The pundits have it wrong when they say President Obama is ‘leading from behind’

Obama is actually ‘leading from in front’ to diminish U.S. influence around the world.

Over the years Obama has said that the U.S. has too much influence in the Middle East and the world. One of Obama’s promises in 2008 was that he intended to ‘structurally change America’. As a result Obama’s policies have laser like reduced U.S. influence in the Middle East and around the world. By reneging on his ‘red line’ in Syria; abandoning his commitment to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and abandoning the U.S. non-proliferation policy Obama has made the U.S. an untrustworthy ally and reduced its influence around the world. Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is designed to make Iran the hegemony in the Middle East to the detriment of the U.S. and U.S. allies in the region.

To further this goal Obama prematurely withdrew all of our troops from Iraq and has failed to aggressively confront the Islamic State (ISIS). making way for Iran to fill the void. Obama recently removed Iran and its proxy Hezbollah from the U.S. Annual Assessment Report which previously named Iran as the leading State sponsor of terrorism along with Hezbollah. This is a prelude to Obama’s Cuba like rapprochement with these two terrorist entities.

A nuclear armed Iran with long range ballistic missiles as a shield will not only expand Iran’s influence in the Middle East but will buttress Iran’s influence in South America. Iran in cooperation with Bolivia has built a secret military installation in Bolivia which is a direct threat to the U.S. Venezuela is a uranium rich country and is developing into another Iranian base of operations in the Americas. Both of these South American countries view the U.S. as an enemy and once Iran has nuclear weapons there is little doubt Iranian nuclear missiles aimed at the U.S. mainland will find its way into these countries. Obama’s agreement with Iran will result in nuclear proliferation.

Obama believes if the U.S. has nuclear weapons then other countries that want them are entitled to them too.

So when pundits say Obama is leading from behind they are wrong. As hard as it is to accept, Obama is ‘leading from the front’ to diminish U.S. influence around the world and to put Iran and other countries on an equal footing with U.S. nuclear capability.


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