FACT: Democrats have ‘Zero’ Moral Authority

Sure, everybody has the First Amendment right to say anything they want because the First Amendment does not require statements to be logical, rationale or even morally accurate. If it did, every Democrat is a felon, at least according to the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.
If that statement is too much for you to swallow, how about being a felon according to Natural Law?

Donald Trump, as ethically flawed as he may be, does NOT hold an existential and moral position that violates science, culture, common sense and Natural Law. Therefore, until such time Democrats repudiate a fundamental plank of their political platform they may wax eloquently about the “sins” of Trump, but they do it to their own ethical demise, abandoning all moral authority to be taken seriously, as least by clear-thinking people.

Now, I will make my bulletproof case.

FACT: The science is absolute as evidenced by a simple sonogram; that which is in a woman’s womb is a living, growing human being. You can argue this FACT, but to do so makes you an ass or even worse, a LIAR.

FACT: Abortion KILLS this living, growing human being, half of who are female. You can argue this FACT, but to do so makes you an ass or even worse, a LIAR.

FACT: Though the “law” allows abortion the “law” does not magically change the absolute FACT that abortion KILLS this living, growing human being, half of who are female. You can argue this FACT, but to do so makes you an ass or even worse, a LIAR.

FACT: Historically, the killing of living, growing humans was the MOST grievous of moral and unlawful actions, I think even worse than making vulgar sexual comments about women.

FACT: The 2016 Democrat Political Platform, the core of Democrat political and moral philosophy elevates the killing of living, growing humans, half of who are female, to the level of personal freedom to be celebrated and honored.

QUESTION: How can any Democrat, from one side of their mouth proclaim that abortion is the celebration of personal freedom (the position of the 2016 Democrat Platform) and from the other side of their mouth judge the abhorrent sexual words of Donald Trump without understanding the illogical, hypocritical, absurd moral position they hold?


Democratic Platform on Abortion:

Securing Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice

Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally, like the majority
of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured. We believe that reproductive health is core to women’s, men’s, and young people’s health and well being. We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, which provide critical health services to millions of people. We will continue to oppose and seek to overturn federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment.

Republican Platform on Abortion:

The Fifth Amendment: Protecting Human Life

The Constitution’s guarantee that no one can “be deprived of life, liberty or property” deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence’s proclamation that “all” are “endowed by their Creator” with the inalienable right to life.
Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections
apply to children before birth.


If the full context of the Access Hollywood video confirms the vile statements, Donald Trump needs to be judged and condemned for the words he said about women in a private conversation, eleven years ago, when he was a Democrat… but NOT by any Democrat who believes in their own political platform.

RELATED VIDEO: Abortion is Criminal according to the Constitution By Jake MacAulay.

2 replies
  1. JD
    JD says:

    Wonderful and thought provoking piece! Hillary and her co-conspirators, on behalf of the most elite, globalist cabal, is UNFIT to serve even as dog catcher! As the leader of her misguided and evil cult following, she has earned the ‘special prosecutor’ to investigate her traitorous, self-serving past, at the expense of those citizens who worked hard all those years to pay her for services rendered. She intentionally destroyed US Government property and no amount of pleading ignorant can excuse her for those overt acts. God bless America and ANY alternative to the Democrat Party / Communist party candidate.

  2. Kelly Davis
    Kelly Davis says:

    I do not know how I found your web sight but find it I did and read it I did. I appreciate the fact that you allow comment and rebuttal of your opinion, although, I do not thing rebuttal is what you had in mind when you allowed for reply. Rebuttal is what you shall get.

    I shall be brief as I can be, I need make only a few points, and I believe only those few are necessary. First though, you and I will never agree on the main issue, never. In the end though, we must strive for some common ground, it is to that end that I must place my rebuttal, so when you reply, please do not do so in anger, but strive to do so in thought, and strive for common ground. That is all I ask.

    First, I will concede your Facts with the stipulation that you change the word Human Being to Fetus. This is a Medical Definition. The reason is simple. A Human Being is something that can live outside of the womb. A Fetus cannot. While in the Womb a Fetus can look like a Human, move like one, even make sounds like one, but for many, many reasons, cannot live like one. These reasons, most of which are not even related to humans and abortion more often than not result in the Fetus being aborted for one reason or other by Mother Nature.

    This is not by the choice of the parents, the state, the Doctor, or by anybody. It just happens, and if you know anybody it has happened to, it can be very, very devastating. Hence, It is always best to refer to the unborn as the Fetus. That said, The feelings are there

    Several times you make the assertion:
    “You can argue this FACT, but to do so makes you an ass or even worse, a LIAR.” Why do your facts have a threat/insult at the end of them? Do you not have faith in them? I find it confusing.

    As it stands I think these are your facts:
    1. The science is absolute as evidenced by a simple sonogram; that which is in a woman’s womb is a living, growing Fetus.
    2. Abortion KILLS this living, growing Fetus’s, half of who are female. (ergo, the other half are male we assume).
    3. It’s Legal (I reworded it).
    4. Historically, the killing of living, growing humans was the MOST grievous of moral and unlawful actions, (I think even worse than making vulgar sexual comments about women –> Really, you had to put a link to Trump’s admitted Sex Crime in here. If you want to talk about that we can, but lets not. By the way, I am a man).

    Assertion – The 2016 Democrat Political Platform, the core of Democrat political and moral philosophy elevates the killing of living, growing humans, half of who are female, to the level of personal freedom to be celebrated and honored.

    I don’t think I need to copy down anything else you wrote. First, let my say why I wrote your fact as an assertion. You state that the Democrat Political Platform elevates the killing of living, growing humans, and you keep mention that half of them are women as if that is any consequence. The problem is that is just not true. The Party is committed, as you wrote to “Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice.”. That is not celebrating killing of living growing humans. That is working toward ensuring that everyone has equal access to reproductive health. What that might mean for some young woman is access to a doctor after she has been molested by a seventy-five year old Trump, or, much more likely she just needs well baby care and she can’t afford it.

    The problem is that you see Democrat and you think to yourself “Abortion, baby killer.” And the truth is much more along the lines of ” Democrat: Abortion should be safe, legal, and very, very, rare. Because at the end of the day it is going to happen whether you like it or not. The difference is that in the Democrats case it is legal and therefore regulated and safe, and in your case it is not legal and therefore not regulated and somebody probably dies from sepsis.

    So, the thing is You think Trump’s penchant for “Lock Room” naughty words should just be excused because Democrats champion people who need access to abortion? Would you want Trump to have access to your daughter when you aren’t looking? Would you trust him with your wife? I bet you would trust a democrat with your daughter and wife, I know you do because they are already in your life.

    So, I mentioned common ground. This is it: Abortion stays legal, but maybe we talk about how to make it more rare. That’s all that really matters. Trump is going to loose in November, but that’s his fault.



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