Convert to Islam tries to take her 4-year-old son to join the Islamic State

The boy’s Muslim father is shocked! shocked! that this happened, and the Daily Mail takes for granted that this woman’s conversion to Islam had nothing whatsoever to do with her deciding to join the Islamic State. That all came later, when she was “brainwashed.” But if Franziska Mirella had never converted to Islam in the first place, would she have been susceptible to that “brainwashing”?

Franziska Mirella

Franziska Mirella before converting to Islam. Photo: CEN

“Swiss Muslim-convert mother is stopped at Turkish border trying to take her four-year-old boy to Syria to join ISIS after she was brainwashed by jihadists online,” by Tom Wyke, MailOnline, January 15, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A Swiss Muslim-convert has been arrested at the Turkish border on suspicion of intending to take her four-year-old son to Syria after being radicalised online by ISIS.

Franziska Mirella, 29, has been sent back to Switzerland where she could face trial for supporting a banned terror organisation.

Her Egyptian husband, Mahmoud, has been awarded custody of their four-year-old son Adam.

Franziska converted to Islam when she married her husband Mahmoud and moved to his homeland, Egypt.

While living in Egypt, she had started to follow increasingly radical Islamic services on the Internet, and according to her husband had come into contact with jihadists via social media.

Adam, 4-year old son of Franziska Mirella. Photo: CEN

Mahmoud, who married Franziska five years ago, said online jihadi supporters had convinced his wife that he was not a true Muslim.

They persuaded her together with her son to come to Syria in order to live under the caliphate.

Her family confirmed that she had started behaving strangely, even changing her name to Umm Adam, which means simply mother of Adam.

Franziska threw out all her son’s toys, deeming them ‘un-Islamic’ and banned him from watching television. Finally she sold everything she owned in order to fund their trip to Syria.

But the wannabe jihadi bride was stopped heading across the border from Greece into Turkey on her journey to Syria after her husband raised the alarm….


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