‘The State Baptizes Rampant Immorality with the Water of Consensus’

History tells us that what marks the decline and fall of civilizations is the state’s embrace of immorality. From ancient Greece to the Roman Empire to Venezuela.

Consensus is the opiate of the state.

The title of this column was taken from the article The Founding Father of Fascism by Jeffrey Tucker. In his column about British philosopher Thomas Carlyle Tucker wrote:

Why the state? Because within the state, all that is otherwise considered immoral, illegal, unseemly, and ghastly, can become, as blessed by the law, part of policy, civic virtue, and the forward motion of history. The state baptizes rampant immorality with the water of consensus. 

[ … ]

The exercise of such power necessarily requires the primacy of the nation state, and hence the protectionist and nativist impulses of the fascist mindset. [Emphasis added]

Russian born American Writer and Novelist, Ayn Rand wrote, “The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”

Are today’s uncontested absurdities created by public consensus, the state or something else? 

World Net Daily’s Janet Porter writes, “When you issue an invitation to predators to walk into women’s private dressing rooms and restrooms, don’t be surprised when they accept… [T]ransgenderism (men who identify as women and vice versa) is a mental disorder. Before the name calling and threats begin, I’m not the one who said that; the American Psychiatric Association is. The current APA “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” (DSM-5) states that “people whose gender at birth is contrary to the one they identify with” are diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” – a mental disorder.” Read more.

obamagayMany believe that America is in decline because its leaders are embracing immorality, they fail to distinguish evil from good, wrong from right, rhetoric from reality. 

In The ‘Top Ten Absurdities’ of the Gender Confused/Genderphobic are these failures to distinguish reality from rhetoric:

  1. Questioning one’s birth sex (male/female) is the new normal.
  2. Calling someone a boy or girl is racist, bigoted and makes you a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
  3. Tolerance is a one-way-street (its my gender confused way or the highway).
  4. Buggery is normal and healthy behavior, procreating is evil.
  5. I can change my sex regardless of the laws of biology, science and genetics.
  6. By simply changing my appearance, I am the sex I am portraying.
  7. The needs of the 2% (gays) outweigh the needs of the 98% (straights).
  8. It is okay to become a priest or boy scout leader in order to have sex with an underage boy.
  9. Child pornography and pornography in general are healthy.
  10. Muslims are our friends, Christians and Jews are the enemy.

Genderphobia may be defined as:

An overwhelming and unreasonable fear of forces that cause controversy, fragmentation, scandal, chaos or discord within the LGBTQ community, thereby disturbing homosexual peace and order, which requires immediate and brutal condemnation.

Genderphobia has led to a movement where the absurd (the quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable) has become the norm and national public policy. Among those exhibiting Genderphobia, i.e. ridiculous and unreasonable qualities, are politicians, Hollywood stars, university professors, public school teachers, parents and their children.

Does the genderphobic state fail to distinguish evil from good, wrong from right, rhetoric from reality? Since the 1950s we have seen the absurd become America’s official ideology.

Is it now time for mankind to embrace good, right and reality?

The state has been the creator of our most profound absurdities.

Is it time to reign in the state before it becomes so powerful that is holds the reigns of the the people?

That is the question.


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EDITORS NOTE: If you have other “gender confused” absurdities please add them in the comments section below. We will be posting other Top Ten Absurdities lists. If you have any areas of interest please note them in the comments section.

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