Soviet Fascism in the 21st Century: Inside A Gigantic Network of Falsehood
It is very true—history repeats itself. When I immigrated to the U.S. and my English improved, I became a Republican. And the first phrase introduced to me about the party was “GOP has never missed the opportunity to miss the opportunity.” Today, thirty four years later, I am a witness of that and it is painful to watch how instead of exposing the Democrats, who are destroying America the Beautiful, the GOP destructs itself from within. Instead of identifying the real enemy of our country and expose the Democrats, the Republicans are missing the opportunity to do so.
This is not the first time, I observed a similar situation in 2008 as well, when I was writing: What is Happening to America?
“When a medical doctor treats a patient, he or she fights the disease and its causes. As a rule, after finding the causes a doctor deals with the disease. That way the patient is cured, his body is healed. These physicians are knowledgeable professionals with experiences to make the right diagnosis. We could establish a parallel with our politicians who unlike the latter specialists, treat the symptoms of the diseases not the disease itself. In this case the patient will never be cured and the treatment will never bring healing. This is somehow similar to the politicians on the world stage today—the leaders of the Western civilization.”

Fox News moderators from left, Chris Wallace, Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier warm up the crowd before Republican presidential candidates New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Ben Carson, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Donald Trump, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Ohio Gov. John Kasich take the stage for the first Republican presidential debate at the Quicken Loans Arena, Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
The Republican debates on August 6, 2015
I have no words to describe the pride I felt, watching the majestic seventeen conservatives, their energy, eloquence, and desire to save America at the two Republican debates in August 6, 2015. Yet, it ended up with an unpleasant smell of disunity. Of course, debates are debates and the different ideas are supposed to be presented and argued for one fundamental reason—to expose and defeat the Democrats in the upcoming election of 2016. It did not happened. Moreover, something typical had occurred—the Republicans had tried to defeat their own.
For your information, I like Megyn Kelly, she is definitely a beautiful woman, a very smart one, with eloquence and knowledge of the country’s law. As a lawyer myself, I saw something unusual in her behavior, she was nervous and very aggressive against Donald Trump. A journalist, who is extremely successfully on Fox News, she was not supposed to be nervous—an unethical assignment made her nervous. This is my conclusion on what I saw at the debates. And these the exact circumstances that forces me to return to my main topic—Soviet Fascism.
I do not know the exact reason behind Kelly’s behavior. Maybe the owners of the Fox know more than I do, or maybe it was an attempt to show the Democrats that Fox can do the job at a Democratic debate as well? At any rate, it was not a “good journalism.” Yet, listening to Trump, I got the impression that he knows more about my topic of Soviet Fascism than other politicians. His remarks about the issues of a dreadful condition in the world, gave me that impression. For me, the big picture of the debates presented the dark room with cockroaches in it; Trump enter the room and turned light ON…
The best example is a nuclear deal with Iran. All the components of the deal are under suspicions as the manufactured ones and not corresponded to the real situation of the world. Moreover, the five secret attachments are not known to the vast majority of Americans. Maybe history repeats itself. Those politicians who know the history of WWII, perhaps remember the Molotov/Ribbentrop agreement of the 1939 that preceded and facilitated the war. I am afraid that Obama creates a similar predicament in the world by helping Putin and his satellite Iran to wage a successful next war against Western civilization.
Obama/Putin Joint Venture—Destruction of the American Republic
A famous Russian dissident Vladimir Bukowski once said: “when a Socialist comes to power, you can expect concentration camps.” He was right—violence is the main feature of Socialism. The perspective for the future Socialist world Karl Marx expressed in his slogan Proletarian of the world unite, which meant a violent world war. One hundred years later Joseph Stalin developed the Socialist intent in a more politically pronounced manner by camouflaging violence: One world Government under the Kremlin auspices. We, the former citizens of the Socialist countries went through that development, called a Mature Socialism. It was a war by the government against its own citizens–a multi-facet war with different fronts, methods, shapes, and forms.
It was Mature Socialism that ended up with the collapse of the Soviet Union and therefore seemed the entire Socialist world. Yet, many Americans are still infected by a virus of Stalin’s Socialism. The question is how it was possible that a fraud, as I identified Stalin’s ideology of Socialism, could survive for almost a century and still seduced a lot of people in the world today? This is the question I have been researching and investigating for many years discussing multi-faceted methods and devices of the Stalin’s social model—its modus operandi.
Living in America for more than thirty years together with other Americans, we are constantly hearing on the radio, TV, and internet two words—Political Correctness, none of the issues of public domain can do without. Does anybody in America or the world knows the architect of PC, its concept or the fundamental agenda behind it? Does anybody know the nature and crucial role those two words played in their lives for decades? The answer to the question will unite us: the former citizens of the Socialist countries and all of the people in the 21st century, as we all together in different times have been manipulated and brainwashed by these two words—Political Correctness.
The predicament in the world requires me to remind you the architect of and the nature of those two words, which seems very neutral indeed. In fact, they are not peaceful, on the contrary they represent the psychological tools or methods to transform a political system by fraud, while simultaneously fighting the ideological opponents. In all my writings I have already introduced a vast majority of Stalin’s methods and devices, however, this concept is the crucial one. To my knowledge Stalin was the author of those two words that were published for the first time in the Soviet newspaper Izvestia in1933, the time when the major transformation was going on in the Soviet Union. He called Politically Incorrect the leaders of the opposition. The American educator confirms my information:
“In the early-to-mid 20th century, contemporary uses of the phrase “Politically Correct” were associated with the dogmatic application of Stalinist doctrine, debated between formal Communists (members of the Communist Party) and Socialists. The phrase was a colloquialism referring to the Communist party line, which provided for “correct” positions on many matters of politics. According to American educator Herbert Kohl writing about debates in New York in the late 1940s and early 1950s. “
Writing about Stalinism and watching its ubiquitous application in the 21st century, I was offering my vision of the matter in the preceding columns:
“… Political Correctness is a Stalinist policy, driven by the political agenda, a skillfully crafted design of quintessential system of leis and a long-term strategy of war against Western civilization and creation of One World Government.” It is an addition to many other pages written by me in my books and articles about Stalin’s incredible ability to mislead, lie, and defraud. I have to remind you again, Stalin was such a skillful political intriguer that vast majority of people in the Soviet Union not only believed him, but adored him as a Messiah. Nobody could compete with him in the art of intrigues. Political Correctness had no opponents and reigned in the country—we lived inside a gigantic network of falsehood…
Look at America today. Due to the constant efforts of Obama/Putin joint venture America is drastically transformed, like us, living in the Soviet Union, America lives today inside a gigantic network of falsehood created by Political Correctness. And this is not the end of the resemblances: our economy is going down the tube, our morals are in its lowest level ever. Where is our patriotism, when 55 percent of young people planned to leave the country? Perhaps this is the time to remind you also of a prediction made in the end of 1940s or in the beginning of 1950s. “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” Joseph Stalin.
There are three major components acknowledged by Stalin; American Patriotism, our morality, and our spiritual life. If you analyze them and the following statement you will see a criminal intent in the author’s mind—the negative outcome is the desire to undermine all three. Don’t you see an obvious result of that in America today? If you don’t, you are blind and deaf. In my opinion, Trump was about to crash the fraudulent walls of a gigantic network of falsehood and the incompetent leadership of the GOP tried to prevent it. They do not know that secrecy and deception are the main strategy, two arms of Stalin’s Political Correctness.
I am for Trump, because he is frustrated like I am and millions of Americans, We all together with Trump want to prevent the destruction of America the Beautiful that is going on before our eyes every day under the treacherous leadership of Obama and his party called Democratic. The nuclear agreement with Iran is the epitome of Stalin’s Political Correctness. It illustrates quintessential lies in form and substance and criminal desire to undermine the security of America and Western civilization. It assists, promotes, and furtheres a final “crack-up of the world” as Trump claims.
Maureen Dowd is one of the victims of Political Correctness like many other Democrats. She is very wrong describing Obama as ”a charming new comer like Barack Obama, ascending like a political Pegasus…” Ms. Dowd is one of many blind and the deaf individuals characterizing Obama this way. Using her words, I would call him “a pig in the poke or a pig who pokes.” I have to admit those are very soft words, my real opinion on Obama you will find in my books and articles.
To be continued at
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