Rare Look Inside The Garland Terrorist Attack Venue As It Unfolded
Join The United West team as we take you step by step through what happened to us inside the event.
First we will hear 4 minutes of Robert Spencer explaining why the event was messaged like it was. He specifically addresses those who believe Pamela Geller’s event was unnecessarily provocative to the followers of Islam.
Next you will be inside the venue with us as a Garland SWAT leader explains to the audience that shots were fired and they will need to move all in attendance into the auditorium which is further away from the front entrance.
Next you will experience being moved to a safer offsite facility approximately 5 miles from the Culwell Center where we learn that we were targets of a terrorist attack and law enforcement needed our statements.
Then well after midnight we were released and the City Of Garland put us up in a hotel for the night because where we were staying was off limits due to proximity of the attack area.
Pamela Geller paid five figures for additional security. Little did she know the Islamic State would send two Muslim Jihadis to attack and try to kill as many people inside as possible in the first IS attack on domestic targets in the United States.
The United West team thanks the Garland Police Department and Garland Police SWAT Unit for keeping all the attendees safe during this terrorist event.
The two Muslim Jihadi shooters were wearing body armor, they were armed with 100 round drum fed fully automatic AK-47’s, and had grenades they did not have time to detonate. There mission, luckily for us, failed but imagine for a brief moment what would could have happened if these to Muslim Jihadis picked a softer location like a mall, restaurant, hospital, etc….
Interestingly there was not one single pro Islamist protester at the event. Conversely, at the Stand with the Prophet event in January close to 250 Muslim protesters and their sympathizers were protesting against the 2000+ patriots who were protesting the Muslim event being held at the Culwell Center.
It will be interesting to see if next year the school district of Garland, Tx denies Pamela Geller or anyone else access to their facility for the planned 2nd annual event for free speech.
If that should come to pass unfortunately the Jihadis will have won because the Garland School District will have submitted to the fear caused by Islamic violence.
Megyn Kelly shreds Americans’ willingness to fold on free speech: ‘Jihadis are officially winning’