Obama Only Knows How To Stand Down

Not only has Obama essentially issued a stand down order to our entire federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies when dealing with the increasing Islamic war occurring on American soil, but he implies a passive response from all Americans as he would have us lay down our arms in response to an attack.

With every passing Islamic jihadi attack, he proves the only position he expects from us all is to submit to Islam and take the violence they dish out as discipline for our overly Islamophobic responses to their peaceful culture and our freedom to own and use guns to protect ourselves.

The Stand Down order is a military order given to put a halt on offensive actions. In Benghazi the same order was given to those brave security operators who were told to do nothing in the wake of an Islamic group attacking the Americans at the US diplomatic facilities. This order to withhold life-saving assistance in Libya was given even as the operators were armed and ready to defend their fellow Americans. Thankfully they broke those orders and acted on their conscience or 25 Americans would be six feet under today.

The same order has been implied from the Commander in Chief to our law enforcement departments and agencies including the DHS and FBI. There have been numerous occasions of the FBI initiating investigations on individuals with either terrorist ties or expressing their allegiance to Islamic State, Al Qaeda and others only to have the cases closed or agents reportedly receiving reprimands for pursuing those who are Muslims.

Look at Orlando’s jihadi, Omar Marteen. He was questioned three times and investigated twice by FBI agents for having terrorist ties and making contact with a suicide bomber, but the case was closed with no charges filed. Why?

According to Philip Haney, former member of the National Targeting Center’s unit, whose job was to filter through information on people for possible terrorists or weapons used by them, the FBI didn’t use the same analysis that he used to connect the dots from Marteen to the Fort Pierce Mosque he attended.

According to a WND article,

“As a member of one of the National Targeting Center’s advanced units, Haney helped develop a case in 2011 on a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaat, as he recounts in his new book “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.”Within a few months, the case drew the “concern” of the State Department and the DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office because the Obama administration believed it unfairly singled out Muslims. The intelligence, however, had been used to connect members of the movement to several terrorist organizations and financing at the highest levels, including for Hamas and al-Qaida.”

Haney correctly uncovered connections between different Islamic terrorist organizations yet the way the DHS and the State Department reward him is to discarded some 67 reports related to information he compiled that would enable the FBI to identify possible terrorist threats as well as the loss of his job.

Clearly the message goes out from the top down that you will not be tolerated for linking Muslims with terrorism. Obama’s livid response to Trump calling him out on his glaring omission of the term radical Islam is indicative of his protective stance of Islam.

When you have the President leading by stating, the guns are the enemynarrative after every Islamic terrorist attack, why would you engage an enemy that is never named. A stand down order is what can be taken from his lack identifying our enemies are Islamic terrorists, but instead an inanimate objects…guns.

Moreover, the focus for Obama’s entire presidency has been one of empowering the Islamic narrative inside the White House and among his administration. What we have been experiencing for the past eight years is trickle-down Islamophilia that has colored our national security department’s and law enforcement’s response to Muslim suspects.

How else can one explain the insulting response of Mayor Jim Kenney, who said of the execution-like attack on one of his police officers back in January by a man dressed in Muslim garb and later admitted pledging allegiance to Islamic State and following Allah,

“The shooting had nothing to do with Islam. It does not represent the religion in any shape or form or any of the teachings.”

The denial about the motivations of jihadists by Obama has affected many in leadership positions and according to Gen. Jerry Boykin has definitely touched our law enforcement officers. He said,

“people at every level are gun-shy about dealing with Muslims. There is tremendous pressure to show Muslims favor and treat them differently than others, based on information that I am getting from my contacts. The Jihadist[s] have us right where they want us. We are going all out now to pander to the enemy and to appease the same people who are here to destroy us,”

Americans need to take a lesson from the Benghazi warriors and act with our conscience in the face of Islamic terrorist attacks. There is no winning from a Stand Down position. Obama is telling us to lay down our weapons while Islamic leaders are screaming at Muslims to pick up theirs. He has placed himself 180 degrees in opposition to his oath of office and deserves nothing less than to be tried for treason. See video:


House GOP Leaders Set To Endorse Obama’s Failed Anti-JIhad Strategy

Why can’t Obama just tell Americans the truth about the Orlando attack and radical Islam?

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