Mass Immigration and the Results

Yesterday President Obama took time out from golfing to address by video a group of 50 people being sworn in as citizens in Texas where they recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the National Anthem………How Patriotic!

Touching isn’t it the president would take time to join in celebrating 50 legal immigrants being Naturalized. As a side note I wonder why he never got his aunt or uncle to apply for citizenship since they have been here illegally for decades?

There were immigrants from Mexico, Viet Nam and several other countries in the world at the ceremony. The Mexican being Naturalized when asked what the first thing he was going to do as a new citizen he replied “I’m going to get a passport and go to Mexico.”

Whenever you hear windbag politicians talk about the country they invariably go into the “this country was founded on immigrants and they are the bedrock of the country.”

That statement was true until the mass immigration movement began back in 1965. The number one legal immigrant (as well as illegal) since 1965 are from Mexico. With such a desire to come one would think they must really be loyal to the country and eager to become citizens and help make the country even more successful.

Well folks, you would be dead wrong. Since 1965 the number of Mexicans that have become Naturalized stands at a dismal 36%. 50% of Mexicans are still on welfare 20 years after arriving and a large percentage of third generation Mexican students are enrolled in special classes to learn English.

It appears from statistics Mexican assimilation into American Culture is bleak at best but what about all the rest of the tens of millions allowed in the country since 1965? Coming from really desperate countries like Somalia, Viet Nam China and other countries we have to know these people came here enthusiastic and ready to assimilate. Well, not exactly. Although better than the Mexican Naturalization numbers the rest of the world’s immigrants allowed in through mass immigration over the past 50 years have Naturalized at a rate of 56%. It really makes you wonder why they are coming but my guess would be “Welfare State”.

Why do we have mass immigration? Anybody look at the water crisis California is in? Governor Brown wants to fine people $500.00 for taking too long of a shower. Really? We have finite resources and does allowing millions of legal immigrants in every year make sense? If someone out there has a reasonable answer I would like to hear it otherwise I chalk mass immigration up as another wrong move since one political party wants new voters and the other party wants cheap labor and screw the citizens as a result.