Kerry Warns Israel PM Netanyahu Not to Disclose to Congress Details of the Iran Nuclear Agreement

The issue of protocol by the Obama White House was always a smokescreen to change the subject from the real reason Obama doesn’t want Netanyahu to speak. Kerry’s warning clearly shows Obama doesn’t want Congress or the American people to know what is in the deal.

The White House has been leaking some selected details of the deal for months to get a reaction. Congress and the American people have been told only what the White House wants them to know and they are being kept in the dark on the details. This is why there has been such a violent reaction by the White House to Netanyahu’s speech.

Netanyahu’s purpose for speaking to Congress is solely to inform them what is in the deal so they can make an informed decision whether it is the best interest of the U.S. and Israel to approve or disapprove it. There can be no legitimate reason why Congress or the American people should be kept in the blind when the security of the nation is involved. It sounds as though Obama is afraid Congress and the American people will reject his secret deal.

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Secretary of State John Kerry said on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel was welcome to speak in the U.S. Kerry spoke by phone with Netanyahu on Saturday, the State Department said. The discussion focused on the current state of the Iran talks, Netanyahu’s upcoming visit to Washington and Kerry’s concern about the financial plight of the Palestinian Authority.