The double standard of the Ottawa Police and Canadian Mainstream Media

iranian flagI was attacked and injured by a Muslim Iranian woman in Ottawa in front of the Parliament Hill in 2009 for waving the Real Iran Flag (image of the Lion and Sun right) in my hand. Identifying the attacker took than over 3.5 years for Ottawa police. Actually, I found her by chance in Tony Young’s website, where she and her family were invited at Tony’s open house Xmas party in December 2011.

The Muslim woman who attacked me admitted  the assault and told the detective in charge of my case that she became very emotional and upset when she saw the old Iran flag waving in my hand and could not control her anger and storm toward me to vanish the flag.

But despite her confession, the Ottawa Police decided not to press any charges against her.

FYI , after she was identified, we were informed that the woman held American Green Card but lived mostly in Ottawa with one of her daughters whose immigration case was rejected by Canada due to failing her medical test where it was given so much publicity by Mainstream Media for. But non of those MSM were interested in interviewing me and giving publicity to the assault.

I do not have anything personally against my attacker but since we live in Canada, under the rule of law, we should all be treated equally without given favoritism. I did not leave Iran to come to Canada to be accosted and persecuted by the same law that victimized me in Iran. In Canada, under Mr. Trudeau’s power,  if someone  verbally says something that a Muslim might find it ;’offensive’, she/her will be charged on the Spot by the Police.  Ottawa. Hope you realize my point and I am sure if Christ was to judge me as a Christian, He would want me to speak up for my rights.

Shortly after reading my incident report, the Ottawa police Crown Prosecutor told the police detective that there may be a bad blood between the women!!!

I told the detective, “what Bad Blood, I never saw that woman in my life before, how could be there any bad blood?”  And after 3.5 years. I found who she was…

Please read the following email sent to me by the Ottawa Police detective:

From: Detective XX
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 23:01:29
To: Shabnam Asassadollahi
Subject: RE: Case # XX _The assault_ 2009 in front of the Parliament Hill

Hello Ms. Assadollahi, I have interviewed the people involved in this incident including the older woman.  After considering all the aspects of the matter, including the nature of the incident, the emotions and circumstances surrounding it, the absence of a continuation or repetition of the offence, the administration of justice, and directives from the court and crown attorney, no criminal charges will be laid in this matter.  It will be finalized by another measure which will indicate that the subject could have been charged but was not.  I am currently away from the office at the moment but will likely check my e-mail before I officially return.  Feel free to contact me by e-mail of by leaving a message at extension.

I am curious to know that if the above assault was vise-versa, how would the Ottawa Police conduct their judgment?

RELATED ARTICLE: Iran sentenced woman to be stoned on Human Rights Day

3 replies
  1. Ed
    Ed says:

    Its the age of Neo-Liberals. Its a shame that these people cannot find the disasters of Multiculturalism in Europe. Just look at the situation in the U.K., France and Sweden. People in those countries has had enough. People are concerned about being “nice”. Liberals and atheists love to bash Christianity but is silent about the persecution thay commit in the name of Islam. Byw, moderate Muslims and fundamentalist Muslims like the ISIS follow the same book.

  2. Anton Kyanq
    Anton Kyanq says:

    The rights belonging to an individual by virtue of citizenship allows him/her to exercise all equal rights and freedoms granted by the government of Canada.And, there is no partiality towards anyone, whether he or she has shown more love towards a special person, to let them go uncorrected and unpunished when they have broken the law and the order of the land. On which grounds the Detective cleared the case ? If they can’t do the Justice to a victim then why is there the need for Courts ?

  3. Diana
    Diana says:

    Looks like the book was closed due to “lack of public interest”.
    Ideologically it is a mistake because the public is misinformed as to what should peak their interest.
    Perhaps, if you know the identity you can take the private course and sue for damages.

    Thanks for informing that Canada is not a safe place to raise flags and show anti-Iranian sentiment as it will not be prosecuted. Hope this will change. Canada should be safe place for all.


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