Florida State Rep. Mike Hill (R-Pensacola) takes on the GOP establishment to defend Liberty

The great state of Florida had the opportunity to pass House Bill 3 (HB3) – “Andy’s Law” which would have given the victims of terror attacks the legal recourse to fight for compensation from the perpetrators of such terror.

State Representative Mike Hill – Republican from Pensacola Florida, co-sponsored “Andy’s Law” which would have helped the victims of the Orlando mass Muslim killing fight back.

But the GOP establishment (GOPe) in Tallahassee let the bill die and fade away into the night like an ISIS terrorist being released from Guantanamo Bay.

State Representative Mike Hill has challenged the GOPe to do their job and he wanted answers as to why his bill was left to die after being approved all the way up the legislative chain of command.

It would have taken 5 minutes to get this law passed. But no the GOPe had to bury it in a political posture to hurt Hill because they dislike the fact he stands for freedom and fights tyranny even in the face of the establishment Republican Party.

He just shone a light on the GOPe’s main guy Steve Crisifulli, who was the reason Andy’s Law was not passed. Florida is the third most populous state in the union and Floridians need this bill passed.

This is significant national defense legislation that could easily have passed and been voted into law had it not been for Steve Crisifulli.

State Representative Mike Hill is a great patriot and is now  working very closely with Texas State Senator Bob Hall to develop an interstate compact bill to stop refugee settlements both in Texas and Florida.  We must stop people from terrorist nations moving into this country.

I am sure Representative Hill has now become a political target for standing up and doing the right thing.

So lets stand up for State Representative Mike Hill and get behind him either as a volunteer to help his campaign and or send him a contribution to help him run TV ads.

Thanks everyone for helping this man keep our nation operating within the confines of the US Constitution.

Good job State Representative  Mike Hill  for having the guts to stand up to those GOP establishment folks hurting this state and this country.

“Mike, when Republicans don’t like you and when Democrats don’t like you then you are the man we need in office…”

RELATED ARTICLE: Document Reveals Omar Mateen’s Father Tied to Radical Islamist Groups by Abha Shankar

EDITORS NOTE: If wish to support the Mike Hill campaign visit to www.votemikehill.com.

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