16 replies
  1. James
    James says:

    George bush robbed millions & billions should be brought up on war crimes were the justice for the people their.And he put us in the shape we are in now — WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!

    • Eddie Johnson
      Eddie Johnson says:

      Wonderful, I can’t wait tohave a career criminal, congenital liar SHREW with a serial philandering spouse back in the whitehouse. The Clinton’s are just as bad as Obummer, just in a different way.

  2. Karen
    Karen says:

    This guy is utterly crazy and the really crazy thing is that millions of people believe him. The thing about beliefs is that even given facts the beliefs stay. This guy is filled with beliefs.

  3. Lord Christopher Coyle
    Lord Christopher Coyle says:

    Hillery who made the path straight for Obama, will not see one second in jail, all relevant Evidence will be lost or accidentally burned or deleted, just like Hillery’s Emails. and any witnesses will suddenly and tragically die before trial. Sorry to rain on you parade, much as I would love to see justice done. Satan looks after those who love him. And if she were to be convicted Obama will immediately issue a presidential pardon, before the bailiff gets her hand cuffed.

  4. Steve B.
    Steve B. says:

    If there is a trial which i think things will fall apart before them and then so many people can be whacked and so much evidence vanish. The Clintons are in power becasse they promised the Jews get them in office and they will give them what they want. Politics is all about the jews. Not about the country and just like in Germany and RUssia the system implodes onto itself

  5. Steve B.
    Steve B. says:

    Obama could block the trial with an executive order. The judge who filed the papers could be whacked or the guy that got the papers filed could be whacked. The country could have an economic collapse. Obama could remain president and delay the trial. So many things could happen


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