20 Questions to Ask Your Evolution Professor — Who Can’t Explain Intelligent Design
- How did we get such nicely rounded spheres from a Big Bang that should have given jagged rocks?
- How did all the planets come into orbit after such an explosion?
- Why do the planets vary in distance from the sun so greatly, and still stay in orbit?
- With more than 100 moons for the planets (Jupiter having 63), how did they come to orbit planets if they didn’t explode from them, and what evidence would we have that our moon exploded from earth, or where did it come from? Can we see significance to its orbit giving us our months?
- Isn’t it strange that these huge heavenly bodies don’t collide, and that we can set our time by them?
- How did earth develop its rotation so that we have day and night, and don’t fry on one side or freeze on the other?
- Was it just chance that earth has all the ingredients necessary for life?
- If we exploded off the sun, where did we get our atmosphere that was needed to support life?
- How would an explosion from the sun give us all the elements we see on the atomic chart?
- What would be the mathematical probability of an explosion in a junk yard giving us a jumbo jet? (That would be far easier than an explosion giving us any form of life)
- The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics says the energy systems tend to run down unless acted upon by an outside source. What is the Source that keeps our universe from becoming like a city dump?
- Darwin assumed that future discoveries would reveal “missing links” in the evolutionary chain, but after 150 years, we are still waiting. Where are the missing links, or could Darwin have been wrong?
- Living organisms have systems intricately complex and dependent on all parts to be functioning as a whole. Did they all evolve simultaneously?
- Wouldn’t primitive man have bled to death from a cut without the blood clotting mechanism with its cascade of reactions working from the beginning?
- Did mammals all evolve into male and female simultaneously so that after billions of years, they both arrived on the scene at the same time and could reproduce?
- With water so essential to life, how did earth get its vast supply if we exploded off the sun?
- With atomic nuclei having protons of positive charge, what keeps them from repelling each other?
- Did everything in the universe come from nothing, or how did it all happen?
- Comparing tiny atoms with our gigantic solar systems, each with orbiting electrons or planets, it is not difficult to see similarity or design. Dare we say Intelligent Design?
- If we tore 100 pages out of a book and scrambled them, wouldn’t the chance of our picking them up in order blind-folded be better than all of the above happening by chance?
If we consider the complexity of the human body, DNA or the development of eyesight that we don’t even understand, shouldn’t we be honest enough to ask ourselves, Who is the Designer?
Does it matter? Or dare we ask? Why do some “scientists” become irate when they can’t answer simple questions? Why don’t we just admit that evolution is theory that offers their view of some facts, while other scientists also have evidence for their view? A growing number of scientists have faith in the Designer of all that we can see, like the beauty of a sunset, or hear, like the song of a bird, or enjoy the food we eat.
An award-winning website offering abundant scientific support for Creation is at http://pathlights.com/ce_encyclopedia/creation-encyclopediaTOC.html. Another website offering excellent support for instantaneous Creation is at http://Halos.com.
A philosopher once said that religion is gratitude. Why not give it back to the Source and live like we appreciate what we’ve been given? The first page of the Bible helps us appreciate God as the Source, and He even invented sex! These are just a few starters for us to want to know Him better. And no, the #1 best-seller of all times is not fiction or myth–the greatest Person in history (His Story) that divided BC from AD also quoted from Genesis.
EDITORS NOTE: One of Dr. Ruhling’s websites is at http://ChooseABetterDestiny.com and he believes we have a far higher destiny that if we came from germs, mollusks and apes, but first we must endure the Fall of America…http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00L1V2I84
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[…] his blog (https://drrichswier.com/2014/12/06/philosophy-101-20-questions-ask-evolution-professor-cant-explain/), he has provided the following questions to convince us of the existence of God…or his […]
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