VIDEO: DHS Whistle-blower ready to help President Trump ‘Drain the Swamp’
In a December 2016 WorldNet Daily column by Leo Hohmann former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agent Philip B. Haney stated:
CVE [Countering Violent Extremism policy] is similar in many ways to the ‘catch and release’ program Obama has implemented at the border. You have a person in custody, you question them, but then you let them go.
That’s exactly what German authorities did with 24-year-old Anis Amri, a native of Tunisia who came to Europe as an illegal alien, first arriving in Italy seven years ago as a teenager. He was convicted of arson and spent four years in prison, was released and made his way to Germany in July 2015.
Hohmann notes:
The CVE program is rooted in United Nations Agenda 2030 principles on migrant rights, which are adopted by sanctuary cities throughout the world. The principles of CVE are being implemented in city police departments worldwide through the U.N.’s Strong Cities Network, as well as through the U.N. New Urban Agenda.
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Haney said President-elect Donald Trump must do away with the suicidal CVE policies installed by Obama, because these policies are more concerned with violating the civil rights and civil liberties of Islamic radicals than they are with protecting America.
The first step to drain the swamp in the DHS is to eliminate CVE. Please listen to Haney explain how the DHS must be reoriented to a law enforcement model to keep America and Americans safe:
The CVE polices installed by Obama & the UN must be done away with. We must fight back against terrorism.