BBC launches ‘Real Housewives of ISIS’ reality show — ISIS and Trump respond
Twitter and Facebook are ablaze with reviews of the new British Broadcasting Corporation’s (BBC) reality show “Real Housewives of ISIS.” It takes us into the real lives of the women who marry the followers of Mohammed. We see first hand how they struggle with day to day life as the wives of Soldiers of Allah.
Here is a Tweet from MelaninPls:
To which Chris Beale replies in a Tweet, “The same people claiming The Real Housewives of ISIS is mocking Islam are the same people who claim ISIS is nothing to do with Islam.” @MelaninPls, we don’t find your religion funny either. So much for tolerance from the religion of peace.
One of the ISIS wives Afsana says, “It’s only three days until the beheading and I have no idea what I’m going to wear.” Should she wear the black burka or the black burka. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Another wife Mel, from Syria, loves the free healthcare provided by ISIS, some are wondering if she signed up for Obamacare online?!
Here is clip taken from the explosive, pun intended, Episode 1 of the BBC reality show “Real Housewives of ISIS”:
As the wives, using their I[SIS]Phones, post #DeathToTheWest, using an ISIS emoji, they wonder about their future married to suicide bombers. Will they receive benefits, public housing and a place in paradise?
What does a ISIS wife get in paradise, one might ask, if she dies to create the Caliphate? Why she gets to be one of the 72 virgins used by those Muslims who are in paradise. Every night, after having mad and passionate sex with a shahid (martyr) these real wives will revirginate and return to be bedded once again, oh joy.
The Islamic State’s (ISIS) Amaq News Agency in a press release noted:
Our soldiers of Allah are big fans of the BBC and watch the Real Housewives of ISIS to decompress after a hard day on the battlefield killing infidels.
Our brothers wrongfully imprisoned in Gitmo [Guantanamo Bay] for their religious beliefs are excited about being pardoned by President Barrack Hussein Obama as he leaves office. They plan to return to us in Syria and Iraq to continue the fight against Islamophobia and the bigoted and hateful Christian Donald J. Trump.
Thank you BBC and President Obama for creating and sustaining us.
Donald Trump in a tweet said, “ISIS, your fired!”
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire fake news first appeared on Qatar’s TMZ (The Muslim Zone) network.
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