Open Letter to the Reverend Al Sharpton
Dear Al Sharpton,
I can understand, what with the price of gas being so low that you can now afford to fill up plenty of gas containers and keep throwing them onto the fires being stirred up by your race baiting all over the USA. Now I am not sure what sort of a reverend you are, but in my church we don’t go around inciting chaos and hate against anyone.
The police officers in all department’s across this nation put their lives on the line for us all daily and we are sick and tired of tax evaders like you running your mouth trying to install hate and discontent among the masses. Now I don’t care if you hang out with that President Obama. It is your record that matters. Here are just a few examples of your race bating:
In 1987 you threw gas onto fire and disrespected the brave police officers in the Tawana Brawley case. Brawley, an African American teenager, claimed that she was raped by a group of white men—some of whom were allegedly police officers. The case was later dismissed by a grand jury, which reportedly concluded that the teenager had made up the story. But this came after months of media frenzy around the case, largely encouraged by you. In fact you were sued by the district attorney working the case for making slanderous remarks. You sir were found guilty and you were fined for your comments. In 1990 you faced more charges when you were tried and acquitted of stealing from the NYM. Your quite a nefarious character Al. You claim to represent the black community, how about you start representing all Americans no just some blacks.
You can’t even let an man alone who was being robbed by four of your brothers on a subway in New York. Bernhard Goetz shot four African-American men on a New York City Subway train in Manhattan on December 22, 1984, when they approached him and tried to rob him. At his trial Goetz was cleared of all charges except for carrying an unlicensed firearm. Al, instead of marching for more gun rights for self defense in New York under the Second Amendment you led several marches protesting what you saw as the weak prosecution of the case. You said Goetz’s actions were racist and you requested a federal civil rights investigation. A federal investigation concluded the shooting was due to an attempted robbery by four black men and not race.
In 2001 you were jailed for 90 days on trespassing charges while protesting against U.S. military target practice exercises in Puerto Rico near a United States Navy bombing site. You were held in a Puerto Rican lockup for two days and then imprisoned at Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn on May 25, 2001, and you had the Federal Bureau of Prisons ID# 21458-069. You were was released on August 17, 2001. So why where you protesting the U.S. Navy and my brothers in arms Al? Are you some kind of anti-military sympathizer?
During the Crown Heights Riots, you were seen by some commentators as inflaming tensions by making remarks that included “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house”. You once again showed that you are race baiter. There are federal laws that protect us from people like you.
You were quoted as saying to an audience at Kean College in 1994 that, “White folks was in caves while we was building empires…. really? Are you trying to build good relations or start a race war? Just asking. You don’t even like Mormons and made this comment about Mitt Romney running for President. “As for the one Mormon running for office, those who really believe in God will defeat him anyways, so don’t worry about that; that’s a temporary situation.
On May 9, 2008 the Associated Press reported that your so called businesses owed almost $1.5 million in unpaid taxes and penalties. You owed $931,000 in federal income tax and $366,000 to New York, and your for-profit company, Rev. Al Communications, owed another $176,000 to the state. Why can’t you pay your taxes like other law abiding Americans? Most folks go to jail for this, so why are you still a free man?
Finally, in 2009 the Federal Election Commission announced it had levied a fine of $285,000 against your 2004 presidential campaign for breaking campaign finance rules during your presidential run.
Al you are a bad guy, a tax evader and a race baiter. You just like to stir the pot and throw lighted matches onto gasoline cans so long as its against whites, Jews or Mormons. Stand down dude. You are part of the problem. Start being an American instead of an Obama collectivist sympathizer.
I for one support and salute the brave police officers all over this country that stand up like real Americans and have the courage protect us. Unlike people like you.
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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Al Sharpton with President Obama is courtesy of FrontPage Magazine.