Obama: The Most Pro-Abortion President in America’s 239 years — Hillary Clinton will be worse!
Hope all is well on this “Feast Day of St. Bonaventure” as we are still trying to recuperate from the appalling video we all witnessed yesterday showing the disgusting Planned Parenthood executive speak about abortion and selling the babies’ body parts. Now, we are talking about extreme outrage and going way over the top…and something needs to be done immediately. I know the good & bold Pro-Life folks from Created Equal are at the steps of the White House as I write this piece. Thank you, Mark Harrington. Thank you, Seth Drayer. You guys make a difference – and our gutless, Pro-abortion President in the White House (who regards Planned Parenthood as “the best thing that ever happened to women”) – needs to be called out on this more than ever. He has a lot at stake here. But, like always – The Emperor will put on his clothes, over-ride this controversy, put out another Executive Order…and literally “get away with murder” once again…
After all, how can the President of the Free World punish an evil organization that he promotes, funds and has great stock in?
Well, we are about 17 months from the Presidential Elections of 2016 and we all really need to digest everything that has occurred in “our” White House during these past 6 plus years that the liberal, Constitution-defying Obama has been occupying it. Just in terms of the atrocities of abortion, I can write volumes. For starters, just last month, he funded Planned Parenthood another 5.6 million dollars! That’s money from tax-payer pockets that he is using to fund PP so that they can kill innocent babies – going against the 5th Commandment, while throwing the Constitution of the United States & the Declaration of Independence out the trash along with these aborted babies as if human rights never existed. And, unborn babies have the same human rights as you and I do…
But, what exactly is an “unborn baby”? How do you define an unborn baby? What is a fetus? What is this “blob of cells” that the Pro-abortion liberals refer to? When does a baby become a human being? When does that baby have a heartbeat? When does an unborn baby begin to have those human rights that I just spoke about? What does “conception to natural death” really mean?
If the experts at Planned Parenthood continue to tell these women that “there is no baby – it is just a blob of cells” – why in GOD’s name are they selling these “body parts” for serious money when it is just a blob of cells? When did a blob of cells ever contain a fully-formed liver or kidney that these degenerates are getting up to $100.00 for? Let that sink in for a moment…
Are these Pro-abortion liberals finally owning up to the fact that this is a real baby – with real living body parts – as opposed to that “blob of cells” that they tell these young ladies about who come in for a desperate abortion? Are they now agreeing with Pro-Lifers that it is “from conception…”?
This argument may just be the one that we Pro-Lifers have been looking for for the past 42 years to maybe reverse the infamous Roe v. Wade decision…
If we Pro-Lifers do not call Planned Parenthood out on this atrocity and take this all the way up to the Supreme Court to bust them outright, then, we are missing a golden opportunity to put a STOP to the killings at these “baby killing chambers”? This particular video on Planned Parenthood that I am referring to was actually taken about a year ago and it shows clear evidence that PP has been committing all types of criminal infractions and this is just as bad as what former Philadelphia baby killer, Kermit Gosnell, did in his heyday to countless babies, who were at least 22 weeks old…Ironically, Killer Kermit is doing “life”, after taking so many…
But, it all begins at the top…And, when the Land of the Free has a radical leader running the country like Obama, who has been embracing, supporting, promoting and funding abortion for decades – where he puts Planned Parenthood up on a pedestal as the solution to this so-called “War on Women” – what can the 317 million Americans in this country do? What can the wholesome, Pro-Life citizens in this country do with this terrific opportunity that came out yesterday with this controversial “selling of baby body parts” by PP in order to take advantage of it? Now, it is time to put pressure on Obama & Planned Parenthood while the iron is hot? Now is the time for us Pro-Lifers to really put the heat on PP and just like we did with Kermit Gosnell (who even the liberal Pro-abortion folks were appalled by) – take this criminal activity to another level and pursue this atrocity like we did with Gosnell and try to put an end to these “killing fields” in locations that are inappropriately called Planned Parenthood…
Friends: We all have to VOTE PRO-LIFE in this up-coming 2016 Presidential Elections to make sure that the even-more, Pro-Abortion Hillary Clinton does not even have a chance in being elected to run our country. That will be a total disaster!! Like I have said many times before – “If we think Obama is evil, liberal and very Pro-abortion – just wait to see what happens to our beloved country if this ‘Witch from Mad-as-Hell County’ gets elected”.
Pastor Rick Warren, author of A Purpose Driven Life, interviews Barack Obama and Senator John McCain in 2008, before the Presidential Elections of 2009. Listen for John McCain’s immediate and to-the-point, answer – “At the moment of conception”. A three second correct answer. What all of us Pro-Lifers would answer with. Then, listen to Obama’s answer…It actually hurts to see this “nobody without credentials” struggle for a gutless answer. And, this is who 53 % of Catholics in this country voted for in our last two elections:
Barack Obama at it again – forcing Religious non-profits to provide abortifacients. The HHS Mandate of 2012 truly destroyed the Religious Freedom that our beloved country enjoyed for so many decades and it’s Obama, himself, who is the main culprit behind it.
Please read this column: Obama administration forces religious nonprofits to provide contraceptives.
Hillary Clinton, also in bed with Planned Parenthood, gets help from a Planned Parenthood CEO to open up an office in Iowa…conflict of interest or what? When there are no rules & regulations for the liberals like Obama & Clinton – how can a “conflict of interest” ever exist? It’s the Outlaws who are running this country – therefore “all laws are out”.
Please read this column: Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz CEO Helps Hillary Clinton Open Iowa Office.
Finally please watch this appalling video of a Planned Parenthood Official Taped Discussing Sale of Aborted Baby Body Parts:
This is appalling!!To sell babies body parts from abortion, is murder for profit!Do the patients know
what is going on in these Planned Parenthood clinics??? The hearts, lungs, etc of these fetus )babies)
is tragic! These clinics should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And we appropriated five
billion dollars for this kind of illegal procedures to our women of this country who have willingly
consented to this? We care more about animals in this US than our unborn babies!
It doesn’t make sense, do we not have any values for the unborn? Do the unborn have rights?