Netanyahu must speak: The world must understand the meaning of ‘Never Again’

Never Again means millions of Jews will never again allow themselves to be loaded into trains and sent to concentration camps to die; Never Again will Jewish women be raped by their captors; Never again will Jewish men, women and children be buried alive; Never Again will Jews be anyone’s experimental guinea pigs; Never Again will Jews allow themselves be slaughtered as sacrificial lambs; Never Again Jews remain quiet and ignore those who threaten their genocide.

Every IDF soldier, both men and women take the oath of Masada. It means we will never surrender, we will never give up and we know Jews must die so others can live as a free people.

Since Israel came into being in 1948 Israel has been threatened or attacked by their Muslim enemies who have sought their extinction. The greatest threat to the survival of Israel today comes from Iran which is on the road to developing nuclear weapons.

The P5+1 group headed by President Obama negotiating with Iran don’t view a nuclear Iran as an existential threat to themselves. In the case of Russia and China this may be true. Russia and China are both enemies of the U.S. and undoubtedly see Iran as their ally against the U.S.

Obama sees no threat from a nuclear Iran, the leading Radical Islamic State sponsor of terrorism because for him Radical Islam doesn’t exist. To Obama Radical Islam only exists in the minds of Islamophobes. France and Great Britain are weak, sclerotic and fear their large Muslim population.

Unless the U.S. Congress can do something in the next few months Iran knows they must make headway in their nuclear weapons program while Obama is still in office. Whether or not Obama enters into an agreement Iran will continue to develop nuclear and ballistic weapons secretively unless steps are taken to stop it. We now know Iran has restricted U.N. inspector access to various sites and there is no reason to believe this will change. If Obama reduces or eliminates sanctions it will reinforce the Iran’s theocratic regime and may force Israel in cooperation with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Gulf States to take preemptive military action against Iran.

This will draw the U.S. into a war because Iran will attempt to close the Straits of Hormuz through which huge quantities of oil must pass. For unfathomable reasons this does not seem to concern Obama. What is equally unfathomable is even though the Middle East is a tinder box Obama just vetoed the Keystone Canadian pipeline which in the future would help the U.S. to become independent of Arab oil.

RELATED ARTICLE: Former Jordanian Minister: We Must Not Allow Iranian Presence On Our Borders, Even At The Price Of War

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of a memorial at Dachau Concentration Camp (Keinmol Mer (Yiddish language), Plus Jamais, Never Again, Nie Wieder, Nikogda Bol’she).