2 Qualities Americans Look for in a President: Hillary Has Neither

There are two qualities that most Americans are looking for in a president: judgment and leadership. With the recent revelations that, at best, Hillary Clinton disclosed extremely sensitive data over her private email system and, at worst, she may have disclosed classified U.S. state secrets to foreign governments through her private email system, it’s now time for Americans, regardless of their partisan alignment, to dismiss her candidacy for the presidency.

Because of the perilous position the country is now in, due to the selection over seven years ago of an untested and un-vetted Barack Obama, you need to know this to avoid a similar mistake. A verified source contacted me not long ago and told me that the private Clinton email server had been hacked into and the hacking may have been performed by foreign governments. As a former federal agent, subject to strict operational and email security rules and regulations, I was appalled. I couldn’t help but think, How is it that hard-working, rank-and-file, government employees would be fired, and potentially prosecuted, for this type of irresponsible behavior but Hillary Clinton may get elected president for doing the same thing?

Regardless of whether Hillary Clinton is prosecuted by the Department of Justice for this egregious behavior, or not, this sorry episode should have EVERY single American, regardless of partisan affiliation, openly questioning Hillary Clinton’s judgment to lead the military and federal workforce, despite her determination to ignore the rules they must obey.

This scandal also brings to light some very serious questions about Hillary Clinton’s leadership abilities. I recently put out a list of seven things for which the Left, and in this case Hillary, should consider offering an apology and explanation. The American people are tired of the liberal excuses and the hiding from facts. If Hillary were truly serious about trying to restore trust among the public and prove she is capable of leading, she would start by taking responsibility for her actions.

Good leaders step up and take responsibility in times of crisis; they do not duck and shamelessly blame others when crisis knocks on their doors. Hillary Clinton has shown none of the requisite leadership abilities to be the next President of the United States during the numerous crises she and her husband have been involved in. She is not a leader and she is lacking the character traits necessary for an introductory management position, no less the presidency of the greatest country on earth.

Note to Democrats: it’s time to move on, both for the future of your party, and for the future of our country.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Conservative Review. The featured image of Hillary Clinton is by Charlie Riedel | AP Photo.

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