Two Hundred Retired U.S. Generals and Admirals sign letter opposing Iran Nuke Deal
Retired Admirals and Generals are still usually subject to the UCMJ and do not speak their opinions on political matters without some risk. Speaking out against the Commander in Chief could be a big no no. So when you have 200 opposing the C in C, that is significant.
NOTE: Many of the signatories served in the White House, under Democratic administrations as well as Republican. The only thing they appear to have in common is that they consider the Iran nuclear deal a threat to U.S. interests in the region and its own national security.
As Reported By Times of Israel:
Letter signed by former officers and navy admirals says nuclear agreement will enable Tehran to become ‘far more dangerous’
Nearly 200 retired US generals, admirals and former political officials have come out strongly against the Iran nuclear accord, and have called upon Congress to sink the aon the grounds that it will “enable Iran to become far more dangerous.”
Among the signatories are top former career officers from every branch of the US military, as well as officials who have served in the White House, under both Democratic and Republican administrations, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.
“The agreement will enable Iran to become far more dangerous, render the Mideast still more unstable and introduce new threats to American interests as well as our allies,” the letter, which was addressed to Republican and Democratic senators and congressmen, stated.
“What I don’t like about this is the number one leading radical Islamic group in the world is the Iranians,” McInerney
200 retired US generals lobby Congress to reject Iran deal | The Times of Israel
RELATED ARTICLE: Traitor Senators Took Money from Iran Lobby, Back Iran Nukes
EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on
Hey, I’m no intellectual. I am uneducated to a large extent. I am a nobody as far as the world is concerned. Who am I to say anything anyway? But seems pretty ridicules to give the most powerful weaponry known to man to the biggest enemy of America, Australia, England, Canada, and most of the Western world. Can you please tell me, what are you doing?