Florida Ground Zero for Voter Fraud: Broward County Supervisor Changes Absentee Ballot Rules

Part II:  Investigative Report on Voter Fraud in Florida

In my previous article, I revealed that a lawsuit had been filed against Broward County Supervisor of Elections Dr. Brenda Snipes, which alleges that voter rolls have not been properly maintained, in accordance with federal law.  Moreover, citizen complaints against Dr. Snipes to clean up the voter rolls date back to October 2015 and no overt actions have been taken to address this.

Another component of voting that has a potential for fraud is Early Voting, which provides a minefield of opportunities for a determined S.O.E. to change the outcome of an election, which is executed through voter dilution and is the ‘tool of choice’ for those engaging in election fraud.  This was evident in a Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement investigation of the 1997 Miami mayoral election which uncovered massive fraud involving more than five thousand absentee ballots, which resulted in the overturning of the election itself.

In Broward County, S.O.E. Snipes and her Registration Director, Mary Hall has received the following registered complaints during Regular and Early Voting:

  • Poll workers were not asking potential voters for their ID’s
  • Poll workers did not challenge potential voters when their signature did not match their ID
  • Eyewitness testimony that Broward poll workers were instructed not to ask for a proper ID
  • Individuals returning to vote twice were not challenged
  • No early voting sites were established in many Republican districts
  • Partisan ratio of scanners in precincts
  • Insufficient number of scanners in Republican districts resulting in long lines of people to wait vote (in the hot sun)
  • Voters were instructed to place their ballots in a box when the only assigned scanner in that precinct malfunctioned
  • Favored Democrats by adding early voting sites in their districts
  • Disenfranchisement tactic: No ballots at selected sites because they ran out of ballots
  • Disenfranchisement tactic: Doors locked at designated opening time of early voting site
  • Disenfranchisement tactic: Closing early voting sites earlier than posted
  • Busloads of H.S. students dropped off to vote and then bribed with lunches
  • Ballot-stuffing empirical eyewitness account of a 6” pile of un-scanned but filled out ballots placed in collection well of a scanner by an IT worker

Now a red flag is raised after Dr. Snipes recently submitted a press release in which she states that she has changed the rules; this time with absentee ballots, which she has renamed ‘vote by mail ballots.’ The press release states that people can bring up to 10 absentee ballots to 11 of the 20 Early Voting Sites.  This unethical procedure is a first, as no previous election has permitted Absentee Ballots to be “voted” at an Early Voting Site.  In the past, Absentee ballots could be mailed in by the voter or turned in at the S.O.E.’s office or the auxiliary S.O.E office.  The number of ballots that could be turned in by any one person had a limit as well. Florida statues state’ “Any elector may designate in writing a person to pick up the ballot for the elector; however the person designated may not pick up more than two vote-by-mail absentee ballots per election, other than the designee’s own ballot.” Could this be a subliminal manipulation leading to widespread voter fraud?  It certainly appears to be suspicious especially because there is no reasonable way to monitor this activity with so many early voting sites. Furthermore, an alarm is raised because of the unpredictable timing of this rule change, three days before the execution of early voting, which begins Saturday, August 20th.

Despite the fact that a lawsuit has been filed against Dr. Snipes for dereliction of duty for not maintaining proper voting rolls, now she is OVERTLY VIOLATING FLORIDA VOTING STATUTES.  Where is the oversight to reign in a rogue S.O.E that has the power to change laws?

The voting public needs to insist that Tallahassee will provide prosecutors and then issue a warning right before Election Day that fraudsters will be prosecuted.  It should be made universally known, that a person who commits or attempts to commit any fraud in connection with voting, uses a fraudulent ballot, or votes more than once in an election can be convicted of a felony of the third degree and fined up to $5,000, and /or imprisoned for up to five years, in accordance with Florida Statue 101.657.

RPOF letter to Brenda Snipes on violating Florida law governing vote-by-mail ballots dated November 2nd, 2016:



Fox News: Florida GOP Will File Voter Fraud Lawsuit Thursday, November 3rd, 2016

FL GOP Accuses Election Officials of Opening Mail-In Ballots

Broward County Creates Phantom District to Allow Illegal Voting

Voter Fraud Is Real. Here Are 4 More Cases

Virginia Hasn’t Stopped Noncitizens From Voting, Watchdog Finds


“Who’s Counting?” John Fund, Hans Von Spakovsky

Florida Absentee Ballot Rules

3 replies
  1. Robert
    Robert says:

    Yes. Brenda Snipes office never sent out our absentee ballots and we were told by them to request again and again did not receive. We have now as of today request a third time. Unacceptable she is not competent as a manager.


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  1. […] my previous articles (here and here) I revealed Supervisor of Elections, Dr. Brenda Snipes has ignored both Federal and Florida Statues […]

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