Pope Francis is right–Europe is fighting several types of Fascism for almost hundred years. By ignoring or appeasing that force in 2014, we enable the criminals to perpetrate more destruction and cause more deaths on our planet….

Look at a shift in international politics since the end of WWII and partial victory of the Stalin Doctrine, which is changing the International Global System. Our army that won the war is dismantled, our Health Care is in a chaos, and the last Obama’s Executive Order on Immigration will “turn America into a Third World Country.” Who benefits from this chaos? The answer is the Political Ideology of Soviet Fascism. The discussed political ideology had not been properly confronted by its opponents through the decades. The consequence for America is devastating–we are at the threshold, approaching a point of no return. Liberty must be defended, and as a professional defense attorney, I have doing just that, by writing the truth for the last twenty-five years.

America has inherited the Founding Fathers’ spirit of Liberty and Freedom. I hope, a new and united Republican Party elected on November 4, 2014, and armed with the information conveyed in my books and articles will revive that spirit, inspiring a vigorous resistance in defending our America the Beautiful against enemies foreign and domestic…

To be continued